After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and forty seventh, let you write poetry

The noble children and the royal children couldn't help shaking their heads. This Lu Qingshu invited a disciple of a big national player in the capital, and made it clear that he wanted to cheat Meng Xing's money.

The strength of the disciple of this great national player is second only to his master, and he is also very famous in the capital. Many people who like to play chess have been defeated by him.

This princess' bodyguard also got into Lu Qingshu for some reason. Although his painting skills are amazing and unique, many princesses and ladies like him, but when it comes to playing chess, he seems to have only a little understanding.

At such a level, I am afraid that even if you lose all your pants, you will not be able to win the disciples of the big players.

The third set started, but the talent was relaxed and easy, and Meng Xing was still very calm, as if he didn't care about winning or losing.

Your son, and my son, are inextricably killed on the chessboard. Everyone also saw that Meng Xing's level seemed to be improving, and he was able to persist with the other party for so long.

In the end, Meng Xing narrowly won the game, and Zhuo Lingyan, who was watching from the side, was even more excited than Meng Xing, and said a little excitedly: "Win, win!"

With a charming and affectionate smile on her face, she looks like a fairy, and the eyes of those noble disciples and royal disciples are straight.

In the fourth set, Meng Xing lost, and the five hundred taels of silver he had just won lost again.

Lu Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this guy was able to win just now because of his bad luck. After all, he was not a disciple of this great national player.

From the fifth set, Meng Xing won six sets in a row, minus the one thousand taels he lost, winning two thousand silvers.

Lu Qingshu and the talented chess player began to sweat on their foreheads.

Lu Qingshu was unwilling to lose like this, forcing the talented man to continue playing chess, but he kept losing, and then he began to play in person, winning once or twice, and then losing again, his eyes were red from the loss.

After doing the math, he actually lost 15,000 taels of silver, and he kept trying to fight back, but he kept losing, and his face was pale and pale.

Meng Xing said: "Little Marquis, do you still have money? If not, let's stop here."

Lu Qingshu gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want this brocade dress of mine? It's from Guiyizhai, and it's worth one hundred taels of silver."

"Forget it, don't. Do you want to go back naked? In front of these princesses and ladies, it's a little ugly."

Lu Qingshu said bitterly, "How can you keep winning? Have you been cheating?"

Meng Xing said: "Little Marquis, don't wrong a good person. I lost a lot of money at first, and I only knew a little about playing chess. Later, I gradually caught up with the rhythm, which shows that I have a good understanding and don't cheat at all. "

Lu Qingshu and the talented chess player recalled that this kid was really like this, but he didn't expect his brain to be so good.

Lu Qingshu felt a sullen feeling in his heart. Painting made this kid stand out. This time he played chess and even made this kid win a lot, but he was unlucky and lost 15,000 taels. Silver, it is too bloody.

Even as a noble child of the capital, it is not so easy to spend 15,000 taels of silver, which is equivalent to cutting flesh on one's own body.

But he didn't dare to cheat, not only because the other party was covered by a princess, but also because other noble disciples and children of the royal family were watching. If he cheated, his reputation would stink in the circle of these powerful people. No longer able to stand.

"Damn! It's really terrible!" Lu Qingshu gritted his teeth in his heart, but he had to put a smile on his face to prove that he didn't care about the lost money, but this smile was uglier than crying.

At this moment, a light rain suddenly started to fall from the sky. Those servants and maids quickly brought oil-paper umbrellas to shield their masters from the wind and rain, or to cover those tea and cakes, so as not to get wet in the rain.

For a while, the whole scene became a little flustered, but Lu Qingshu resolved a lot of embarrassment.

After a quarter of an hour, the light rain stopped, the air was moist, and the breeze was blowing, which made people feel extremely cool.

If a scholar who understands the talent of poetry realizes something, he starts to pick up a pen and write poetry on a piece of rice paper.

At first glance, Lu Qingshu saw that he was a scholar invited by himself. He was also a famous poet and prose master in the capital. A good poem he wrote once spread throughout the upper class and was liked by many high-ranking officials.

Lu Qingshu invited this scholar to come, in fact, because Princess Yangping liked articles and poems and wanted to show her face in front of the princess.

Lu Qingshu couldn't help but cheer up a little. He lost two games in a row in front of the princess' bodyguard, which almost made him doubt his life. This time, the famous poet and prose writer can definitely show his face and save a little reputation for himself.

Lu Qingshu walked over and watched the scholar swipe ink and ink seriously. Other noble children were also curious about this poem, so they gathered around to watch.

After a tea time, the scholar completed the poem, shook his head and read it. His loud voice was full of emotion, which aroused applause from everyone.

"Not bad! Not bad! This poem is catchy and eloquent, and it is memorable to read. It is a rare masterpiece!" a reader praised.

Others also complimented.

Princess Yangping also nodded, and said indifferently, "Not bad!"

Glancing at Meng Xing, he said, "Would you like to write a poem for everyone to appreciate?"

Meng Xing ignored her. You think you can write a poem. How could it be so easy to make one? Although he can copy poems, he has limited ink in his stomach.

So, if you can be low-key, be low-key.

However, Lu Qingshu's eyes lit up and said, "The princess ordered Guard Meng to write a poem, how can you refuse Guard Meng?"

Lu Qingshu naturally wanted to take the opportunity to make him make a fool of himself. This guy has been in the limelight for so long, and it is really unwilling to let him make some fools.

Princess Yangping also said, "Guard Meng, did you hear that?"

As she spoke, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, and there was a hint of a smile on her cold face. This guy has always been unwilling to be a bodyguard, and he has not been willing to be a soul angel. I am afraid that he does not want to be restrained by others, and likes to be free.

But she suddenly wanted him to be her bodyguard again, and it was a very happy thing to see him look uncomfortable.

Meng Xing glared at her, Princess Yangping gave her a slight swipe, revealing a hint of playfulness, and it was like melting icebergs, even if it was just a hint, but there was also a hint of coquettishness, which made people's heart pounding.

But Princess Yangping quickly regained her original cold and noble temperament, like the snow lotus on the iceberg, which can be seen from a distance but not to be played with.

Except for Meng Xing, who interacted with her, who noticed it, other people didn't notice her playfulness at all.

Meng Xing suddenly realized that this princess is a girl who is cold on the outside and charming on the inside. As long as she conquers her, her charming appearance will probably make men obsessed.

Imagine an iceberg female president, who is extremely cold during the day, but like a kitten at night, curled up in a man's arms, I am afraid that any man will not be able to bear it.

When Lu Qingshu saw that this kid dared to stare at the princess, he didn't seem to be afraid of the princess' appearance, and he was a little displeased. It was an act of arrogance for a princess' servant to dare to do so.

Lu Qingshu shouted: "Guard Meng, have you heard? The princess appreciates you and asked you to write poetry. This is an opportunity for you to express, and it is also your supreme honor. Don't you want to resist the princess?"

A big hat was buckled. If they committed the crime of resistance, they, the sons of princes, could kill him in order to protect the face of the court, and no one would blame him.

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