Lin Feng checked a few items,

Found that there are no typical symptoms of stroke: because one brain has a problem, then the muscles of the limbs controlled by the brain will have dysfunction, hemiplegia of the limbs, there will be one side of the tongue, nasolabial folds and so on.

None of these patients.

"Isn't it cerebral hemorrhage, or cerebral infarction?"

"Or is it a brain tumor?"

"Still epilepsy?"

Lin Feng thought for a while.

Decided to do a CT for the patient.

At this time, because of the use of antihypertensive drugs, the blood pressure of the female patient Chen Mei has dropped.

The patient’s signature,

Sent to CT.

Before long, the patient's husband came to the hospital.

"How is my wife?"

Husband’s emotions are a bit

Lin Feng: "………………"

Four great joys in life?

Lin Feng: 08 "Stabilize the situation for the time being... Now I have gone for CT to see if the cause can be found..."

Then the husband of the patient was introduced to various possibilities.


20 minutes later...

The head CT results came out...

· No cerebral hemorrhage.

· There is no obvious head trauma, that is to say, no knock.

Lin Feng pondered for a moment.

Brain CT did not see cerebral hemorrhage, nor brain tumor, nor craniocerebral abscess, etc...

This is good news.

At least the more dangerous possibility is ruled out.

"Have you taken any medicine these days?" (Lenovo compound licorice tablets, bezoar detox pill)

"No no... I took ibuprofen and antihypertensive drugs..."

Lin Feng asked about the antihypertensive medicine, there was no problem.

If it’s not a brain problem,

What's the problem?


The patient suddenly experienced a major change.

Teeth closed, eyelids turned up, lying on the bed, constantly twitching!

Lin Feng: "..."

Other doctors and nurses: "..."


"Look, there is foam on the corner of her mouth..."

A nurse exclaimed.

Foaming at the mouth?

Then, a smell suddenly poured into everyone's noses.



Lin Feng suddenly understood!

"epilepsy"! !

Isn't this a symptom of epilepsy?

This is a common disease in emergency department.

"Give her a stability..."

Valium, or diazepam, is a sedative that can be used to treat seizures.

Seizures usually wake up in a few minutes.

But if there is a severe seizure, as it is now, and the patient has severe convulsions, then drugs should be used to stop the seizure.


It didn't take long for the patient's convulsions to slow down and stop after 3 minutes.

"Watch your breath..."

Diazepam has a respiratory depressant effect. If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or respiratory failure, use it with caution.

Soon, the patient Chen Mei's condition was brought under control, her epilepsy subsided, her breathing was stable, and her blood oxygen was stable.


Next step,

Find the reason.

There is always a cause for seizures.

Let me first explain what epilepsy is.

Under normal circumstances, the brain continuously sends out electrical signals to the body. The electrical signals are transmitted along the nerves, the nerves control the muscles, and the muscles pull the bones and joints to produce actions.

If there is a problem with the brain and the brain discharges abnormally, it will cause a coma and convulsions, which is epilepsy.

Causes of epilepsy:


·Metabolism, poisoning, endocrine, hypoxia, cardiovascular...

There are many reasons, and there are many reasons that cannot be found.

To find the cause of epilepsy,

A comprehensive examination of female patients is required.

"The result of the patient's blood draw, has it come out?"

"I didn't pay attention, I'm going to see now..."

Xiao Ru quickly turned on the computer.

one look,

"Teacher, the result came out routinely..."

"Let me see……"

Lin Feng retrieved the results of a blood test in the computer.


Lin Feng suddenly found something wrong.

Patient blood routine: hemoglobin 68g/L (normal 120-150)!

anemia? !

Only average level!

Very low!

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly realized that the patient's complexion was not pale, but pale with anemia. Because the patient's skin was too white, he didn't notice it all at once.

Will the patient be acutely bleeding?

Such as gastrointestinal bleeding? If 143 is a hemorrhage of the upper gastrointestinal tract, the patient will also cause coma, brain dysfunction, and convulsions due to rapid hypovolemia.

"Doctor Lin, the patient woke up..."

At this time, the female patient Chen Mei woke up.

"Doctor Lin, I..."

"Don't worry..."

Lin Feng first stabilized the patient's emotions.

Fortunately, just now the aunt scrubbed the patient's body. Otherwise, knowing that she was feces and urine, a female white-collar supervisor might be ashamed and angrily.

Soon, Lin Feng began to ask about anemia.

·Less hematopoiesis...


"Are your Yuejing normal? Do you bleed a lot?"


"Do you have hemorrhoids?"


"Is shit black or red?"

"No, normal..."

Lin Feng was surprised.

"Hey, this is amazing..."

Checked the patient’s abdomen, chest...

There is no sensation of massive acute bleeding.

This is strange.

Is there a problem with hematopoietic function?

. .

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