After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter four hundred and nineteen, the power of counterattack

Meng Xing couldn't wait to teleport back to the princess' mansion in the capital, and engraved the newly deduced Tiandi Xuanmen array to Zhuo Lingyan.

"Why don't you hurry up? I've already made half of this set." The free laborer said with some dissatisfaction.

"The original one is also useful, but there is a drawback, so you can leave it alone for now. Let's make a new one first. This set is more powerful and can completely defend against second-rank powerhouses." Meng Xing explained the function of the new deduction.

Only then did the free laborers willingly continue to carve new formations.

This time, it took another day and a half to carve out a set. The girl Zhuo Lingyan was exhausted and went to rest after seeing Meng Xing taking away nine arrays.

This time, Meng Xing set up a formation directly near the city wall that was being repaired in Yunzhou City, then drove away the workers who built the wall, and went to blow up the half-built wall.

Between the thunder and lightning, the entire Yunzhou City was startled again.

"What happened again? There was a thunder and lightning roar two days ago, and the city wall was smashed. Is it again this time?"

"Really! The masked man is not dead, yet he is making trouble again!"

"Beiqi's mother! Do you want people to live a peaceful life?"


Between the flashes of lightning, another wall was knocked down in half.

Yan Hanchen, who was patrolling, rushed over with many soldiers and roared: "Damn guy, come to make trouble again? All the sergeants obey the order, give this general, kill this person, and reward him with one thousand taels of silver!"

Countless soldiers shouted and killed, rushing towards Meng Xing with their weapons in hand, marching forward one by one.

"Kill! Kill!"

Meng Xing rushed to the formation, and quickly entered the formation, too lazy to make a move.

boom! boom! boom!

what! what! what!

Countless soldiers rushed to the front of the formation, slammed into the formation one by one, and all of a sudden one person turned on his back, and was overturned directly to the ground by the flickering light gate of the formation, unable to advance at all.

Many soldiers carried weapons and bombarded around the formation light gate, but they couldn't crack the formation at all.

Yan Hanchen also shot,

The strength of a fourth-grade master burst out, holding a long knife, slashing at the formation, the door of light flickered, and it was impossible to shake.

boom! boom! boom!

After a dozen bombardments, it was all in vain, and he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"You guys are here, I'm going to invite a national teacher." Yan Hanchen knew that only a second-rank powerhouse could handle it.

So he walked towards the nearby mountain peak.

Meng Xing's heart moved, so he also teleported back to the prison.


The many warriors in Yunzhou City were fried, but the masked man the day before yesterday was not dead. What was the means to escape from such a whirlpool of explosions?

It's fine if you don't die, but you dare to come to Yunzhou City to cause trouble. How much hatred for Yunzhou City is this? Or how much hatred of the Great Yin Palace or the National Teacher?

Luo Yao, Zhou Ruoqing, and Ye Xuelian also came out from the palace to watch. Naturally, they also heard of what happened a few days ago.

As soon as they heard that it was a masked man, they thought of Bai Xia, but this man's cultivation was a sixth-grade golden bell, obviously not.

And it is said that the clothes the other party wears are not black, but coarse cloth green robes.

However, this person turned out to be the same as Meng Xing, who also knew the formation and magic of Taoism?

The three were surprised and delighted, and they quickly thought that this person was probably Meng Xing, who just deliberately pretended to be a white man.

Zhou Ruoqing was naturally more certain that this person was Senior Brother Meng Xing. He was already a third-rank powerhouse. Naturally, it was easy for him to pretend to be a person with various cultivation bases.

Moreover, the way of formation is what Senior Brother Meng Xing is best at.

The three women stood on the roof of an inn and looked at the scene outside the city. Countless soldiers surrounded a place, carrying their weapons and bursting out the Qi machine and slashing at the formation. There were light gates flashing around them, as if they were illusory. The world is normal, and it is like countless thunders pouring down from the sky, forming strange doors.

Dazzling and magnificent!


Yan Hanchen appeared in front of a palace halfway up the mountain, saw Luo Lingkui practicing swordsmanship in front of the door, and asked, "Little Prince, where is the national teacher?"

"Uncle Yan, the master is practicing inside." Luo Lingkui said.

"You go and tell me that I have something urgent."

"Yes!" Luo Lingkui went in immediately, came out after a while, and said, "Master let you in."

Yan Hanchen stepped in, saw Jiang Yufeng sitting in the main hall cultivating, he cupped his hands and said: "National teacher, the guy from two days ago appeared again, he is not dead, this time put the big formation in Yunzhou. Outside the city, they are destroying Yunzhou City again. We can't break through that great formation!"

"You wait here a moment." Jiang Yufeng opened his eyes and said.

His figure disappeared in an instant, and the next moment he appeared in front of the door of the prison, with a cold expression, he shouted into the iron fence: "Boy, are you there?"

"Guo Shi, what are you looking for from me? I'm sleeping!" Meng Xing said as if he hadn't woken up.

"The masked man who is making trouble outside also knows the way of formation, is it you?" Jiang Yufeng said coldly.

"The masked man making trouble outside? What did he do?" Meng Xing pretended to be stunned and said.

"Humph! That person is also a martial artist, but he understands the Taoist formations. In Daqin, I am afraid that only you can do it!" Jiang Yufeng said.

"That's a bad word! National Master, the world is full of wonders. People who practice martial arts know the way of the formation of Taoism, and there should be some people, and the methods of Taoism are strange, and they do not necessarily need knowledge of formation. , you can use it. The masked man outside actually knows the way of formation, do you want me to communicate with him?" Meng Xing said.

"Humph! If you let me know that you did it, I will definitely not forgive you!" Jiang Yufeng said coldly.

Jiang Yufeng certainly knows that there are many people in this world who have special methods, but many people may not show it.

It's just that the masked man that appeared was too weird, especially for Yunzhou City, which made Jiang Yufeng have to wonder if Meng Xing was doing it on purpose.

Meng Xing said: "National teacher, you should think about it, let me go! This is not a place for people to stay. If I stay any longer, I will be useless!"

Jiang Yufeng ignored him, disappeared and left, taking Yan Hanchen and Luo Lingkui to the outside of Yunzhou City.

At this time, outside the city of Yunzhou, there are already countless onlookers, watching from a distance that many soldiers are bombarding the great formation, and watching the light gates flashing around, all of them are dumbfounded, and there are many ordinary people who do not understand. Thinking that some strange immortal had come, he was kneeling on the ground and bowing his head.

Many warriors were also talking about it, and when they saw the master of the national teacher, they were all excited.

"Lord Heavenly National Teacher broke this great formation before. It seems that the National Teacher still needs to come."

"Our Yunzhou City is fortunate to have the National Teacher, otherwise, Yunzhou City will be destroyed by the masked man! Without the protection of the city wall, if the enemy comes, we will only be beaten and killed."

"It must be the ghosts of the demon clan or the demons. In the past few years, those ghosts and ghosts have been moving around, and they have done many of these things."

"Impossible, the opponent is a sixth-grade master of the martial arts system, and it can't be a monster or a demon."

"Then it may be a bandit outside Yunzhou City who wants to control Yunzhou City."


Yan Hanchen said in a deep voice: "All sergeants, temporarily retreat ten miles, and the National Teacher will deal with this formation."

Therefore, many soldiers retreated one after another.

Jiang Yufeng stood in front of the formation and felt it, feeling that this formation was similar to the one the day before yesterday.


Jiang Yufeng's body moved extremely fast, and a punch exploded, carrying a fiery breath, bombarding the formation. The formation flickered a door of light, swallowed up the qi and energy, and then spewed out, like a pillar of energy, bombarding him.


Unable to control his body, he flew out backwards, a tattered hole appeared in his clothes, revealing red and swollen skin.

Jiang Yufeng almost vomited blood, this guy actually changed the function of the formation, how much power he exerted, how much power the formation counterattacked to him.

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