After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and sixty six, don't swim in muddy waters here

The cold and noble Princess Yangping listened to the people's discussions with no expression on her face. Zhuo Lingyan was a little angry, and he was also dissatisfied with those barbarian masters.

"Why didn't Lei Zong's fifth-grade masters come? If they don't come, I'll let the sect master order them to come and vent for the people of Daqin." Zhuo Lingyan said.

"It's only been two or three days since this arena competition. In areas outside the capital, I'm afraid many people don't know it yet. If it wants to spread to Jue Shenzong and Lei Zong, I'm afraid it will take longer." Meng Xing said.

"It won't take so long. Generally, the big things that happen in the capital will be known within a day. They all have special contacts who live in the capital and are responsible for transmitting information for thousands of miles." Princess Yangping said.

Meng Xing nodded, yes, these big sects are not good sects, why do they pay attention to the information of the capital from time to time? And I am afraid that there are also people who are secretly monitoring every move of the imperial court, preventing the imperial court from encircling and suppressing these large sects, and preventing other large sects from surrendering and uniting with the imperial court.

At this moment, a barbarian master in the ring said loudly: "The masters of Daqin under the age of forty, come to compete with me, is there no one in Daqin, so they dare not play?"

This person said many times, and when he saw that no one was on the stage, he sneered: "In the future, the Erlang of Daqin, who sees my barbarian masters, will kneel down and admit defeat. With this ability, even my barbarian god Lianzi will not be able to do so. Dare to fight, what a coward!"

The other barbarian masters in the arena also laughed loudly, scornfully looking at everyone around them.

A big man couldn't bear it any longer, he jumped onto the ring with a loud bang, and said, "I'm here to fight a savage person like you!"

"Okay! This is refreshing!" The barbarian master punched him, and a burst of Qi burst out, heading straight for the big man.

The aura of that big man emanated from his body, and his cultivation base was the sixth-rank golden bell. He raised his fist in response, and collided with the opponent. With a bang, the qi burst and the arena vibrated, which directly shook him back at an extreme speed.

The barbarian master saw murderous intent in his eyes, and rushed straight towards him, with extremely fast speed, and punched him again, his qi burst out, and the big man's body immediately exploded, torn apart, and died on the spot.

"Haha! This level of strength is unbearable! Don't play next time. It's better to come up with the cultivation of a fifth-rank master. I have a good time playing." The barbarian master stood in the pool of blood and said with a big smile. , and licked the blood on his arm.

The people around were extremely angry, and shouted one by one: "Which monk came on stage, killed this barbarian evildoer, and avenged the man who died just now!"

"kill him!"

"The monster of the barbarian race, go to hell! How dare you wantonly kill people on my Daqin territory!"

The bronze-level soul angels of Soul Angel Yamen had a bitter face, preventing these angry people from coming to power on the edge of the ring, lest they go up and seek their own death.

Meng Xing saw Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng in the crowd, both of them had helpless expressions on their faces, they dared not speak out.

In the face of these barbarian masters, Soul Angel Yamen is also at a loss.

Princess Yangping frowned, glanced at it, and said, "Let's go back, so as not to see trouble here."

After he finished speaking, he turned gloomily and got into the carriage, Zhuo Lingyan sighed and followed behind.

Meng Xing naturally followed, otherwise he would have to walk back on his legs after a while, which would be tiring.

The carriage was reeling, and Princess Yangping was silent in the carriage.

"That barbarian master is really strong, even a fifth-rank sea-crossing master of the martial arts system might not be able to kill him. However, if it is my Lei Zong's fifth-rank Jindan master, it would be a battle. Power, but it must be supplemented by the use of the talisman technique." Zhuo Ling chimney.

"I am now sending a letter to Lei Zong's people to see if Senior Brother Feng Yixiao can bring someone to deal with these barbarian masters."

While speaking, Zhuo Lingyan took out a communication jade pendant and sent a message out.

After a while, the jade pendant on her body vibrated,

Taking out the jade pendant, he frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Meng Xing asked.

"Senior Brother Feng Yixiao, they have business to deal with the demons of the Demon Sect, and they can't come to the capital."

Meng Xing had some impressions of this Feng Yixiao. At that time, when he fought against Lu Bijian of Jue Shenzong, Mo Wuxue of Gorefiend Sect, and others, his strength was still very strong.

However, this Lei Zong expert just left so neatly, I am afraid he does not want to go into this kind of muddy water. For them, the overall situation and face of the imperial court have nothing to do with them, and they will probably not take action until the moment of life and death.

Princess Yangping glanced at Meng Xing and said, "You are resourceful, can you deal with these barbarian masters?"

There is a way, that is, my white man's vest appears. But this way, a lot of people will follow me. How can those suzerains let go of a spoiler like me? I am afraid that I will also be worried that I will bring great changes to the Great Qin court, and it is a good idea not to kill me.

Although he has also become a master of the fourth-grade realm, for those high-grade powerhouses, his own strength may not be enough to see.

Only the masters who have reached the third rank can be considered to be among the first-class masters, and they can do whatever they want.

Meng Xing thought about it in his heart and said, "There is no way for now. In the face of absolute strength, being resourceful is useless."

Princess Yangping nodded, knowing this.

But in this way, no one can be worthy of these barbarian people, and they will probably be more arrogant and unscrupulous.

These barbarian people not only came to test Daqin's strength, but also came to make trouble in Daqin. Killing Daqin's fifth-rank masters will actually make Daqin's top strength less and less, and finally unable to compete with the barbarians. They rule the world.

Its heart can be punished!

Zhuo Lingyan said: "Meng Xing, you have always been so powerful, you must be able to come up with a way! You must subdue all these barbarian masters!"

I'm not stunned, I draw my sword to face each other when I'm provoked, and I can splatter five steps with blood for the beauty's words. Meng Xing muttered in his heart.

He smiled bitterly: "I try my best to think of a way, but for this kind of thing, it is best for the experts of the court to take action."

Princess Yangping said: "In fact, there are not many rank five masters in the imperial court. There are only a few in the army. There are also some soul angels in the Yamen. These people have their own important things to do. It's a huge loss for the court."

Back in the inner city, Meng Xing got off the bus halfway, went to Jingzhao Mansion to meet with Zhong Zhutou, and asked about the demons.

The fifth-grade masters of the Demon Sect are so hidden that they have no clue.

Meng Xing thought of another question. Since there are not many Rank 5 masters in the court, if a Rank 5 master from the Demon Gate is found, can the court people catch him? Even the masters of the barbarians can't deal with it. If he found it, didn't he fall into the pit and force himself to take action?

Um! Why is it that the more you think about it, the more you force yourself, a hidden master, to take action? Could this be a trap set up by demons, demons, and barbarians, just to hang up those who are hiding in the dark?

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Meng Xing suddenly felt a little vigilant in his heart. If one is not good, he will fall into the pit designed by others.

It's better to go back to Qiongzhou to see Senior Sister Liu and the others, don't wading in muddy waters here.

Back in his house, look at Zhuo Lingyan's arrangement. No one broke into the array after his transformation, so he took out three teleportation arrays, activated them, and teleported them to Bai'an County, Qiongzhou.

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