After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and sixty-one, wicked things

Although they didn't break through the formation, Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo, Li Buxian and others could still feel a powerful pressure that seemed to come straight from the formation.

That powerful force made everyone feel a sense of fear, which is a natural fear of high-quality powerhouses.

It seems that the other party doesn't make a move, and everyone can't help but want to surrender just by looking at it.

If you want to kill such a high-quality powerhouse, how can you do it? I am afraid it is very difficult, almost impossible to reach the sky.

Except for Meng Xing, everyone else has a feeling of powerlessness.

"This person is the head of the Liu family, Liu Huyan. He killed my parents!" Liu Shiyun said, looking at the powerful figure in the air.

Facing the enemy who killed her parents, she naturally couldn't calm down, and there was hatred in her eyes.

Although Liu Huyan didn't say it clearly, when he imprisoned Liu Shiyun, Liu Shiyun understood that this person must have killed her parents, so he wanted her to die in prison and never come out.

Meng Xing said, "Let's go out and have a look."

Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo and the others nodded their heads bravely. They weren't even afraid of Meng Xing's 9th-Rank Pulse Opening Realm, so it's natural for everyone not to be too timid.

Seven people came to the edge of the formation, and through the light curtain of the formation, they saw that there were more people gathered outside, and there were several times more masters. Whichever one comes out may tear seven people apart.

The people of the Liu family seem to be coming out of the nest, the difference between the two sides is too great, and the chance of winning is slim.

Seeing this battle, Liu Shiyun felt a little unwilling, but still said: "Junior brother, the enemy is so powerful that it is very difficult for us to kill the Liu family's head, let's forget it, and kill them later."

Meng Xing said: "Senior sister, don't worry, I'm thinking of a way. There will definitely be a way to kill the Liu family head."

Meng Xing was also thinking about a way in his heart. Apart from showing his own strength, it seemed that it was really difficult to kill the masters of the fifth-rank sea crossing. Moreover, there were too many people out there who were staring at them. If everyone went out together, they might be killed. This pack of wolves devoured.

He looked at the one or two thousand people in the Liu family. These people seemed to be crowded outside this small valley.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he said, "I think of a way, let's go back and talk first."

The seven people walked back together, and Liu Shiyun asked impatiently, "Junior Brother, what can you do?"

"Most of the Liu family's masters are here at the moment. We can go to the Liu family's house and set fire to them, causing trouble for them and dividing them. However, this move also carries great risks, and it may be intercepted by them halfway. But as long as the Liu family's patriarch is alone and comes after us, we can use other means to kill him," Meng Xing said.

"Other means?"

"Yes! I have some Taoist methods that can make the Liu family's patriarch be attacked instantly and lose his resistance, but at this time, as long as Senior Brother Yao and Senior Brother Gu cooperate well and cast the Nine Swords of Jue Kong on him, he can be killed. Kill this person." Meng Xing said.

"So, we can really kill the fifth-rank powerhouse?" Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo were a little excited. This is a feat. If it is really done, the world will be shocked.

"Yeah! But there are also great risks. Two brothers, are you willing to go? The brothers will try their best to ensure your safety." Meng Xing said.

"Fight it! If we do it, we can be famous all over the world!" Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo said excitedly with glittering eyes.

Children can be taught.

Um! When you are in the limelight, I will hide behind the scenes. All of this is none of my business. You are the ones to blame. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

However, if the ancestor of the Liu family killed Zhenwuzong, it would be more troublesome. He had to pull this old guy off his horse, or let others restrain him, and he couldn't let him kill Zhenwuzong.

Meng Xing couldn't help but think of Huo Jinglong, the role of this bad old man is reflected here.

What he owes himself should be repaid.

Well, the patriarch of the Liu family went after him. I don't know if he will come back. It would be better if he didn't come back. If he came back, it would be a little more troublesome to go to Liu's house to set fire.

Li Buxian and Yang Xiaochui were also eager to try it out, but they also knew that their Nine Absolute Swords were much worse than Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo's in realm, and they needed some time to improve their power.

"The Star Wants To Retire"

"Two senior sisters, just wait here. I went to Liu's house with Brother Yao and Brother Gu to set fire to it."

"Okay." Xiao Yuluo nodded, she was worried about Meng Xing going to Liu's house, but Meng Xing rescued Senior Sister Liu safely, which gave her a lot of peace of mind, knowing that Meng Xing would not fight an uncertain battle, since she said , it is definitely possible to do it.

"Junior brother, you all have to be careful." Liu Shiyun also said.

Meng Xing took out the short-range teleportation array, and after activating the array, he let Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo leave one after another, followed by himself.

The three people appeared near the Liu family's house one after the other, and then Meng Xing, according to the map given by Liu Dingkui last time, located an unoccupied house, and appeared here the next moment.

Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo started to set fire. After setting fire, the three of them left separately and appeared in another room.

The luck was not so good this time. There were actually a few servants here. Yao Jianyu quickly knocked them unconscious, then threw them to a remote place outside and continued to set fire to them.

Many guards have gone out, and the Liu family's defense has also been a lot empty, so the three of them started these things without knowing it.

"The water is gone! The water is gone!"

The whole house began to become a mess, and some servants and servants began to lift water to put out the fire, but the fire was so great that it even tended to spread to the nearby buildings.

Soon, more than a dozen places in the house were on fire. The fire was soaring into the sky, like a fire dragon, and the smoke filled the air. Many people ran out of the house to avoid the fire.

When the people near Baiji County saw this scene, they clapped their hands in secret, and almost no one came to help. They were afraid to avoid them, for fear of being framed as arsonists by the Liu family.

The Liu family also had a few left-behind masters, but these people could not put out the fire, and even the fifth- and fourth-rank masters were powerless in the face of the fire.

Unless the house was abandoned, it would be easy for a fifth- and fourth-rank expert to destroy it, but it would be extremely difficult to put out the fire.

If it is a 5th- or 4th-grade master who has water attribute exercises, he may be able to save one, and he can condense the power of water and put out the fire.

However, almost all the people in the Liu family practice fire-attribute exercises.

In less than two quarters of an hour, twenty or thirty houses in the Liu family were on fire. Soon everyone noticed the abnormality. However, the fire in this house seemed to be irregular. Do not you know why.

The fifth-grade master guarding the prison roared to find the reason for the fire in the house, but no one knew what was going on. It seemed that these houses were set on fire out of thin air.

"Damn it! Someone must have set the fire, who is it? It's so immoral!" The fifth-grade master roared, his voice resounding in the air, and almost the entire Bai'an County could hear it.

Are you doing less virtuous things than this? Deserving of burning the house! One by one, the people secretly said, clapping their hands to cheer.

After hearing the news, the Liu family head rushed back from outside Nancheng with a large number of troops to deal with such a difficult matter.

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