After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and sixty-three, the frightened Liu family

However, Liu Huyan clearly knew that an incomparably powerful force had crushed him to the death, leaving him without the strength to struggle, causing him to die.

His eyes widened in anger, and he couldn't rest his eyes, and fell straight down, hitting the ground.

The people around them could see clearly that it was Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo who broke out the ultimate trick and killed Liu Huyan, the head of the Liu family. However, the rune that Meng Xing burst out was restraining him, preventing him from displaying his cultivation base at all.

A fifth-rank master was killed just like that.

"You... how dare you kill my uncle?" Liu Dingkui was extremely frightened.

Liu Huxuan was also extremely shocked, his body trembled, as if the sky was falling down.

He couldn't believe that a fifth-rank master would be killed by two warriors in the spirit refining realm and a warrior in the open pulse realm. It was like a fantasy.

Now, the fact is in front of him, but he has to believe it.

"Quick! Kill them and avenge the master!" Liu Huxuan roared.

This scene also shocked the guards of the Liu family. Although they were guards, they were actually the private soldiers of the Liu family. In their eyes, the Liu family's patriarch was like an emperor, with an imposing and inviolable aura. However, at this moment, such a powerful In their eyes, the master collapsed like a mountain, and he died.

Liu Huxuan's words made them instantly sober up in shock, brandishing their weapons, and dashing towards Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo, and Meng Xing.

Meng Xing ignited another talisman paper, and a thunderbolt flashed out of thin air, bombarding those people, knocking down a dozen people in an instant, falling to the ground twitching, and his whole body was charred.

Meng Xing took the opportunity to pull Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo back quickly, back into the formation.

Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo exploded with all their strength just now. At this moment, their muscles and bones are soft and weak, and they have no resistance at all. It will take a day or two to recover.

"Finally killed a fifth-rank master!" Gu Qingzhuo said excitedly.

Yao Jianyu also nodded and said, "Thanks to Junior Brother Meng's talisman paper suppressing most of the strength of the Liu family's patriarch, we were able to hit it with one blow."

"The two senior brothers also cooperated well and hit his vitals directly. Otherwise, as long as we react a little bit, we will be the ones who will die," Meng Xing said.

Everyone naturally understands the dangers in it, and it can't be a little bit worse, otherwise they will die.

However, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo didn't know that the reason why the Liu family patriarch was able to slaughter at the neck was actually because Meng Xing instantly suppressed the other party with powerful force, so that the other party didn't react at all, and could only wait to die obediently.

No one knew about this power, and only the dying Liu Family Patriarch had reacted, but he was completely powerless to resist.

Therefore, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo have become the proper targets of blame, and everyone will think that they killed them together.

The Liu family guards outside burst out with a qi machine, impacting the formation. The qi machine gathered by the hundreds of people was still very powerful, but it was unable to break through the formation.

Meng Xing's seven people gathered together and looked at the guards who were attacking the big formation outside. Liu Dingkui and Gu Biaofeng were all terrified and at a loss, while Liu Huxuan was roaring, and some guards hurried back to summon the masters. to take revenge.

The cool-tempered Liu Shiyun said, "My parents' great revenge has been avenged. Many thanks to Senior Brother Yao, Junior Brother Gu, and Junior Brother Meng!"

"Senior sister, you're welcome! We're helping you, it's right. By killing the Liu family's head this time, I'm afraid we'll be famous all over the world." Gu Qingzhuo said.

"However, in this way, we are like poking a hornet's nest. The Liu family will definitely not give up, and the ancestors of the Liu family will not let us go. It will be a lot harder for us to leave here." Yao Jianyu said.

Meng Xing said: "Well! It's a little troublesome to want to leave, but the Liu family can't stop us from leaving."

"Gene Era"

Everyone nodded, Meng Xing has a short-distance teleportation array, and it is naturally easier for everyone to leave.


Soon a guard returned to Liu's house and passed the news that the head of the house was dead.

Instantly fried the pot in Liu's house. Many of the Liu family's children couldn't believe that the head of the family would be killed by two warriors of the seventh-rank god-refining realm.

Liu Chuifeng couldn't believe it either. He was a Rank 5 master. Knowing how powerful a Rank 5 master was, how could he kill him so easily.

After inquiring carefully, I found out that there was a low-level martial artist of the ninth-rank Open Pulse Realm who used the Taoist talisman spell on the side, suppressing Liu Huyan, so that he did not react at all, and was killed.

The magic of Taoism has always been strange and unpredictable. It is no wonder that those two people in the seventh-rank spiritual realm were able to kill the Liu family patriarch.

What surprised Liu Chuifeng even more was that it turned out that all the mess of the Liu family was actually caused by these few people, and they were extremely bold.

With a murderous intention in his heart, Liu Chuifeng flew towards the south of the city, vowing to kill these people.

Soon, all the Liu family disciples also dispatched to go outside the south gate of the city together.

The people of Bai'an County also quickly learned about the murder of the Liu family's head, and it spread to everyone in a short time.

The people of Bai'an County have been suffering for the Liu family for a long time.

This piece of news was also spread out of Bai'an County by someone with a heart. Soon, people with some power in the entire Qiongzhou knew about this, and they were all shocked.

The news of the death of the head of the Liu family was like a wind, causing a shock in the entire Qiongzhou.

In the small valley, Liu Chuifeng leaned over the invisible formation below, unable to see the people in the formation. Those guards kept bombarding, but in vain, they couldn't crack it at all.


Liu Chuifeng also began to deal with the big formation, and he slashed it down with a single sword. Countless runes flashed in the formation, flashing with powerful power to resist the elimination of Qi.

boom! boom!

Liu Chuifeng bombarded more than a dozen knives, and his qi was so powerful that he could not break through the great formation, so he had to stop and flew to Liu Huyan's body.

Liu Huxuan said: "Uncle Chui, you can't kill those people?"

"It can't be killed, their formation defense is too strong, unless they wait for the ancestors to come back, there may be a way." Liu Chuifeng said.

"Where did the ancestor go?"

"Go after that Huo Jinglong, but he still hasn't come back. Huo Jinglong is very important to our Liu family, and we must not let him run away."

"These guys are really hateful, we must catch them and smash them to pieces!" Liu Huxuan said.

"Well! Continue to guard, we must not let them escape."

"But they seem to have a teleportation formation before they can go to our Liu family to make trouble. We have to beware of them escaping with a teleportation formation."

Liu Chuifeng said: "This teleportation formation must not be spread far, I will patrol around so that they can't escape!"

With anger and unwillingness, Liu Chuifeng patrolled around, and once found Meng Xing and others, he would kill them.

At this time, Meng Xing and others were resting leisurely in the formation. In the past two days, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo will also take a good rest to recover their strength.

Meng Xing was resting in the tent. Busy dealing with the Liu family these days, they all forgot to go to the capital to talk to the two little girls, Princess Yangping and Zhuo Lingyan, and that case was not over yet. The fifth-grade master who caught the magic door.

Meng Xing took out the short-distance teleportation array, and the next moment he appeared in a desolate place. Then he took out the long-distance teleportation array. After activation, he teleported to the capital.

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