At this moment, a loud noise came from outside the yard. Although it was isolated by the formation, it still came in. It was obviously too loud.

The seven people stood up one after another and walked out of the yard, wanting to see what happened.


I saw the front door of Gu's house collapsed suddenly, and in front of the collapsed ruins, there were a dozen menacing people standing.

"Gu Jingzhong, please give your daughter to my Wu family. I, Wu Shaochong, will marry your daughter today!" a young man with a scar on his face said loudly, imposingly.

"Gu Jingzhong, you must know the fate of resisting my Wu family!"

Gu Jingzhong walked out with more than a dozen guards and said angrily: "Your Wu family is really lawless, my daughter doesn't agree to marry you, and she still wants to rob you? How dare you destroy my house now? Wu Shaochong, get out of here immediately. !"

Gu Jingzhong was angry, and slapped the stone lion with a palm, and the stone lion burst into pieces and turned into powder.

Wu Shaochong didn't change his face, and said, "Gu Jingzhong, although your cultivation is stronger than mine, I'm not scared. Our two families have conflicts, but if you marry your daughter to me, what happened in the past? I can call the shots and write it off!"

"Fuck you! Get out of here!" Gu Jingzhong's anger was getting bigger and bigger, and he even scolded swear words when he had always been well-mannered.

"Gu Jingzhong, don't make a toast or eat a fine drink! Now I just destroyed your house. If you don't bring your daughter over tomorrow, I, Wu Shaochong, will tear down your entire Gu family!" Wu Shaochong said.

At this moment, Gu Yingluan walked out with a livid face, followed by two young men with equally ugly faces, with their brows vaguely similar to hers.

When Wu Shaochong saw it, his fierce aura suddenly turned into a smile, and he said, "Gu Yingluan, what are you thinking about? Do you want to marry me, Wu Shaochong? If you marry me, you can write off the incident that your elder brother hurt me back then. Otherwise, we will settle the old accounts!"

A young man next to him shouted: "Wu Shaochong, I hurt you back then, and I have already given you a thousand taels of silver. What do you want? Do you still want to mess around?"

"My Wu Shaochong's current status is different, how can the thousand taels make up for my loss? At least one hundred thousand taels.

Of course, if Gu Yingluan was to marry me, the 100,000 taels of silver would not be needed. "Wu Shaochong said.

Gu Yingluan's eldest brother, Gu Yingjie, was extremely angry and shouted, "Wu Shaochong! Go away! If you want 100,000 silver, why don't you die? If you die, I can burn you 100,000 taels!"

Wu Shaochong sneered: "These 100,000 taels can be saved and burned for your Gu family! If you don't bring Gu Yingluan to my Wu family tomorrow, I will let the fifth-rank masters in the clan deal with you! Gu Yingjie, you guys Let the family die tomorrow! Also, don't even think about escaping! I'll send someone to watch you in Gujia Village!"

"You have to promise, you have to promise, if you don't promise, you have to promise!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Shaochong left with a dozen of his subordinates flamboyantly, making the people in the Gu family tremble with anger.

"Father, what should I do? This is all caused by me. I didn't expect to bring such a big trouble to our Gu family!" Gu Yingjie said with an ugly expression.

"Even if it's not about you, the witch family will have nothing to do. The witch family is no longer satisfied with that little money, and covets the property of my Gu family! Over the years, the witch family has grown bigger and bigger, and the people are getting bigger and bigger. A lot of money, but their money hasn't grown and they are stretched thin, so they want to annex other people's property to make up for the Wu family's deficit!" Gu Jingzhong said, he has a lot of knowledge and naturally sees far.

"Father, so he doesn't want to marry me at all?" Gu Yingluan asked.

"Yeah! So you don't have to blame yourself. Now the Wu family wants us to be in a mess, let us obediently give our money to them. The Wu family has relied on the Jue God Sect over the years, and it has become more and more powerful. No one can compete." Gu Jingzhong sighed, his face a little helpless.

"Father! Then what should we do? Do you really give up the family business to the Wu family? Or marry your sister to Wu Shaochong?" Gu Yingjie was extremely angry, but there was nowhere to vent it.

"Let's take care of the family, are we going to fall into their hands like this? What should we do? Are we going to live in the rivers and lakes?"

"I'll think about it first! Go and rest first!" Gu Jingzhong sighed, his face seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden.

The power of the Wu family, there are also five-rank masters in the clan, and the protection of the Jue Shenzong, who can be the opponent of the Wu family?

Families like the Gu family have been swallowed up by the Wu family. Gu Jingzhong has heard about it for a long time and has been vigilant. He did not expect that it was finally the Gu family's turn.

Gu Jingzhong saw Meng Xing and others coming over, smiled bitterly, and said, "You young heroes, something happened at home that disturbed your rest! You should go back to rest first, and leave here early tomorrow, so as not to implicate you."

Yao Jianyu cupped his hands and said, "Senior Gu, is there anything I need help?"

Gu Jingzhong shook his head and said, "The Wu family has five-rank masters. Although you are also in the sixth-rank Golden Bell Realm, you are not the opponents of the fifth-rank masters, so you don't need to make that innocent sacrifice! Moreover, the Wu family is not only It's as simple as a fifth-grade master, and they are still under the protection of Jue Shenzong! If they offend Jue Shenzong, even if they are at the ends of the earth, they will go after them."

"How could the Wu family be sheltered by the Absolute God Sect?" Gu Qingzhuo asked curiously.

"It is said that she is a woman from the Wu family, married to a great figure in the Jue Shenzong, and seems to be a strong third-rank immortal realm. Such a strong man can destroy a town and destroy a mountain with the raise of his hand. It's not something we can contend against." Gu Jingzhong said.

"It turns out that the powerhouse of the third-rank immortal realm is indeed incomparable!" Yao Jianyu said.

Everyone's expressions were a little moved. I didn't expect that this witch family would have such a big support. A strong third-rank immortal realm is already regarded as the top master of Daqin. Such a person, Daqin probably has no more than ten fingers.

Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo, and others originally wanted to help, but when they heard about these three-rank immortal realm powerhouses, they hesitated. They originally wanted to find the suzerain, but they really couldn't have angered the third-rank immortal realm for others. The strong, bring the worry of life to everyone.

"Yeah! If you stay here for one night, you should leave here as soon as possible so that you won't be implicated." Gu Jingzhong said.

In fact, Gu Jingzhong's heart was ashes, but in front of outsiders, he did not show it.

Yao Jianyu, Gu Qingzhuo, Meng Xing and others returned to the small courtyard and sat down.

Yao Jianyu said, "Junior Brother Meng, do we want to help?"

"If you want to help, it may bring us huge trouble. We are unfamiliar, and we are easily attacked by the Jue Shenzong here." Li Buxian said.

"Yeah, I also think it's better for us not to help. When we are in crisis, we won't be able to pay." Yang Xiaochui also said.

Meng Xing pondered for a while and said, "Let's take a look tomorrow."

Gu Qingzhuo said: "Junior Brother Meng, I think we still need to help. Senior Gu's family is not bad, and we can't be ruined by those people."

"How can this help? If the powerhouse of the third-rank immortal realm comes to kill us, do we still need to live?" Li Buxian said.

Everyone is in a dilemma. If you don't help, the Gu family may be exterminated by the Wu family; if you help, you may provoke a strong third-rank immortal realm, bringing a huge crisis to everyone.

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