In the rescue room.

Zhang Yuan and Song Ziming are busy rescuing the wounded.

Unconsciously, Lin Feng appeared behind the two of them.

Song Ziming quickly reported his illness to Zhang Yuan:

"The patient fell from a height of about 15 meters three minutes ago. After the injury, he was sometimes unconscious, sometimes awake, accompanied by nausea, without vomiting. After waking up, the sentimental pain was obvious, chest tightness and difficulty breathing, and abdominal pain. The left abdomen was the most serious ..."

"Physical examination showed a soft neck, obvious tenderness in the left chest wall, bony rubbing sensation, positive sternum tenderness, and a slightly weak left lung breath sound. The heart rhythm is flat. The abdomen is flat and soft, the liver and spleen are not under the ribs, and the whole abdomen is tender and rebound pain. Obviously, bowel sounds, no percussive pain in the kidney area, and about 5ml of non-coagulated blood taken out by abdominal puncture. There is no deformity in the spine and limbs, and no obvious dysfunction."

Zhang Yuan: "Three minutes? I came to the hospital so soon."

Song Ziming: "It fell from the fifth floor of the inpatient department of our hospital."

Zhang Yuan: "..."

Song Ziming waited for Zhang Yuan's medical advice.

Such a critically ill patient.

With Zhang Yuan present, it is not yet Song Ziming's turn to give a doctor's order.

Zhang Yuan: "Do emergency chest CT and abdominal CT, and notify the general surgeon to come for consultation."

Song Ziming: "Received!"

Just when Song Ziming wanted to act immediately.

A long voice sounded from behind him.

Lin Feng!

"From the physical examination, it is estimated that there is a rib fracture, internal bleeding, a lot of bleeding, and possible organ damage."

"I think it's too slow for people who are doing CT and waiting for general surgery. Tell the "Nine Zero" emergency operating room to be ready!"

"Exploratory laparotomy, find the bleeding point as soon as possible, stop the bleeding and save people."

Song Ziming and Zhang Yuan turned back together.

"Lin Feng?! Why are you here?"

The two were a little surprised.

Lin Feng smiled: "I rushed over when I heard the news."

Zhang Yuanxi said: "Lin Feng, surgery is going to be done, then come on!"

In an emergency, Lin Feng, the fastest surgeon, is naturally the best choice.

"Okay, I'm coming."

Lin Feng did not shirk. He was in a hurry. One second earlier, the success rate and prognosis of the operation would be better.


Three minutes later...

The patient was pushed into the emergency operating room.

five minutes later……

The invited doctors in various departments hurried to the rescue room.

At first glance, the rescue room was empty.


What about the patient?

At this moment, it happened that Xiaoli, a nurse, came in to clean up the mess.

The doctors in the consultation asked: "Didn't you call the emergency room and say that there was a patient who fell from a height in the emergency room? What about people?"

Xiaoli: "You are late, and the patient was pushed into the operating room by Director Lin."

Doctor: "Which Director Lin?"

Xiao Li pursed her small mouth: "I am ignorant, and which Director Lin of the City First Hospital is of course the most handsome Director Lin."

Since Lin Feng became the department director of the transplant center, the title of'Doctor Lin' has been changed to'Director Lin'.

The doctor suddenly realized: "It turned out to be Director Lin Feng, but he didn't respond at once. Since Director Lin is here, I shouldn't be used anymore. I will flash!"


Emergency operating room.

In preparation for the operation...

At this time, director Li Beifang was worried about the safety of his substitute, so he went to the operating room to watch.

Dean Wang also came.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, director Li Beifang's mind flashed!

This operation... can't it be filmed and put in a TV series?

This is a real operation!

It's not a fake surgery!

Plus Lin Feng, a handsome

At this moment, Director Li Beifang was excited.

"Dean, I have a small request!"

"What's wrong?"

"I want to take pictures of this operation!"


Li Beibei promised the condition: "In the main drama of the TV series, a total of 5 minutes and a total of 300 seconds will be displayed on the plaque of the City No. 1 Hospital!"


"8 minutes!"


"10 minutes!"

"make a deal!"

Li Beifang and Dean Wang glanced at each other, hehehe~~~ Hooking up their shoulders and reaching for a dirty fart deal!

Dean Wang: "I still have requirements: first, to obtain the consent of the injured, and secondly, the whole process needs to be sterile..."

Li Beibei: "No problem!"

Soon, the photographer put on the surgical gown and the camera was also wrapped in a sterile towel...

Shooting begins! !

At this time, the operation is also ready...

Anesthesia is complete...

Lin Feng is the chief knife.

Zhang Yuan Yizhu.

Second help of Song Ziming.

Lin Feng calmly said: "Open venous channels, two, arms, ready to fight shock at any time..."

Just established a venous channel,

Song Ziming exclaimed: "No, the patient is in shock..."

Lin Feng remained motionless: "Rehydration, physiological saline, balanced salt solution, and then glucose solution..."


Input crystal liquid first: physiological saline, balanced salt solution, glucose solution...

Then, enter the colloid: plasma, albumin, etc...

Soon, the shock situation eased a lot.

"There should be hemorrhage in the body, let's have an operation... No. 4 scalpel... First open the abdomen..."

Lin Feng drew a line on the center of his abdomen with a pen.

The scalpel in hand...


With a single cut, slowly open the skin, subcutaneous tissue, external oblique muscle, transverse abdominis, outer peritoneum, membrane...

A small incision of approximately 10 cm.

Once opened,

Suddenly a pool of blood came into view!

At least about 800 ml!

Sure enough, there was heavy bleeding!


Lin Feng stretched out his hand, proficiently peeling away, probing.

"Broken spleen..."

The spleen is the human body's largest immune organ, located in the upper left abdomen.

The spleen is rich in blood vessels, and once the damage is severe, it is often hemorrhage.

Moreover, the spleen tissue is fragile and susceptible to trauma. It can be said that it is the most fragile organ in the human body.

Generally closed abdominal injuries, up to 40% are spleen injuries.

You can often see some reports above, with abdominal injuries, ruptured spleen, untimely rescue, and death.

The last time Lin Feng handled a patient with a ruptured spleen, the person did not know after a car accident. After a long time of shock, he opened his chest and abdomen and found that his spleen was fragmented. Finally, Lin Feng had to cut the spleen.


Lin Feng found the injured person's spleen and probed it carefully.

Serious damage!

The spleen laceration is more than 5 cm, and the depth is more than 1 cm!

And the most serious is the damage of several blood vessels in the spleen lobe!

Severe spleen damage!

Lin Feng quickly made an assessment in his mind, and the conclusion was that the damage was level 3!

Generally, damage to the spleen is divided into 4 levels according to clinical classification.

For grade 1,2 spleen injury, repair surgery can be considered.

Spleen injuries of grade 3 and 4 are generally considered for resection.

Although the removal of the spleen will lead to a decline in the patient's resistance and immunity, the patient will often experience colds, fever, gastrointestinal disorders or diarrhea.

But when it comes to saving people.

The doctor's principle is to protect your life first, then the spleen.

Song Ziming sucked in a cold breath: "The blood vessels are all damaged, the wound is so deep, at least the third degree injury, right?"

Zhang Yuan nodded in agreement: "Yes, it's a bit difficult to stitch together!"

Lin Feng did not move.

If it is a grade 4 injury, the spleen is already rotten and the blood vessels are destroyed.

Lin Feng was already under the knife.

but now.

It doesn't seem to be the worst.

Deep mouth, large area, broken blood vessels...

It is very difficult to repair, but it is not completely impossible...

Lin Feng thinks he should be able to do it.

Zhang Yuan: "How about? Don't cut it?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "Although he has a third-degree injury, this patient is too young... I will try to repair it..."

This actor's substitute patient is only in his twenties at most 0 ........

If he could keep his spleen, it would be too important for his future life.

When Lin Feng was in medical school.

The instructor once said that in every operation, we do not want to succeed, but to strive for perfection.

We must not only save people, but also make the lives of patients more dignified!

Lin Feng decided: He wants to save this spleen!

Song Ziming: "This is probably very difficult..."

Zhang Yuan nodded: "If you want to try Lin Feng, I have no opinion; but if you don't succeed in the end, you can only cut it!"

Lin Feng nodded: "Okay... call the blood bank and get more blood..."

Itinerant nurse: "Okay, I'll go right away!"

In the distance, Director Li Beifang pulled Dean Wang's sleeves: "Dean, can you explain me?"

Dean Wang: "The patient is now suffering from a third-degree rupture of the spleen, a ruptured spleen and a separation of the hilum or spleen, or damage to the blood vessels in the splenic lobe... Generally, this degree of injury is surgically removed, but Lin Feng I think the patient is too young. If there is no spleen, the body's immunity will be greatly reduced, and it will be easy to get sick, so Lin Feng wants to try to fix it..."

When Li Beibei heard this, he was immediately overjoyed.

Lin Feng, this is the conscience of the doctor!

Doesn't this fit the theme of this TV show?

Superb medical skills + cure diseases to save people + healers' conscience + youth love...

This paragraph must be included in the TV series!


This TV series is going to be on fire!


Simultaneously with the operation.

Outside the operating room.

The assistant director and crew are waiting anxiously.

Dean Wang was also with him.

In addition to them, there are some reporters who can't stop them.

Many of these people have been following the entertainment team around the crew. After all, this movie uses 3 second-rate stars, and any gossip can make a lot of news money.

And now, the crew has an accident!

This is great news!

These Yu Ji were excited and ‘sorrowful’ on the surface, and rushed to the hospital!

"Director Zhang, I'm a reporter from the Entertainment Daily. I heard that there was an accident in your new movie set and someone fell downstairs. What's the situation now?"

Director Zhang: "I don't know."

"Director Zhang, I heard that it was the hero Zhang Yang who fell down, is it true?"


What fell down was a substitute for the hero Zhang 2.2 Yang...

"Director Zhang, I am a reporter who reads the news. We have released Weibo as soon as possible, but some commented that this is your hype for the new drama. What do you think about this."

Zhang: "It's not a hype."

Turning his face and cursing secretly in his heart: "Fool! People are sent to the operating room to be rescued, and they are still hyping."

"Director Zhang, there is one more question..."

Director Zhang: "I am a little busy now, wait..."

Something happened to the crew, and under the siege of reporters, the deputy director was under great pressure.

Under the cover of several crew members, the deputy director fled the reporters in embarrassment.

The deputy director is gone.

However, Chief Chen of the Medical Affairs Department has rushed to the scene to maintain order.

Director Chen: "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet! This is the hospital, please don't disturb the normal order of the hospital."

When the reporters heard this, they immediately surrounded themselves.

"Doctor, how is the situation in the operating room?" a reporter asked.

"I don't know, but don't worry, it is our most powerful Lin Feng who performed the operation. He has rescued many critically ill patients."

"Lin Feng? Is that Dr. Lin who has more than 8 million followers on Weibo!"

After all, Lin Feng is also a person who has been on hot search many times.

A reporter immediately thought of him.

Dean Wang nodded: "Yes, it's him."

The reporters exploded.

"It's him! I heard he is very powerful."

"Now the news is worth writing."

. .

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