After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Two hundred and seventieth chapters, admiration

Meng Xing continued to doze off, ignoring Zhuo Lingyan, just staring at it, anyway, my heart is open and I am not afraid of you staring.

Then, he swayed in the car, and soon fell asleep, leaning to one side and resting his head on Princess Yangping's shoulder.

Seeing Zhuo Lingyan's eyebrows jumping, she really wanted to wake up this fellow.

Princess Yangping shook her head and said softly, "Let him lean on him."

Zhuo Lingyan was a little dissatisfied in his heart. This fellow took advantage of himself last time, but this time he dared to take advantage of the princess directly.

And Princess Yangping actually tolerated his nonsense, if it spreads out, it will also damage the reputation of the princess.

Could it be that this Princess Yangping is also a little in love with this fellow?

An hour later, the carriage finally arrived at the place where the barbarians from the outer city set the stage.

Meng Xing suddenly woke up, hurriedly sat up straight, and said, "Arrived?"

"It's here!" Zhuo Lingyan said, glaring at him, "You are sleeping with the princess on the way, you are more comfortable."

"Is there? I accidentally fell asleep, and I don't even know." Meng Xing pretended to be stupid.

In my heart, I was reminiscing about the princess' soft little figure and the unique fragrance coming from her body, even in the sleepy lake, I could still feel it a little.

The princess didn't refuse me to lean on her, which means that it also means something to me.

Meng Xing immediately understood.

After a while, they started to get out of the carriage. Meng Xing came down and stretched lazily, looking comfortable.

Lu Qingshu also got out of the car long ago. Seeing Meng Xing like this, he felt jealous. This guy is so comfortable, he didn't know what he did in the carriage just now.

Looking at Princess Yangping and Zhuo Lingyan again, the expressions of the two stunning women were normal, their clothes were neat and tidy, and they felt relieved immediately.

At this time, the barbarian people were already standing on the ring, looking down at the stage, asking who would come to the stage to fight.

These days, almost none of those who came to power survived, and more than a dozen people have died, half of which are rank five masters.

People from the fifth and sixth rank are on the stage, and almost no one can survive, and the others are even more afraid to play.

"There's no one in Daqin? Haha! How come it's been a long time, and no one dares to play? What are you doing?" The tall and burly man on the stage laughed.

The people under the stage were very angry and cursed, but they did not dare to come to power.

Lu Qingshu also said angrily: "These barbarians are too deceiving, do you really think that I have no one in Daqin?"

He glanced at Princess Yangping and said, "Princess, the guest of my house has arrived, and he will be on stage in a while to kill the barbarians of this barbarian tribe and let them know how powerful my Daqin is."

"Okay." The cold and noble Princess Yangping nodded, as if looking forward to it.

A smile appeared on Lu Qingshu's face, very satisfied with the princess' performance, and glanced at Meng Xing proudly.

You are a third-rate disciple of a small sect, I am afraid that even a fifth-grade master cannot be invited, and it is even more impossible to deal with the barbarians.

It seems that it takes someone with a solid background like me to recruit experts to deal with the barbarians.

What if you know how to draw, calligraphy, chess, and calligraphy? If you are not strong, that is your biggest weakness. This time, Princess Yangping will definitely favor me, Lu Qingshu.

Lu Qingshu was excited, and walked to the side. There stood the people from the Houye's mansion. He went over to say hello and came back.

"Princess, the guest in my house has begun to take action!" Lu Qingshu said.

A figure immediately rose from the field, flew towards the ring, and landed gently on the ring.

The person who appeared was a strong man who looked forty years old, but his real age was thirty-five.

It was the guest minister that Lu Qingshu said, but he was actually a distant relative of the Lu family, named Lu Tiezhu.

"Haha! Someone finally came on stage! Come on! Let's see how I tore up your master." The barbarian master said.

"Barbarian people, get out of my Daqin, this is not the place where you are wild!" Lu Tiezhu said fiercely.

"What if I go wild? You Daqin dogs, can you still bite me?" said the barbarian master.

"You are the barbarian dogs! You barbarian dogs, get out of my Daqin!" Many people suddenly roared, obviously provoked by the other party's words.

"Savage dog! Go to hell!"

"You savages are only worthy of being in a kennel!"


One by one yelled angrily.

The barbarian master was furious and shouted, "Who dares to scold you again? I will kill you!"

"You are only allowed to scold you, but I, Da Qin, are not allowed to scold you? This is not your territory, get out!"

"Get out of Daqin!"

The master of the barbarian race was very angry, and with a bang, he fell to the crowd under the stage. He stretched out his hand to grab, and immediately grabbed a commoner who yelled the most fiercely in his hand. With a sound of Kacha, he twisted his neck and threw the corpse directly. on the ground.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed it again, and another died in his hand. In an instant, he killed three people.

The other people were so frightened that they retreated and their faces changed color. Most of the people have no strength, how can they fight against such people?

"Looking for death! I will fulfill you!" The barbarian master said coldly.

The faces of many people are ugly, but they no longer say a word, but their hearts are extremely angry and aggrieved.

Lu Tiezhu's face was also ugly. The princess was still watching from the outside, and even let the master of the barbarian race wantonly kill here. Isn't this disgraceful to him?

As soon as he moved, he appeared in front of the barbarian master, smashed it with a punch, and shouted, "How dare you brutalize and kill innocent people in my Qin Dynasty, you deserve to die!"

The most taboo thing for cultivators is to poison innocent people. But there seems to be no such restriction on the people of the Demon Gate and the Demon Gate. This barbarian people believe in the gods of the barbarian temple, and naturally they are not afraid.

"Kill it and kill it! Anyone who dares to disobey my barbarians should be killed! The same goes for you." together.

For a while, the roar continued, and both of them kept punching, the air burst, and the people around them kept retreating.

The two were fighting under the ring, and the ring was shaking.

Lu Tiezhu felt that going on like this would easily hurt innocent people, so he moved, appeared on the ring, and shouted, "Come on stage for a fight."

The barbarian master slammed his feet on the ring, the ring vibrated, and his body moved quickly, and his strength became even more powerful. When he punched, it collided with Lu Tiezhu's fist.


The arena vibrated a few times, and the qi exploded, turning into streaks of astral qi and flying around. Fortunately, those people were far away, otherwise they would have been torn apart by this qi and died.

"Have you seen it? After the barbarian master got to the ring, he seemed to have become more powerful." Meng Xing said.

"Yes. It's a bit weird! Could it be that this barbarian master can obtain more powerful power in the arena?" Zhuo Lingyan said.

"Is there any problem with this arena?" Princess Yangping asked.

Lu Qingshu smiled and said: "No matter what the problem is, the guest in my house can defeat this barbarian dog and let the barbarian dog know how powerful it is."

He was still a little worried at first, but after watching it for a while, he became convinced that this Lu Tiezhu was really powerful, and he could even fight against the barbarian masters for so long.

The other masters have already been killed by one or two punches, how can they fight for so long?

As long as you kill this barbarian master, you can show your face in front of the princess, and you are afraid that she won't impress you?

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