After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter two hundred and ninety-eight, you guessed it

Gu Jingzhong said: "Half a month ago, more than 20 barbarian masters came to the capital, put down the ring, and killed many masters of Daqin. Those barbarian masters were very powerful, and many fifth-rank masters couldn't bear their blow. power, and was killed."

Come, come, really want to talk about the capital. Meng Xing was silent, but he couldn't say anything to stop him, so he could only eat food.

"The people in the entire capital were outraged and demanded to deal with these barbarian masters, but the imperial court ignored them. Of course, it could also be that the imperial court was inconvenient to manage, after all, it was the arena set up by the barbarians, and if the imperial court took action, it might be given to the barbarians. Find an excuse to invade my Daqin. The barbarians have plundered the borders of Daqin all the year round, and the peace treaty signed by Emperor Taizu that year, the barbarians have always wanted to find an excuse to tear up the treaty. "

Gu Qingzhuo praised: "Senior knows the affairs of the imperial court very well."

"That's right! Back then, I was also a young general in the Daqin army. I was kicked out because I violated the rules of the army. In desperation, I had to come back here and be a small family head. So, I am quite concerned about the affairs of the imperial court." Gu Jingzhong said with some pride.

"However, he is old now, his body is not as good as before, his cultivation base is stagnant, and he has no intention of official career."

"Senior's style is still the same, how can he be old?" Gu Qingzhuo said. The same surname is Gu, and Gu Qingzhuo has a good impression of this family.

"Let's talk about the big event of returning to the capital." Gu Jingzhong said: "The barbarian masters are also tyrannical and abnormal in the capital, and the people are angry, and the barbarian masters even killed a few people. presumptuous!"

"Later, a young chivalrous man was very angry, and regardless of his cultivation, he jumped into the ring and demanded a fight with a barbarian master."

Come on, talk to me. Meng Xing picked up the wine glass, took a sip of wine, and ate the vegetables with chopsticks.

"A master of the Eighth-Rank Congealing Phase Realm dares to jump into the ring and fight against a fifth-rank master of the barbarian race. Isn't this courting death?" Yang Xiaochui couldn't help but said.

Meng Xing glanced at him, this guy dared to say that I was courting death and should be spanked.

Gu Jingzhong said: "You are wrong. That young chivalrous man was very powerful. He killed a few of the barbarian's fifth-rank masters, and finally even killed the barbarian's leader, the fourth-rank master."

Except for Meng Xing, everyone else was shocked and looked at Gu Jingzhong and spoke.

"This... what's going on? That person is a low-level warrior who pretends to be an eighth-rank condensed phase realm, and his real cultivation is fourth-rank realm?" Yang Xiaochui's eyes widened, and he said incredulously.

"It's not... It's like this, that young chivalrous man knows the magic and formation of Taoism, and has a divine sword in his hand. He blinded the barbarians through the magic of Taoism, and then attacked and killed the enemy." Gu Jing Loyalty.

Gu Jingzhong reiterated what he had heard.

Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo, Liu Shiyun, Xiao Yuluo and others were also shocked when they died. They looked at each other and glanced at Meng Xing, because they thought that the person Gu Jingzhong was talking about looked like Meng Xing? Meng Xing's cultivation is also in the eighth-grade condensed phase, and he will also use the talisman paper and talisman to perform the magic of the sect, and he will also arrange the way of the formation.

But with outsiders in front of him, it is naturally difficult to ask Meng Xing.

Gu Jingzhong exclaimed in admiration: "The fourth-rank master of the barbarian race fell into the formation, and he couldn't escape the hands of this young chivalrous man. He killed him with a single sword. In the end, only one of the barbarians escaped, and everyone else died... That's not all, in a fit of rage, this young chivalry killed a fourth-rank master of the Demon Clan, two fifth-rank masters of the demon clan, and a fifth-rank master of the Jue Shenzong. It is said that the elders of the Jue Shenzong were furious. Incomparable, I have already spoken out, and I will never let go of this young hero."

Yang Xiaochui couldn't help asking, "What's the name of this young man?"

"I don't know, no one in the capital knows the name of this person, but it is said that the elders of the Jue Shenzong wanted to forcefully buy the lotus seeds of the gods in his hands, and the gold-level soul angels also wanted to force the lotus seeds of the gods to buy them, but they were arrested by Da Qin. Princess Yangping came to power, stopped their behavior, and took away the young hero. It is said that the young hero originally came with the princess, and someone saw them together." Gu Jingzhong said.

"Princess Yangping of Daqin is the one and only princess who has passed the female champion test?" Liu Shiyun asked. She has always admired the princess very much and paid close attention to her situation.

"Yes." Gu Jingzhong took a few sips of wine and ate some vegetables.

Liu Shiyun gave Meng Xing a deep look, and after taking a few bites of food, he put down his chopsticks.

Meng Xing smiled and said, "This young hero is really powerful. Even the fifth-grade and fourth-grade masters have been beheaded. There is no one in the past, and no one has come since."

This guy blew it for himself.

"Yes, yes! Now he has shocked everyone in the world. It is rare to have such a powerful means at such a young age! Some people have already spread him as if he was descended from the gods. The barbarians have repeatedly invaded my Daqin, Many people hate the barbarians, and they naturally applaud when they hear such a thing." Gu Jingzhong said.

After half an hour, when everyone finished eating, Gu Jingzhong brought seven people to a small courtyard and arranged accommodation.

Although it is a small courtyard, there are a lot of rooms, and everyone lives in a house. Meng Xing also took out the formation plate and arranged a formation in the small courtyard to prevent anyone from coming in in the middle of the night.

The formation shrouded the small yard, and everyone felt more at ease, sitting in the yard drinking tea and chatting.

Yao Jianyu finally couldn't help it and asked, "Junior Brother Meng, did you go to the capital when you went out for the past two days?"

"The capital is so far away, where do I have enough time to come and go? Why, do you think that young hero is me?" Meng Xing said.

"Besides you, who else is there? You know the way of formation, you can use magic papers such as Taoist talismans, talismans, etc., and you are in the eighth-grade condensing phase, all of which are consistent with your identity." Xiao Yuluo Some said with dissatisfaction.

"As for such a long distance, if you use the long-distance teleportation array of Daomen, I am afraid it will arrive in an instant. Also, when you kill the fifth-grade master of the Liu family with us, where did the talisman paper and talisman you use come from? What?" Gu Qingzhuo also said.

"These days, you have concealed a lot of things from us, and you must explain it honestly, otherwise..." Xiao Yuluo snorted.

Meng Xing naturally knew what she meant if she didn't. If she didn't explain clearly, I'm afraid there would be no chance for the three of them to be slept together last time, and they will definitely be kicked out of bed next time.

Sister, are you trying to threaten me? But how am I afraid? At that time, it's enough to be cheeky and grind for a while.

Meng Xing coughed and smiled: "Okay! You guessed it, that person is me!"

"It's really you?" All six looked at him with wide eyes. Although it has been guessed, everyone is still shocked.

This big fact is too thrilling, killing so many barbarian masters, as well as demons, demons, and Jue Shenzong.

"No wonder you didn't let us stay in the inn these days. It was you who offended Jue Shenzong and were afraid that they would take revenge on us?" Yang Xiaochui said.

"It's not just Jue Shenzong, the Liu family ancestors will also come to retaliate, so it is best to arrange a formation to protect everyone." Meng Xing said.

"Last time you killed the fifth-rank master of the Liu family, why didn't you kill it? Can you kill it without our help?" Gu Qingzhuo asked a sharp question.

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