After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible

Four hundred and fortieth chapters, measuring Buddha nature

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Which monk did it? Where do I know? I'm just a porter. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

Which eminent monk wrote the Heart Sutra, some say it was passed down from ancient India, and some say it was written by Master Xuanzang. As for who actually made it, Meng Xing has no idea and does not know.

Seeing the eager anticipation of the crowd, Meng Xing smiled and said, "I just met an eminent monk by chance, this man has beautiful eyes, long ears, very Buddha-like appearance, and his expression is kind. When you talk to him, you will feel that wisdom bursts out, you are influenced by the Buddha’s aggregate, and your heart is pious. After he taught me some scriptures, he floated away, not knowing where he went.”

"The Buddha's words are unspeakable, unspeakable, inconceivable. It doesn't matter who he is, and I have never cared about it, and I have nothing to worry about. If I hadn't talked with Master Nemo today, I'm afraid I wouldn't have thought of this. Scripture."

Master Shikong and other eminent monks of Zenlin Temple were all thoughtful.

The people of Zhenwuzong almost fainted, and they all remembered the old grandfather he often moved out, but this time it was an eminent monk who moved out.

Are you real or fake? Even everyone is lost in the lake, and they all feel that they have been fooled by him.

However, such a profound scripture is probably not something that a young man like him could have produced. Without a deep understanding of Buddhism, he could not have produced such a work that shocked the world at all.

If he really did it, I am afraid everyone can become a monk.

But Master Nemo was speechless. This kid, speaking of Buddhist scriptures, is very knowledgeable, and what he said is not leaking.

Others want to know who the eminent monk is, but you refuse to say it. You don’t care, and you don’t care. If you don’t care, why do you remember the scriptures so clearly?

With this guy's spoiler, Master Nemo naturally knew that he had lost a game.

Master Nemo now desperately wants to make a comeback, otherwise, he will lose the Buddhist debate this time.

Master Nimo glanced at the Zen Forest Temple and saw the Bodhi tree planted in the temple. He immediately thought about it and said, "Master Shikong, how about we make a verse on this Bodhi topic?"

Master Shikong did not continue to ask Meng Xing who wrote the Heart Sutra. Meng Xing had already said, "Unspeakable, unspeakable, inconceivable", and I am afraid he has his own difficulties.

It doesn't matter who did it. What matters is that this scripture can be passed down to the world in the future, and it can save all sentient beings and make all sentient beings become Buddhas.

He looked at Master Nemo,

He smiled slightly and said, "If Master Nemo wants to do it, then do it!"

Master Nemo said, "Master Shikong, your mood seems to have changed."

"It doesn't matter if you win or lose. I, Zenlin Temple, have always wanted to compete with you monks in the Western Regions. It's really obvious," said Master Shikong.

Master Nemo frowned and said, "But for me, a monk in the Western Regions, this is very important."

He thought about it for a while, and then wrote a verse: "The body is a bodhi tree, and the mind is like a bright mirror; always wipe it diligently, and don't let it provoke dust!"

Everyone was immediately shocked. This master Nemo was really knowledgeable. He made a verse so quickly, and listening to this verse was also very good. Dyeing the dust makes the practice to a higher level.

This is already a very clever verse.

Master Shikong pondered silently for a long time, unable to come up with a more brilliant verse than him, and sighed: "Old man is not as good as you, Master Nemo."

Master Nemo suddenly smiled and said, "Master, why don't you invite the rest of the Zenlin Temple to try it?"

Master Shikong turned to look at all the monks in Chanlin Temple, all of them shook their heads one after another, their faces were a little embarrassed, and all of them looked a little helpless.

Master Nimo smiled and became even more proud. He looked at Meng Xing and said, "This donor seems to have studied Buddhism quite a bit. Why don't you come and write a verse?"

Meng Xing was a little speechless. There was such a similar verse in his previous life. I didn't expect that in this world, this Nima... No, Master Nimo also wrote it.

If it was Master Nemo who asked himself other things, he might not understand it, but he could really make this one.

Meng Xing pondered for a while, and then he moved out first, then said, "Bodhi is not a tree, and a bright mirror is not a stage;

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Nothing, where is the dust. "

Master Nemo was dumbfounded. Many monks, including Master Shikong, lit up.

The many onlookers were also unaware.

"Master Meng's verses are truly amazing. They are truly enlightening!" Monk Jieyan said excitedly.

"Master Jiyan, why can't we understand? Is it really that powerful?" Yang Xiaochui asked.

"Of course it's really amazing! Master Nemo's verse says that the state of mind must be wiped constantly so as not to be stained with dust. But Master Meng said that there was no Bodhi tree and no mirror stand, and there was nothing in the state of mind. To be able to provoke dust, there is no need to wipe it at all. This is undoubtedly a lot smarter."

Such a comparison makes a judgment. Yang Xiaochui and the others immediately understood the mystery.

Many people in the square were also listening intently. At this moment, they also understood that Meng Xing's verses were better than Master Nemo's verses.

side of the square.

"If I don't get rid of this person, I'm afraid it will be a big problem for my confidant in the future!" He Zhenzi said with a solemn expression.

"Yes! Great Elder, we must kill this man!" You Tianqi hated Meng Xing to death.

"After this Buddhist event, we must go all out to hunt down this person!" He Zhenzi said coldly.

"Yes!" You Tianqi was overjoyed, this kid might really be dead.


Master Nemo's face suddenly turned green, and he asked who was bad, why should he ask this guy, this is good, he really shot himself in the foot.

Originally, Master Shikong and other people in Zenlin Temple were at a loss and couldn't make a better verse than him, but he asked one more question, but in the end he slapped himself in the face.

What kind of rock did you get out of, can you even think of that?

Master Nemo has practiced Buddhism for many years, and he almost couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart.

Master Nimo forced his composure and said, "Daqin is really outstanding, and there is such a powerful person as the donor. Why don't the donor escape into the empty door of our Western Regions? In the future, he will definitely become a generation of eminent monks, and he will have the opportunity to become a Buddha who transcends the world!"

Master Nemo tried to win over the guy.

Moreover, the Mahayana Buddhism he mentioned may be able to change the status quo of Buddhism in the Western Regions and make Buddhism in the Western Regions more prosperous.

The reason why I came to Daqin to promote Buddhism is to expand Buddhism in the Western Regions, and to accept more Daqin people as Buddhist disciples in the Western Regions, so that Buddhism in the Western Regions will become more prosperous, rather than settled in a corner of the Western Regions.

Meng Xing smiled and said, "Master, I still want to get married and have children, and I don't want to escape into the empty door."

Master Nemo said, "It is a pity that the donor, who is a talented Buddhist, married a wife and had children, and fell in love with the world."

Master Shikong frowned. Although he knew that Meng Xing would definitely not go to the Western Regions, it was really unpleasant that Master Nemo was digging a corner.

Master Shikong put his hands together and said, "Master Nimo, is this Buddhist event still going on?"

"Naturally! Why don't we do this, let's test the Buddha's nature!" Master Nimo sneered and said.

"How to measure Buddha-nature?"

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