City First Hospital.

Monday, 10 am.

The weather is clear and cloudless.

Two taxis stopped at the gate of the City First Hospital.

Six people got out of the taxi.

"Is this the City First Court?"

"What a huge venue, at least twice as big as our cancer hospital!"

These six people are the backbone doctors and nurses of the Lingnan Cancer Hospital·Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Center, and they have rich professional experience.

This time, I wanted to come to the City No. 1 People's Court for an on-site visit, and then discuss the salary and benefits, and then decide whether to join the City No. 1 People's Court.

At this time, Chen Aiguo, director of the puppet, greeted him warmly.

"Hello, you should come from Lingnan Cancer Hospital, right?"

"Yes, you are..."

"I'm Chen Aiguo, the director of the transplantation center... Welcome to the City First Hospital..."

"Hello, Director Chen, hello."

"You don't need to be so polite, but Director Lin Feng is the real person in charge of the transplant center. I am a retired old man responsible for some administrative work..."

"Wow, Dr. Lin Feng is really the director!"


Be amazed!

This is only the first year of training, and I have become the director of a department. It's awesome!

Chen Aiguo said: "Dr. Lin is currently undergoing an extracardiac operation. It is a patient from the southern province. He must be operated on by Dr. Lin. So he is still in the operating room and cannot come to pick you up..."

Public transplant backbone medical care: "666~~666~~~~"

As expected of Dr. Lin!




After spending an hour, they visited the transplantation center and found that the place is very spacious, and the equipment is first-class in China, or brand new...

Then talked about salary.

The original salary base has increased by 50%!

A group of people were both excited and shocked.

"I go!"

"The hospital in Peng City is really rich!"

"Wealth and wealth!"

At this time, they did not hesitate.

With Dr. Lin Feng passing on the experience, the salary is even higher!

What are you waiting for?

Sign the contract and enter the job directly!

Go through the formalities, sign the contract, and formally become a staff member of the Transplant Center of the City First Hospital.

The next day, seven more doctors and nurses from the Transplantation Center of Lingnan Cancer Hospital came to join the No. 1 Hospital of the city.

At this time, the number of people in the transplant center of Lingnan Cancer Hospital has been reduced by nearly half!

This matter finally couldn't be concealed, and it was discovered by Director Chen Yunjie.

"The City No. 1 Hospital actually dug the foot of the wall!"

Chen Yunjie was so angry that he set off the table on the spot.

However, he had to calm down the other doctors and nurses in a pleasant way, so as not to be poached by Lin Feng again, and he had to give them a raise and talk heart-to-heart.

At this moment of cruel Shura, he was forced to transform into a neighborhood committee aunt, not to mention vomiting blood.

By the way, he was called to scold him by the director of the cancer hospital.


City First Hospital.

director's office.

"Hahaha~~~ Lin Feng, what a great job! I guess that Chen Yunjie is going to be pissed off!"Dean Wang Chang finally dissipated at this moment, and years of grievances drifted away with the wind. He was in a good mood and his face was flushed.

Lin Feng reluctantly said: "In fact, at the beginning, I didn't think about digging the wall, but later found that they came to me actively and wanted to mix with me, so I tried to win, but I didn't expect it to be so easy...¨¨..."

Dean Wang Chang smiled: "This has something to do with Chen Yunjie's character, it's easy to offend people... Forget it, let's not talk about him, let's talk about the next operation..."

Lin Feng nodded and said solemnly: "I'm going to use Zhao Pingping's surgery as an example and promote it. In addition, according to what I have discussed with you, 10 more operations will be performed, and 40% of the surgery fee will be waived for patients, plus social security. Reimbursement is 50%, and patients only need to pay 10%. Through this preferential policy to attract other leukemia patients across the country... As long as these 11 operations are successful, then our city's first hospital transplant center will have enough reputation to attract leukemia patients across the country !"

Dean Wang is happy: "Okay, the plan is good... When will Zhao Pingping's surgery begin!"

Lin Feng: "Just these few days, we have found a match (donor) from the domestic bone marrow database, and we have obtained matching bone marrow fluid from the donor... Next, when the bone marrow fluid arrives by air, we The operation can be performed."


Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

First of all, it must be matched.

The first step: find relatives first.

Step 2: If it is unsuccessful, go to the domestic bone marrow database to match.

In the first step, Lin Feng did a human leukocyte antigen (HLA) test for Pingping and his father.


The match failed!

The second step.

Zhao Pingping's human leukocyte antigen data is transmitted to the Chinese bone marrow database to match through the Internet.

Maybe God also has mercy on this troubled family.


The match is successful!

The donor is a college student from Imperial Capital.

(According to statistics, young people are the main force in bone marrow donation! Young people are strong, and the motherland is strong!)

Speaking of his joining the bone marrow donation process, it is also rather bizarre.

In an occasional official propaganda activity, he originally just went to donate blood, so he took a little more by the way, and then joined the ranks of bone marrow donation.

It has only been more than half a year since he joined the Chinese bone marrow database.

Pingping was lucky to be able to match.


Official contact the donor.

After the donor heard that he was matched successfully.

Immediately agreed to donate.

Officials arranged for donors’ physical examinations and assisted the Royal Capital Hospital in collecting high-resolution blood samples.

Confirm the match again.


The principle of nearby donation.

Donors do not need to go to Pengshi.

Imperial Capital Hospital began to collect hematopoietic stem cells.

The method is: PBHSCT peripheral blood stem cell collection (different from BMT·iliac bone puncture and pulp extraction)

The specific process is:

·Five days before collection, a few injections of hematopoietic stem cell mobilizer...

·Induced a large number of hematopoietic stem cells from red bone marrow into the blood...

·Punch a vein in the elbow of the donor's arm and draw blood...

·Separate the blood flowing in the blood vessels and extract peripheral blood stem cells from it.

·Finally get enough hematopoietic stem cell suspension, about 55 ml.

·Air transport to Pengshi No. 1 Hospital.


The next day, the bone marrow fluid was safely transported all the way and arrived at the City No. 1 Hospital.

The transplant center is ready for everyone!

This is the first operation in the transplant center and it is very important!

Hosted by Lin Feng,

The first step is to match again!


The second step is the pre-operation work.

This process is much more complicated than general surgery.

Lin Feng personally went into battle.

·First, perform various physical examinations for Zhao Pingping to ensure that it is suitable for the surgical conditions...

·Then enter the aseptic chamber...

·Using various drugs to treat the abnormal hematopoietic stem cells in Pingping's body, leaving a place for the new hematopoietic stem cells to be transplanted...



Start the formal operation!


The transplantation process is the same as the collection of hematopoietic stem cells, without any thrilling scenes.

It is not even as fierce as the visual effect of a three-level internal fixation in orthopedics.

There was no sizzle of an electric knife, no click of a bone saw.

This is more like a silent battle.

Following Lin Feng's operation and intravenous injection, the donor's hematopoietic stem cells enter Pingping's body like a blood transfusion...


Just wait, while waiting, while testing!


New red blood cell production!


New white blood cell production!


New platelet generation!

Hematopoietic stem cells divide and grow step by step, and begin to rebuild Pingping’s immune system.

This process is slow, long and difficult.

Among them are infections, rejections, and complications.

1 day……

5 days……

15 days……

Pingping has been through the aseptic warehouse.

Even after eating, the nurse must strictly sterilize the food before entering.

Lin Feng takes time every day to check the patient's condition and constantly adjust the medicine.



Prevent complications...

Lin Feng challenges the limit!


20 days……

30 days……

A whole month!

Zhao Pingping can finally come out of the aseptic chamber.

Then there are various examinations: blood routine, blood biochemical examination, bone marrow biopsy, cytochemical staining, immunophenotyping examination, chromosome karyotype and molecular biology examination...

after one day,

All the inspection results are out!

Everything is normal!

No more traces of leukemia!

In other words,

The operation was successful!

When Lin Feng announced the result at the transplant center,

"` "Wow!~~~"

There was enthusiastic applause.

The medical staff breathed a sigh of relief.

The success of the first operation brought a perfect start to this newly established transplant center!

As for the patient Zhao Pingping and his father Zhao Wuyi, they were already crying into tears at this moment!

"Thank you Doctor Lin!!"


Zhao Wuyi knelt down on the spot.

Since his daughter Zhao Pingping was diagnosed with leukemia, he has been in endless heartache and suffering.


Keep the cloud open and see the moonlight!

Push away the clouds and mist to see the blue sky!

He and his daughter will be greeted with a bright and beautiful future!

And all of this was given by Lin Feng.

He didn't want to repay this kindness, so he could only use this heavy kneeling to express his gratitude.

Lin Feng was shocked, and quickly helped him:

"Get up quickly, my goodness..."

Lin Feng sweats wildly.



(Chan Nuo Zhao)

The news spread throughout the hospital.

Lin Feng's reconstruction of the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation center, the first leukemia operation, was successful!

The whole city, a courtyard, fried pot!

"Doctor Lin has created a legend again~~~"

"This is the first leukemia operation in Pengshi, right?"

"Dr. Lin, awesome (broken sound~~)!"

"What are you excited about? Basic exercise, basic exercise!"

"Yes, for Doctor Lin, this is just basic exercises, sit down!"

"Dr. Lin, the director of the department, deserves his name!"

"From now on, I will call you: Director Lin Feng!"

The admiration of the doctors and nurses towards Lin Feng is as continuous as the surging river.



When Dean Wang Chang heard the news, he jumped excitedly.

6 years of hard work, back!

The failure of the year is now back to victory!

By the way, it has always been the No. 1 Dabei Hospital in Peng City. Now let me be the second child!


Dean Wang Chang, smile proudly!

As far as hematology is concerned, with Lin Feng, I will take you to death.


This night, Dean Wang woke up several times in his dream.

(Dean of Dabei Hospital: MMP! Laozi is not convinced!!)


On Lin Feng's side, the first leukemia operation was successful. It is worthy of joy and celebration.

But then, we have to face even greater challenges!

10 leukemia operations!

. .

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