After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and ninety fifth, are you asleep?

Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible Chapter 295 Are you sleeping?

The colorful leaves gathered together in joy, and stretched out to Meng Xing, rubbing gently on his body.

Damn, this flower tree won't become fine, will it?

Being rubbed by the colorful leaves of this flower tree, Meng Xing always had a feeling that this flower tree seemed to be refined, as if it had its own consciousness, and this consciousness was stronger than before.

Meng Xing looked at the empty wooden box and felt a little helpless, but since the lotus seeds of the gods were swallowed up, they naturally couldn't get them back.

Forget it, the lotus seeds of the gods are gone. However, many people know that the lotus seeds of the gods are on them, and they will definitely come to snatch them and find trouble for themselves.

Those fourth-rank masters who especially need the lotus seeds of the gods must be secretly coveting them. When they appear, they have to find a scapegoat, otherwise it will be more troublesome to be targeted by them.

Otherwise, we can only use killers to deal with those who dare to snatch, let them know that they are powerful, and dare not come again. But they can't reveal their true strength, and can only use tactics to deal with them.

I didn't get anything, but I caused a lot of trouble. No, next time I have to ask the princess to reward me with tens of thousands of taels of gold to comfort my wounded heart.

Meng Xing took out three more teleportation array disks. After activation, he teleported back to the small valley in Bai'an County, Qiongzhou, and then used a short-distance teleportation array to appear in his tent.

"Sun and Moon"

When I came out to take a look, everyone else had already gone to bed, the surroundings were silent, and Meng Xing was not disturbed, and lay in the tent and slept.

The next day, Meng Xing was sleeping when others came to his tent and woke Meng Xing up.

Yao Jianyu said, "Junior Brother Meng, where have you been these two days?"

Meng Xing said: "I went out for a trip and came back last night. Have you recovered?"

"Recovered early. It's been a bit boring these two days. I'll wait for you to come back. When are we leaving here?" Yao Jianyu said.

They didn't ask Meng Xing about anything. They were used to it anyway. After this fellow had the teleportation array, no one could stop him.

Moreover, if others want to kill him, they may not be able to kill him. He has a teleportation formation, and it is easy to escape.

Meng Xing said, "Has the ancestor of the Liu family returned?"

"No, everyone from the Liu family has withdrawn, and they don't dare to surround themselves here. Two rank five masters died, they are all scared." Yao Jianyu said.

"That's good. Let's go today." Meng Xing said.

Everyone started to pack up and dismantled the tents. When everyone was ready, Meng Xing put away the formation and everyone started to leave the small valley.

The Liu family didn't dare to stare, anyway, they couldn't deal with these people, staring was useless, and two fifth-grade masters died, their strength weakened a lot, and other forces were already taking the opportunity to deal with the Liu family.

So, Meng Xing and others left Bai'an County unharmed, returned to Baiji County, and then set off in the direction of Jue Shenzong.

Meng Xing didn't tell everyone about the capital, anyway, everyone would know about it by then, and it would definitely be difficult to go to Jue Shenzong's site this time.

The news of the capital will not reach here so soon, and the communication of news in this era is still very backward.

The seven people left Qiongzhou and headed towards Wuzhou.

"Junior Brother Meng, are we really going to Jue Shenzong's site?" Li Buxian asked hesitantly.

"Of course! We can only go to Jue Shenzong to check. Otherwise, we can only go back." Meng Xing said.

"Since we have all come here, we must not give up halfway." Yao Jianyu said.

In the evening, seven people walked to a small town and found an inn to live in. They rented seven rooms, and the rent was paid by Meng Xing. Anyway, now he is not short of money. It would be better for everyone to live comfortably. After all, these days Living in the wild, although there are tents, it is naturally not as comfortable as an inn.

However, Meng Xing also keeps an eye on the safety of the surrounding area. Now there are many people who have offended him.

Once the people of those forces know about it, they will definitely not give up.

The seven had a large meal, then took a comfortable bath in their respective rooms, and then began to rest.

Meng Xing was lying comfortably on the bed, the two senior sisters were next to each other, and couldn't help but feel a little itchy. The last time I tried intimate contact with senior sister Xiao for the first time, the feeling was really unforgettable.

Those soft red lips and delicate body are really gentle and infinite.

There is also Senior Sister Liu, who also pulled a small hand and kissed the cheek, but she did not explore and contact further, and she would not refuse if she wanted to come.

[1. Continue to sleep in your own sleep and have your own dream of Qingqiu. 】

[Second, ran to Senior Sister Xiao's bed and said to Senior Sister Xiao, "Senior Sister, let's do a shameful thing, the kind that strips naked.\

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