After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and forty-four, outing

Meng Xing came to the princess' mansion very early, sat in the hall drinking tea, and waited for Princess Yangping and Zhuo Lingyan to dress up.

After half an hour, two women came out. Princess Yangping is still dressed in a cool and noble way, but Zhuo Lingyan is dressed as a fairy.

"Yesterday still got nothing?" Princess Yangping asked.

"Yeah. I've traveled all over the inner city, but I still haven't found anything." Meng Xing said.

"But I heard that you went to the Yichun Courtyard, and you also competed with Xing Yixuan for the oiran lady." Princess Yangping's expression was still cold, making it impossible to tell whether she was angry or not.

Meng Xing almost spit out a sip of tea and forcibly held back. Did this princess send someone to follow her? Could it be that those two servants were sent by the princess?

He coughed and said, "I'm going to Yichun Court to check if there is anyone from the Demon Sect."

"Really?" Princess Yangping replied with a blank expression, and then walked out first.

Zhuo Lingyan looked at Meng Xing up and down, and said, "Big radish with a big heart!"

Meng Xing followed behind with a wry smile. The emperor of the Qin Dynasty had three palaces and six courtyards. Of those noble princes, which one is not the one with three wives and four concubines? They also go to the brothel and Jiaosifang to hang out every day, and no one dares to say anything.

Princess Yangping got into her luxurious golden nanmu carriage, and Zhuo Lingyan naturally sat with the princess.

Meng Xing was still riding a steed, escorting him to the side, guarded by soldiers on both sides, and driving mightily out of the city. Along the way, there were also carriages of other young ladies and gentlemen, forming a longer queue, which attracted the attention of passers-by.

All the way out of the city,

Go straight to Qingyun Mountain in the western suburbs, about 30 miles away from the capital.

After walking for more than an hour, I finally came to the foot of Qingyun Mountain.

This Qingyun Mountain is not high, only about six or seven hundred meters.

At the foot of the mountain, there were already some noble sons and young ladies, among them, the little Marquis surnamed Lu, surrounded by some talented men in Confucian shirts.

When the princess' carriage drove here, some little princes and county masters came over to say hello.

Little Marquis Lu Qingshu's eyes lit up, he hurried over, cupped his hands and said, "See Your Royal Highness!"

A group of talented people behind him also saluted, and Lu Qingshu introduced them, including famous poets and calligraphers in the capital, some good at qin, and some good at chess and painting.

Lu Qingshu smiled and said, "The princess is a female champion. She likes poetry, chess, calligraphy and painting, so I invited them to come and help the princess."

The cold and noble Princess Yangping nodded slightly: "I have a heart."

Lu Qingshu's face lit up with joy, and the princess said "I have a heart", indicating that he is somewhat satisfied with his actions.

Lu Qingshu glanced at Meng Xing, the head of the yamen really followed, but she was like the princess' personal bodyguard, and the fairy next to him was on a par with the princess.

Some maids and servants brought a table and placed it by the small lake at the foot of the mountain, and placed various fruit plates and refreshments.

Those little princes and county masters began to gather together in twos and threes to talk, eat some snacks and the like.

Meng Xing, Princess Yangping, and Zhuo Lingyan sat together, enjoying the lake and mountains while eating. Princess Yangping seems to be a little out of tune. She doesn't fit in with other little princes, princesses and the like. Instead, she likes to be alone.

After eating for a while, Zhuo Lingyan said, "Meng Xing, please help me paint."

You, a saint, don't concentrate on studying the formation method, and you will become stinky. Meng Xing thought to himself and said, "Is the thing I asked you to help me make the day before yesterday ready?"

"It's done." Zhuo Lingyan threw him a storage bag.

Meng Xing was not polite, and directly made the storage bag his own and put it away. Well, this storage bag can also be given to Senior Sister Xiao, Senior Sister Liu and the others. People in the martial arts system are not as rich as those from the Taoist sect. There are too few ways to make money, unless they rely on robbery.

Meng Xing set up his own special easel, spread the rice paper on the easel, and then began to grind ink.

"You stand in front, stand closer to the lake, and I'll paint you a picture." He pouted towards Zhuo Lingyan and said.

"Let's agree, if you want me to paint in the future, you have to pay or exchange it for something. The same goes for the princess."

"Bengong can pay, but the price can't be too high." Princess Yangping said lightly.

"It's cheaper for you. Thirty-two when you are free, and one hundred and two when you are busy." Meng Xing said.

"You really can make money. It's more than tripled when you're busy. When are you busy?" Princess Yangping said.

"For example, when I have something to do, it's called busy time, and when I have nothing to do, it's called normal time."

Whether you have something or not does not depend on your mouth. If you say something, it will be something, and nothing will become something. Princess Yangping snorted inwardly.

While speaking, Zhuo Lingyan was already standing by the lake, with open arms, standing like a fairy.

This situation immediately attracted the attention of other little princes, little princesses, little princes and the like, and they looked at them curiously.

"What is this for?"

"What is that shelf for? It's also covered with rice paper. Could it be used for writing? Is it convenient?"

"This is deliberately attention-grabbing, princess people, doing things is maverick."

Many aristocratic sons and young ladies were talking about it.

On the other hand, Lu Qingshu moved in his heart, walked over to the talented person who was good at painting, and said, "Painter Wang, you also go and paint a picture for that girl, she is the person next to the princess. Princess's attention, you will be able to walk steadily."

Painter Wang nodded, feeling a little excited. Today is an opportunity for him to show his talent. If he draws well and the princess likes him, he might not be attracted to him. Maybe he can really rise to the fore, and if he can become a concubine , I don't have to work hard in this life, and I can completely take the imperial examination without hard work.

As a result, a table was placed not far from Meng Xing and covered with rice paper. The painter Wang looked at Zhuo Lingyan and began to paint her.

On the other side, Meng Xing has already begun to outline Zhuo Lingyan's appearance, every stroke is very serious.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore, so they gathered together to watch how the two people painted.

"Hey! This painting method is a bit strange, it seems that I have never seen it before."

"What kind of gimmick is this? Intentionally attracting attention."

The people watching behind Meng Xing said, and then ran to see the painter Wang's practice, watching with great interest.

"It's still painter Wang's strong drawing skills, and he can draw the outline of a beautiful woman so quickly."

"Yeah, yeah! That person dressed as a guard will do a show. If you can't draw it, don't draw it. It'll be a shame for the princess for a while, but the princess doesn't even stop him."

The cold and noble Princess Yangping was still sitting there, as if those things had nothing to do with her, she slowly ate snacks and drank tea.

Lu Qingshu had a smile on his face. He deliberately let those talented people follow him, just to make this kid look conspicuous and slap him in the face when he was painting.

Lu Qingshu was worried that the princess would see that he was deliberately targeting Meng Xing, so he called everyone who knew chess, piano, calligraphy and painting. Of course, with the temperament of a princess, I will definitely like these too.

He was a little grateful to Meng Xing, if it wasn't for this guy, he wouldn't be able to think of a better way to please the princess.

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