After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and sixty-ninth, attack and kill the enemy

In the past few days, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo have been working hard to cultivate and strive to break through to the sixth-grade golden bell as soon as possible. And Yang Xiaochui and Li Buxian fought with the enemy, and they made great progress. Coupled with Meng Xing's comprehension of the sword meaning in the calligraphy of "The Xia Ke Xing", they also realized the third move of Juekong Jiujian, and their combat power has been improved a lot. cut.

Yang Xiaochui and Li Buxian were even more powerful. They killed several masters of the Liu family's seventh-rank spiritual refinement. These masters were middle-level figures in the Liu family, and the losses to the Liu family were also great.

Meng Xing also went to the capital, and the arena set up by the barbarians was still going on. From time to time, some masters were beheaded, which aroused strong anger among the people in the capital. They all denounced the incompetence of the court officials and the faintness of the emperor. They were unable to deal with the northern barbarians. It made the barbarians more arrogant and arrogant, and they often bullied the people in the capital.

However, the court was unanimously silent. The emperor only liked to discuss the scriptures with the female leader of the Huanghuo Sect every day, study the art of cultivating immortals, and ignore the government.

Meng Xing didn't bother to pay attention to it. It was not his turn to deal with important matters in the imperial court. Although Princess Yangping hoped that he could help, this kind of major matter could not be helped. A series of troubles.

On this day, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo finally broke through one by one, reaching the sixth-rank golden bell realm, which provided a large part of their strength.

Both of them were a little emotional. They didn't expect them to reach the Golden Bell Realm so quickly. You must know that this kind of cultivation can already be on an equal footing with the peak masters of the twelve peaks of Zhenwuzong.

If it wasn't for Meng Xing's help, they would never have been able to break through to the Golden Bell Realm so quickly, and it might even be possible that they would not be able to advance an inch in their entire lives.

Although Meng Xing's cultivation level is only at the ninth-rank open pulse level, in their minds, he has been regarded as a figure equal to the level of a suzerain.

Meng Xing's guidance and assistance to them is even greater than that of the peak master and the sect master, which was absolutely unbelievable before.

Who would believe that a person whose cultivation is only in the open pulse realm can instruct a person who is in the seventh-rank spiritual refinement realm to break through to the sixth-rank golden bell realm?

Even if they say it now, I am afraid no one will believe it, only those who have experienced it will believe it is true.

On this day, Meng Xing also deliberately pretended to break through to the eighth-grade condensing phase. After staying in the ninth-grade open pulse realm for so long, he had to satisfy Senior Sister Xiao's wish to become a master. Otherwise, the master would be discouraged after too long. I don't want to work anymore.

Sure enough, Xiao Yuluo was very excited to see Meng Xing break through to the eighth-grade condensed phase, even more happy than hearing Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo break through, and said, "Junior brother, you have also broken through, is it fortunate that we have supervised you? You don't know when you will break through."

With Meng Xing's achievements in training, she is naturally more proud and feels that she has foresight.

"Yes! Thanks to the two senior sisters. Should you reward me?" Meng Xing asked.

"How to reward?"

"Kiss me each."


The next day, seven people sat together to discuss things.

Meng Xing said: "Everyone has made great breakthroughs these days, and their cultivation is getting higher and higher. It's really gratifying! Let's celebrate when we leave this dangerous place."

"Junior Brother, have you figured out how to kill Liu Chuifeng?" Yao Jianyu asked.

"Liu Chuifeng and some masters of the sixth-rank golden bell are patrolling around, monitoring us to escape through the teleportation formation. This is actually an opportunity for us." Meng Xing said.

Meng Xing had been out, so it was easy to observe their behavior.

"You mean, attack and kill them?"

"Yes! Kill those masters of the sixth-rank Golden Bell Realm first, and then attack Liu Chuifeng. Of course, when attacking him, I am afraid there is a huge risk. We must cooperate as well as the Liu family's patriarch." Meng Xing said.

Liu Chuifeng was stronger than the Liu Family Patriarch, and had already reached the peak of the 5th Rank Crossing the Sea, while the Liu Family Patriarch was only at the early stage of the 5th Rank Crossing the Sea. Moreover, now Liu Chuifeng has more experts from the sixth-rank realm to help, and has more precautions. The trick to deal with the Liu family patriarch has aroused the vigilance of the other party.

Therefore, it is many times more dangerous than the Liu Family Patriarch.

Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo naturally understood this situation, nodded and said, "Okay! We will all follow the instructions of our junior brother."

Meng Xing said: "Yang Xiaochui, Senior Brother Li, you two continue to deal with the Liu family guards outside. If the enemy is strong, retreat to avoid injury."

"Okay." Yang Xiaochui and Li Buxian nodded.

As for Xiao Yuluo and Liu Shiyun, let them pay attention to the situation of Yang Xiaochui and Li Buxian. If they are in crisis, they can help.

After the negotiation was decided, the seven people got up one after another.

Meng Xing took out the short-distance teleportation array and left here successively with Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo.

The next moment, three people appeared on a barren mountain.

Looking around, Gu Qingzhuo pointed in one direction and said, "There are three people running over there."

"Is it from the Liu family?" Yao Jianyu asked.

"The speed is very fast, and he should be a master of the sixth-grade Golden Bell Realm."

"Go! Go kill them first!" Yao Jianyu said.

Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo rushed over first, and Meng Xing followed slowly.


"The people who killed the head of the family appeared. We killed them, and this time the credit is ours."

"Be careful, the person behind has the means of Taoism."

The three Liu family members were alert and looked at Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo and the others, and then the three of them rushed towards this direction.

Before they approached, those three people had already drawn out their swords, their energy exploded, and they slashed at Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo who came first.

Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo collapsed their qi machine, condensed their sword intent, the sword light flickered, their qi machine pierced through the void, and they also slashed past.


The two members of the Liu family were immediately torn apart by a sword, the sword intent attacked their bodies, their bodies were cut into two halves, and they died. The other person was also bombarded by the powerful Qi machine and kept retreating.

Yao Jianyu made another sword and immediately beheaded the man.

At this moment, someone in the distance shouted: "The thief who killed the head of the family has appeared, everyone, come and kill this person!"

The sound shook the four fields, alarming the people within dozens of miles nearby. At the same time, the man also crushed a jade pendant to pass on the message.

Farther away, a figure stepped into the air and came at a very high speed.

At this time, more than a dozen masters rushed from all directions.

Meng Xing said, "Senior Brother Yao, Brother Gu, let's go! Let's get out of here first."

Meng Xing activated the array plate, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo teleported away calmly, the last person was Meng Xing, and he waved to the people of the Liu family, making them furious.

After more than a dozen masters from the Liu family arrived, Meng Xing and others had disappeared, and they did not know where they went.

Liu Chuifeng arrived at this time, and saw the three corpses lying on the ground, his face was very ugly. It didn't take long before three masters were killed?

Liu Chuifeng glanced around, then flew to a higher place, glanced around, but saw no figure.

He stepped down again and said to those Liu family masters: "Continue the search! They should not be far away!"

After speaking, he found a direction and walked away.

On a high mountain, Meng Xing, Yao Jianyu, and Gu Qingzhuo appeared here. After seeing that there was no one around, the three teleported away.

When they reappeared, they actually appeared beside the five Liu family masters. Before they could react, Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo beheaded them one after another, killing two and injuring two instantly.

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