After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 210, Information on the Great Qin Powerhouse

Zhuo Lingyan: "..." I felt that my heart was hit by 10,000 critical hits.

This dead Meng Xing is still gloating about misfortune. Does this mean that Zhuo Lingyan doesn't look good?

My dignified saint, the future head of Lei Zong, was actually despised by you like this?

Zhuo Ling ate all the smoke in front of the breakfast, and didn't want to pay attention to this guy who would only irritate people.

Meng Xing glanced at her, yes, yes, she still looked like a fairy in the sky, with similar demeanor and posture, Lei Zong's good education played a big role.

Compared to the hearty Xiao Yuluo, the glamorous Liu Shiyun, the noble and cold Princess Yangping, and the black-bellied Luo Yao, this little girl is indeed more like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks.

After Zhuo Lingyan finished breakfast, the two of them teleported through the array together and appeared in the princess' mansion, the guest room where Zhuo Lingyan lived.

The two of them came out together, and the maid who was standing outside the door was stunned. She didn't understand how a man suddenly appeared in the room. She stared at Meng Xing strangely, thinking that this man would not serve the princess' friend all night. Bar? It's no wonder that the princess' friends don't have to serve themselves, and everyone has beautiful men to serve and sleep.

The maid suddenly appeared.

Naturally, Zhuo Lingyan would not have thought that people's imaginations were so rich, and she would not care if she thought about it, and she only acted according to her own mind.

When the two came to the front hall, Princess Yangping was also slightly taken aback, but knowing that Lei Zong's magic was powerful, Zhuo Lingyan wanted to bring people in quietly, which was easy, and the guards couldn't find it.

Princess Yangping also has the skills to cultivate the martial arts system, and her cultivation base is also in the seventh-grade spiritual realm, so she naturally knows that Lei Zong's Taoist system is powerful.

Meng Xing clasped his fists and said, "Princess!"

Princess Yangping nodded slightly, let the two sit down, and then handed Meng Xing a file.

Meng Xing looked over carefully.

"The Sect Master of Jue Shen Sect has absolutely no wind, and the second-grade Taoist realm is about to break through the first-grade holy realm..."

"Ye Chen, the suzerain of Daomen Lei Zong, is a first-grade land fairy. It is said that he is expected to reach the legendary realm of Dao Zun. He is already three thousand years old and has a long lifespan. No one dares to provoke..."

"The Western Regions Buddhism, Garuda Bodhisattva, Jinnara Bodhisattva, the realm of the first-rank Bodhisattva, is the strongest powerhouse in the Western Regions..."

Buddhism in the Western Regions is so powerful that there are actually two first-rank Bodhisattva experts. Meng Xing was secretly surprised.

The Buddhists of the Western Regions have always wanted to invade Daqin and spread the Dharma in Daqin, but because of Lei Zong and Chanlin Temple, their plans have been hindered.

"Chanlin Temple presides over Guangji Bodhisattva, the realm of the first-grade Bodhisattva, with a special Vajra dharma and unparalleled combat power; Master Shikong, the second-grade Arhat Realm..."

The strength of Zenlin Temple is also very strong. No wonder the Jue Shenzong did not dare to provoke Zenlin Temple easily in the ancient tomb last time.

"The lord of the Heavenly Demon Kingdom, the Queen of Fox Charm, is a nine-tailed celestial fox, a first-grade demon god, with nine lives..."

"The lord of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom, the wolf swallowing the sky, the descendant of the Heavenly Wolf, the second-rank Heavenly Demon Realm, was originally the lord of the nine-tailed celestial fox. After reaching the second-rank, he established his own country, but some people suspect that he has broken through the second-rank. , is a first-grade demon god."

"The leader of the Gorefiend Sect of the Demon Gate, Gu Luotian, the realm of the second-rank Demon Lord. It is said that some people suspect that the previous leader of the Gorefiend Sect, Xue Luo, has been resurrected and is attacking the first-rank with all his strength. Back then, there was absolutely no wind who killed the blood of the second-rank realm."

"Gods and demons are born in heaven and earth and live overseas. The known gods and demons are the white deer gods and demons, the python gods and the phoenix gods, and their combat power is superior..."

"The leader of the Huanghuo Sect, Su Xianyun, is now the national teacher of Daqin, the second-rank Taoist sect has crossed the tribulation realm, and is about to become a land immortal. The former leader of the Huanghuo Sect, a member of the Lei Sect of the Taoist Sect, had a conflict of interest with the Sect Master Lei Zong, so he left Lei Zong. Zong, established the Huanghuo Sect, and inherited it by his daughter Su Xianyun after his death..."


Meng Xing read it carefully. He didn't expect Daqin and its surroundings to have such a strong person. He couldn't defeat each of them. With his little strength, he could only become cannon fodder at best.

But among these people, who is most likely to kidnap the Sect Master of Zhenwu Sect? Except for the God-Absolute Sect Sect Master who needs the Heaven-level Cultivation Techniques of the martial arts system, others probably don't need it, so the most likely is the God-Absolute Sect Sect Master.

"Sanxiu, the ancestor of Hengkui, the second-rank powerhouse of the martial arts system, was a disciple of the Jue Shenzong at the time, and he did not agree with the concept of the Jue Shenzong sect master.

Well, this Hengkui ancestor, I am afraid that he also needs Dayan Zhenjing to help him break through the second rank.


Meng Xing closed the dossier and gave it back to Princess Yangping, saying, "Thank you, Princess. The information collected by the princess is very complete, and I have a basic understanding of the powerful people in Daqin. These materials cannot be found in Zhenwuzong at all. ."

"Have you gained anything?" Princess Yangping said in a cold tone.

"I have some ideas." Meng Xing didn't say much.

Among these powerhouses, the last possibility is the Absolute God Sect. It seems that if you want to find out, you can only go to the Absolute God Sect.

But with his current strength, he would undoubtedly die.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to that Hengkui ancestor, he may also rob the sect master.

Princess Yangping didn't ask any further questions, she turned her head and chatted with Zhuo Lingyan.

At this moment, a guard walked in, cupped his hands and said, "Princess, something happened in the Imperial College."

"Speak!" Princess Yangping responded succinctly.

"The Ding Hai Shi we saw yesterday was killed, and two other students were killed at the same time," the guard reported.

"Where's Meng Chunhui from Qingfeng Academy?"

"There are no dead people in Qingfeng Academy. Now the arresting officer of Jingzhao Mansion has already arrested Meng Chunhui for interrogation. It is suspected that he ordered someone to do it." The guard said.

"There are also people who suspect that Young Master Meng did it, because Young Master Meng's poems were plagiarized by Ding Hai Shi, saying that he may have a grudge." The guard hesitated for a while, then said.

Meng Xing was a little speechless, but he was lying on the gun. He didn't do anything at all, and he was suspected.

"It's impossible. Young Master Meng has no actual conflict of interest with those people. It just doesn't make sense to kill someone just because of a poem." Princess Yangping said.

"It's still the princess who can see clearly." Meng Xing said.

"Right now, the mansion's arresting officer is looking for Meng Xing, and even went to the house he bought yesterday to check, thinking that Young Master Meng has escaped," the guard said.

"Young Master Meng has always been here with me, how can you escape? Go and tell them, just say that Young Master Meng is here with me, and he didn't kill him at all. Check the others." Princess Yangping frowned and said.

"Okay. I'll go and talk to them now."

After the guard finished speaking, he backed out.

"Did you buy a house yesterday?" Zhuo Lingyan said in surprise.

"Yes, I bought it with two friends from Soul Angel Yamen." Meng Xing said.

The yamen of Jingzhao Mansion was quick to find out that he bought the house so quickly. And Princess Yangping is not simple, there are many eyes and ears in this capital, she can grasp any troubles.

"You still know people from the Soul Angel Yamen?" Princess Yangping also asked strangely.

He has been staying in Zhenwuzong, how did he know him? You must know that people who are soul angels are not accessible to ordinary people.

"Yeah! I met in Guangyang County. They went to investigate, and all the disciples of our True Martial Sect went to help." Meng Xing said.

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