After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter four hundred and twentieth seventh, 4th grade devil heart

Meng Xing was instantly refreshed, no wonder he couldn't find it, it turned out to be hidden in such a place.

Moreover, the people inside are also very cunning, and they do not leave the victim's residence if they mutilate them. They understand the truth that "the most dangerous place is the safest place".

This thing that looks like a leaf, if ordinary people don't pay attention, they will definitely think that it is an ordinary leaf that has been blown away by the wind.

Meng Xing's cultivation base has reached the third rank, so he is very sensitive to this kind of air fluctuations, and his spiritual power can also be sensed.

In the darkness, Meng Xing's eyes twinkled brightly. When he looked carefully, he was suddenly a little stunned. How could this kind of thing be similar to the long copper block on his body? It seemed to be a part of the long copper block.

Is that person hiding in the storage space of the long copper block?

Why didn't I find out yesterday? Could it be hiding in the dirt, avoiding the scanning of my spiritual power?

Meng Xing thought about it for a while and felt that this might be the reason, the other party was too cunning.

The long copper block flew out and flew in one direction at a very fast speed. Meng Xing quietly followed behind, not in a hurry or slow.

After flying for about a kilometer, the long copper block flew towards a quiet and dark yard, then floated outside a room, passed through the gap, and floated in.

Meng Xing approached the room, stood in front of the window, lightly poked a small hole in the window paper, and peered into the room.

I saw a pitch-black hand sticking out from the long copper block, and the five-finger nails were more than an inch long, pitch-black into the ink, like a sharp sword. If people who don't understand see this scene, they must be extremely frightened at this moment, scared to death.

That hand grabbed the chest of a sleeping person on the bed, and was about to dig out the other's heart.

But at this time, Meng Xing had already appeared beside the black hand. One hand had grabbed the arm, and the other hand had already grabbed the long copper block. With a strong pull, the long copper block had been hidden in the long copper block. The person in the middle was caught, and a bald man appeared in front of him, with a dark body and a hole in his chest, whose heart had been taken out by someone who didn't know.

The bald man was stunned, looking at Meng Xing, horrified. He used such a subtle method to grab a person's heart, but was discovered by someone, and was pulled out forcibly by someone?

For him,

Simply incredible.

Meng Xing took the long copper nugget into his arms, and the bald-headed man was instantly furious. He slaughtered at Meng Xing, and his fingernails slashed towards his chest.


In a flash of cold light, a keel sword appeared in Meng Xing's hand, and slashed towards the bald man's hands.

laugh! laugh!

The two black hands were each broken into two pieces, and the bald man was immediately horrified. His hands were more than stone, and they were cut off. It was obvious that the other party was using magic weapons.

The bald-headed man shot out a black gas from his hand, wrapped his two broken arms, then flew out and hurriedly escaped.

Meng Xing has already noticed that this person's cultivation base is fourth-grade. According to the system of demons, it should be a fourth-grade demon state of mind, but what is strange is why this person can still live without a heart?

This fight naturally awakened all the people on the bed, looking at the scene in front of them in astonishment, at this moment, he couldn't help but let out an earth-shattering cry: "Help! Help! Kill! Kill!"

Immediately, everyone around was startled, one by one woke up from their sleep, and ran out in great panic to see what happened.

The catchers who were patrolling around also rushed over.

Meng Xing was already chasing after the bald man at a very fast speed.

"Boy, you can't kill me! I'm a fourth-rank master, you're not my opponent!" the bald man roared.

"The Ronin from Douluo"

"Since you dare to kill people here, don't even think about escaping," Meng Xing said.

"If I want to run away, run away, and you can't catch me!" said the bald man.


As soon as the words fell, the bald man found that Meng Xing had appeared in front of him very strangely, holding a sword in his hand, pointing at his throat, waiting for him to ram forward.

The bald-headed man was horrified, he suddenly braked suddenly, twisted his body, was a little short of it, and hit it, hurriedly turned the direction, and ran to another place.

He was so frightened that he was so scared that his throat was about to be cut just a little bit.

In the dark night, the dark body also appeared even darker.

"Boy! Don't chase me, chase me again, and I'll fight you!" the bald man roared.

"Then stop, let's try it out!" Meng Xing said.

"I am condensing my bloodthirsty heart, otherwise, I would have fought with you long ago! When I reach the third rank, I will definitely smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" The bald man said through gritted teeth.

"You want to condense the bloodthirsty heart, so you killed so many innocent people?" Meng Xing said.

"Hey! You so-called famous and decent people are far more cruel than my demons! I just killed a few ordinary people to cultivate the bloodthirsty demon heart." The bald man said.

"Kill your life! If that's the case, you will accept your life!" Meng Xing said.

Meng Xing appeared in front of him without warning, and beheaded him with a single sword.

The bald man gritted his teeth: "You forced me, I will fight with you!"

He waved his hands, and a black qi surrounded him, condensed more and more densely, and then punched it out, and countless black qi rushed out.


Meng Xing's sword slashed the air machine to pieces, splitting it into two black air waves, but the long sword in his hand advanced straight into the atrium, beheading the opponent.

The bald man's scalp was numb, he hurried back, punched again, and the qi machine and the long sword violently collided.

Ding Haisheng and Shi Kuai were also rushing over, and when they saw this fierce fight, they stopped in shock.

With their strength, fighting against such a master is basically self-destruction. Even if they touch it, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive.

Many people also rubbed their eyes and came out of their homes with a bewildered face. Seeing this scene, they were also shocked.

"The county government arrests the murderer, please don't panic!" Ding Haisheng said loudly.

"It turned out to be the arrest of the murderer! This time, one person is killed every day in our county, and people are panicking. If this continues, we will not be able to survive."

"That black bald man is obviously the murderer! I didn't expect the murderer to be like this."

"Look, everyone, he seems to be missing a heart on his chest! No wonder he wants to dig someone's heart, it turns out that his heart is missing!"

"However, with no heart, how can this person still be alive? No wonder this person is a ghost?"

Many people reacted, and suddenly there was a burst of horror, and their faces turned pale with fright. If it wasn't for seeing someone dealing with ghosts, everyone would have run away.


The bald man slammed down and smashed at Meng Xing, Meng Xing disappeared immediately, and a huge pit appeared on the ground when the black air blasted, the soil splashed in all directions, and the powerful cracking sound scared the people back.

Meng Xing suddenly appeared behind him, beheaded him with a sword, and with a puff, cut off his head with a sword and flew out.

Suddenly, a tall yin god screamed and flew out of his head, with a twisted shape, and flew towards a catcher, trying to occupy his body.

If the body is occupied, this fast capture can only be a dead end.

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