After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Chapter 433, Are you lonely at night?

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You must know that although the Soul Angel Yamen can supervise hundreds of officials and supervise practitioners from all sides, it is the Huanghuo Sect that cannot be provoked the most. Anyone who encounters the Huanghuo Sect must think twice and try not to offend the Huanghuo Sect. Teach, so as not to offend the current emperor while offending the second-rank powerhouse.

However, Meng Xing did not play cards according to common sense, and instead imprisoned all the disciples of Huanghuo Sect.

This is going to cause something big.

After Jiang Yiting heard about this, he hurried to Meng Xing and said, "Brother Meng, hurry up and set fire to all the members of the Huanghuo Sect. It is said that Pei Mohan is the third disciple of the female sect master, and you arrested her disciple. , she certainly won't let it go."

Meng Xing smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, don't worry! It'll be alright!"

The worst outcome is just "my future wife" beating me up. Does she still dare to kill her future husband? Meng Xing vomited in his heart.

Seeing Meng Xing like this, Jiang Yiting had no choice but to give up, thinking that this little brother is so sullen, there must be some way to deal with the female leader of the Huanghuo Sect. He has always been resourceful and rarely does such impulsive things.


Soul Heaven Pavilion on the third floor.

Cai Han stood in front of the windowsill, staring at the scenery outside.

Xing Bofeng folded his hands and stooped, reporting: "Master, Meng Xing is so chaotic that he has imprisoned the third disciples of the Huanghuojiao, which will cause a conflict between us and the Huanghuojiao."

Li Mochun said: "I don't think that Meng Xing did something wrong. This is the first provocation by the disciples of the Phoenix Fire Sect, and it is right to arrest them."

Xing Bofeng said: "The emperor is so fond of the female leader of the Huanghuo Sect, and even intends to take her as a concubine, Meng Xing offended the female leader, and also offended our emperor, which will make our soul angel Yamen and the emperor have a gap. "

"Okay! You don't need to worry about this, Meng Xing will take care of it." Cai Han said, turned around slowly, picked up the teacup, and took a sip.

Xing Bofeng bowed his hands, left first, and walked down the Soul Heaven Pavilion along the stairs, his face gradually became ugly.

Xing Bofeng originally wanted to take the opportunity to step on Meng Xing. Even if he didn't kill him, he would have to feel uncomfortable. Now it seems that he can't be suppressed.

The Governor Cai believed in Meng Xing so much, and instead let him handle the matter himself, as if he was not afraid that he would offend the female leader and the emperor of the Huanghuo Sect.

Does Governor Cai have any plans?

It's quite possible.

In addition to being very strong in cultivation, Governor Cai has always been scheming. He took control of the Soul Angel Yamen during the time of Taizu, and until now, he is still highly regarded by the emperor today.

Even the current emperor would not dare to dismiss him easily.

Xing Bofeng walked back to the office and saw Xing Yixuan looking forward to it.

"Father! How's it going? How is Governor Cai going to deal with Meng Xing?" Xing Yixuan asked hurriedly.

"What are you anxious about? Governor Cai would never punish him for this matter. That person is just the third disciple of the female leader of the Huanghuo Sect. Even if Meng Xing caught him, he would not arouse the Huanghuo Sect. The conflict with Soul Angel Yamen, at most, is that the female sect leader made some slander in front of the emperor, and then the emperor dismissed Meng Xing's post, but he couldn't hurt him at all." Xing Bofeng said.

"Father! How shall we deal with him then?"

"This matter can only be taken slowly. At the critical moment, give him a fatal blow, otherwise, if he can't be killed, it may be us who are injured." Xing Bofeng said.

"By the way, go and give Prince Kang some gifts. Prince Kang seems to want to kill this kid. If we want to kill him, we need the help of Prince Kang."

"Yes! Dad." Xing Yixuan said.


After settling down, Meng Xing walked to the Ruchunfang agreed with Chen Jinshu, entered a hook bar, listened to music and drank.

"Brother Meng, where is my junior sister now?" Chen Jinshu asked after taking a sip of wine.

To Meng Xing's surprise, this guy didn't order a woman to accompany the drink.

"She's in the princess' mansion. She already regards the princess's mansion as her own home, and she won't leave there." Meng Xing said.

"What are you doing in Beijing?"

"I came to the capital to play by the way, let's see what my junior sister is doing, since she met you, she doesn't seem to care about Lei Zong, and she doesn't know about it all day.

To provide you with the fastest update of "Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world"!

Chapter 433, Are You Lonely At Night? Free reading: ,!

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What is she doing makes her master a little worried. "Chen Jinshu said.

"If you want to see her, I can take you there." Meng Xing said.

"Take me there tomorrow. Let's drink this flower wine tonight. If you don't get drunk, you won't go home."

With that said, Chen Jinshu picked up the wine glass, drank it all at once, then poured himself another glass and said, "By the way, I'm going to Zenlin Temple in a few days, do you want to go?"

"Why are you going to Zenlin Temple?" Meng Xing asked.

"Haven't you heard? The monks from the Western Regions are going to go to the Chanlin Temple to debate Buddhism with the masters of the Chanlin Monastery, to compete with the masters of Buddhism, and to win or lose. Usually they will come once every five years, and there will be many people from all corners of the world, and people from sects will also go there. Watch." Chen Jinshu said.

"Isn't it a month later?" Meng Xing said, remembering the matter that Monk Jieyan and Master Zhenhui invited him to participate.

"It's a month later, but I've been traveling all the way, and it's just right when I get there." Chen Jinshu said.

The two were talking and drinking.

Chen Jinshu was so drunk that he fell asleep in the elegant room of Goulan.

Meng Xing was slightly awake, took out the teleportation disk and teleported it to the yard where he lived, and did not go to the princess to disturb her.

At this time, it was Hai Shi, so in a previous life, Meng Xing would definitely not go to bed so early.

Meng Xing was about to go into the room to sleep when three options suddenly appeared in front of him.

[1. Fall down and pretend to sleep. 】

[2. Throwing Su Xianyun down in the garden, using drunkenness to be indecent. 】

[Three, in a battle with Su Xianyun, you may be beaten to death. 】

Su Xianyun? Isn't she the female leader of the Phoenix Fire Sect? Did she come to the door? She stood silently behind me? When did she come?

Meng Xing felt drenched in cold sweat, and was a little sober from the drunkenness.

He immediately chose the first option, fell to the ground with a thud, and fell asleep deliberately.

Then, Meng Xing heard very light footsteps, like the footsteps of a ghost, slowly approaching him.

Meng Xing even smelled a fragrant scent, and felt that she was leaning over to look, as if she wanted to see what happened to him.


Meng Xing felt a sudden pain in his body, his body flew up, and then fell to the ground, causing the ground to vibrate.

What the hell! How dare this bitch dare to kick me?

Meng Xing scolded inwardly, although his physique was very good and he was not afraid of her kicks, it was still a little uncomfortable to fall to the ground, and the other party secretly used a few percent of his Qi.

This stinky mother-in-law will not pity her future husband, so rude.

[The task has been completed, get a random reward: Constitution +1]

After taking a kick, it seems that it is a bit inconvenient to get a little physique attribute value.

"Ouch! Ouch! Who kicked me?" Meng Xing cried.

"Little drunk, are you still up? Do you want me to kick you again?"

A slightly cold but magnetic voice came.

"No! No! I'll get up by myself. Ouch! It hurts to death, so don't take it lightly! The footsteps are too harsh." Meng Xing deliberately pretended to be in pain, covered the place where he was kicked, and stood up.

"Humph! I'm measured, I can't kick you to death!" Su Xianyun said.

"Who are you? How come you are in my house? At midnight, you trespassed into the house. Could it be that you are lonely at night to find your lover?" Meng Xing asked.

The air suddenly solidified, and Meng Xing felt a coldness emanating from the other party's body.

To provide you with the fastest update of "Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world"!

Chapter 433, Are You Lonely At Night? Free reading: ,!


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