After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter four hundred and six, it turns out that you are a little snake

In the evening, Meng Xing teleported directly back to the capital and appeared in the yard of the princess' aunt.

Seeing the dim candlelight in the room, Meng Xing knocked on the door.

Immediately afterwards, there was an urgent sound of footsteps inside, and then the door opened, revealing the mediocre appearance of the princess.

"Stinky boy, where have you died these days?" The princess glanced at Meng Xing and snorted.

"Didn't I tell you? I'll come to accompany you when I'm fine." Meng Xing said with a slight smile.

"You've become a gold-level soul angel now, isn't there something every day?" the princess said.

The princess sat on the edge of the bed angrily. After a while, she lay in bed and slept without talking to Meng Xing.

Meng Xing shot out a qi energy from his palm and extinguished the candle light. He also lay beside her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

The princess twisted her body and tried to break free, but she felt that she couldn't get rid of it, so she lay quietly and pretended to sleep.

With a smile, Meng Xing loosened her waist and turned to sleep.

The princess lay down for a long time. Seeing that Meng Xing didn't move, the anger in her heart disappeared. She breathed slowly and evenly, and fell asleep.

The next day, when Meng Xing woke up, he found that the princess was leaning on his chest again.

After waiting for another half an hour, Aunt Wang Fei got up, and Meng Xing followed.

The princess glanced at Meng Xing and said, "Are you going out again?"

"Yeah!" Meng Xing nodded.

"I'll go make breakfast for you first, eat you before leaving." The princess said.

Before Meng Xing could agree, she had already walked out.

After two cups of tea, white porridge, steamed buns, and meat buns were already placed on the table in the restaurant.

"The steamed buns and meat buns are made by the maid, and the white porridge is made by me." The princess said.

Meng Xing sat in front of the table and drank a few mouthfuls of white porridge. Although it tasted a little burnt, it was not bad. The princess and the aunt are all people who don't touch the spring water with ten fingers. It must have taken some thought to make these foods.

Meng Xing was moved, glanced at her, and said, "You can also sit and eat together."

After the meal, Meng Xing drank a few cups of tea with her, then took out the long-distance teleportation array and returned to Zhenwuzong.

In this way, Meng Xing was sometimes in Zhenwuzong, and sometimes in the capital to accompany the princess and auntie, and he lived a happy life.

If you accompany the two senior sisters in Zhenwuzong at night, you will go to the dining hall in the morning to chop firewood to loosen your muscles and bones, and it feels like returning to the days when you just crossed over.

On this day, Meng Xing followed Luo Yao, Zhou Ruoqing, and Ye Xuelian down the mountain, preparing to go to Yunzhou.

With the teleportation array, Meng Xing is not afraid to go anywhere, as long as he wants to come back, he can come back at any time.

The four went to Guangyang County City, bought four horses, and galloped away in the direction of Yunzhou.

Yunzhou is in the southwest, and the road is long. The four of them ran for an hour and walked out of the borders of Guangyang County. They met six people from the Gorefiend Sect. They wanted to attack them, but Meng Xing raised his hand and killed them.

At night, the four of them slept in the wild and set up tents, and Meng Xing naturally arranged a defense formation, lest there be monsters or people from the devil's door to attack in the middle of the night.

Meng Xing followed them, but he was actually worried about their danger. For him, it was a matter of his own hands, but for the three women, he might be worried about their lives.

Moreover, these days, he has offended the people of the Demon Sect, the Demon Race, and the Jue Shen Sect too hard, and it has also caused trouble to many disciples of the Zhenwu Sect, so if you can help, you can help.

The four of them enjoyed the scenery along the way and went southwest. They drove for more than ten days on the road.

Sometimes Meng Xing felt bored, so he teleported back to Zhenwuzong alone at night, and he was with the two senior sisters, or went to the capital to see the princess and auntie, enjoy the unique warmth of the princess, and cultivate a relationship.

As for the soul angel yamen, since he became a gold-level soul angel, it seems that he has nothing to do, so he is too lazy to go.

Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng will handle most of the matters in Soul Angel's Yamen. If they can't handle it, they will naturally come to Meng Xing.

this day,

Finally came to the territory of Yunzhou, walking slowly on the mountain road, looking at the surrounding scenery.

"Not bad! Not bad! The scenery here is pleasant and it's a good place to travel." Meng Xing said, looking at the lush mountains in the distance.

"Humph! Of course! My hometown is naturally very beautiful!" Luo Yao said proudly.

"Then why did you go to Dingzhou so far and join the Zhenwu Sect?" Meng Xing asked.

"I don't know. I just remember that when I was twelve or three years old, an uncle took me there and asked me to cultivate well in Zhenwuzong, and when I became successful in cultivation, I would go back. He sent me to Zhenwu. After Wu Zong, I went back alone." Luo Yao said.

"These days, I'm feeling more and more homesick, so I'm thinking about coming back. In fact, I'm not yet successful in cultivation. My cultivation is not as good as those of Jue Shenzong's arrogance, and it's also better than Senior Brother Yao and Senior Brother Gu. ."

Her cultivation base is now the seventh-grade spiritual realm, which is the same as what Meng Xing showed.

"It's even worse than you." She glanced at Meng Xing, "I don't know what kind of freak you are. You can even kill a fourth-grade master with a seventh-grade spirit."

"I rely on the talisman of the Taoist gate and the keel sword. If you have these two artifacts, you can too." Meng Xing said flickeringly.

"Forget it, how could the keel sword be willing to recognize me as the master and let me control it?" Luo Yao said.

"I heard Princess Yangping say that there are serious bandits in Yunzhou, so let's be careful." Meng Xing changed the subject and said.

"Nonsense! How can there be bandits in Yunzhou? My hometown is very safe! Don't make up things." Luo Yao said with some dissatisfaction.

As soon as the voice fell, a group of people hula-la rushed out from all directions, surrounding the four people in the middle, looking at the sturdy aura, the suffocating aura, it was obviously a group of robbers.

"The man commits suicide, and the woman follows the uncle. From today onwards, the three of you are my Mrs. Yazhai!" A burly man with a snake tattoo engraved on his arm pointed at the four of them and shouted.

"If you don't commit suicide, we will cut you into meat sauce, and eat dumplings today, leaving you with no bones!"

There was a grim look on the face of the sturdy man, obviously such a thing has not been done less often.

Meng Xing glanced at Luo Yao and saw the embarrassment on her face.

She had just finished saying that there were no bandits in Yunzhou, but the bandits ran out and slapped her in the face.

"Come on! Go and deal with that robber boss." Meng Xing said.

"This person is a sixth-rank golden bell, right? How can I beat him?" Luo Yao felt the other's strong aura and said.

She wasn't stupid either. She knew that Meng Xing wanted to make fun of her, to make her suffer and make a fool of herself, so she wouldn't be fooled.

"I'll do it." Zhou Ruoqing, who was as gentle as water, took a few steps forward, drew out his long sword, and pointed at the thick man.

Zhou Ruoqing also knew that Meng Xing wanted to hone their cultivation, and with him, a third-rank powerhouse, no matter how many gangsters came to send them.

However, she was the only one who knew the secret, Meng Xing was Bai Xia.

Zhou Ruoqing has practiced the wooden cotton magic for so long, and she wanted to try her own cultivation for a long time, but she never had the chance.

"Haha! Little Niangpi, you still want to do it? Do you know who I am?" The stout man laughed.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Zhou Ruoqing, who was as gentle as water, said with a stern face.

You look like this, can you be a little murderous? I'm afraid even an ant can't be scared to death. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

"I'm a flying python! The flying python that no one knows about in this area! Did you see the tattoo on my arm? This is the unique symbol of my flying python." The stout man said flying python.

"It turns out that you are a little snake." Zhou Ruo glanced lightly and said.

The two long eyebrows of the Flying Python froze immediately.

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