"Moon face" is a medical term.

It means that the faces of some patients have become rounded, like a round moon, so they are called full moon faces.

Characteristic facial obesity, the face looks like a full moon, it is the result of facial fat accumulation.

"Full Moon Face" is usually seen in some patients who have been using corticosteroids for a long time~.

And patients who use glucocorticoids for a long time will have another concurrent symptom——

"Buffalo Back"!

"Buffalo Back": The back of the neck is protruding, and the back muscles are obviously raised, in the shape of a half moon (like a hunchback).

Lin Feng looked at the back and neck of the girl Chen Ruizhu in front of him...


Buffalo back!

Lin Feng didn't observe her carefully, so he didn't find the full moon face and buffalo back.

I just thought she was simply fat!

Looking closer, Lin Feng found that some of the girl's chin, Chen Ruizhu, had some thicker beards for girls.

The girl has a mustache.

This happens to be one of the manifestations of "Cushing syndrome"!

By the way, Lin Feng took a closer look at the arm of the patient Chen Ruizhu.

Thin skin!

What does it mean?

It is equivalent to when your legs are edema, the skin is as thin as translucent, very brittle and thin.

This is also one of the manifestations of Cushing syndrome.

Everything proves: this is "Cushing's syndrome"!

So what is "Cushing syndrome"?

Here to mention the "adrenal glands"

(This was written in chapters 477-478)

The adrenal gland is an endocrine organ that can secrete many, many key hormones, one of which is called glucocorticoids.

When the adrenal glands secrete excessive amounts of glucocorticoids due to certain causes, a series of clinical symptoms, including full moon face, buffalo back, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. are caused.

(It just corresponds to the "hypokalemia" in front of it.)

Because it was discovered by a doctor named Cushing, it was called "Cushing syndrome" (transliteration).

In other words, the reason is-"glucocorticoids"!


Back to the main complaint of the girl Chen Ruizhu-schizophrenia!


She is not schizophrenia, but "Cushing syndrome"!

Because excessive glucocorticoids act on the brain and can completely cause psychiatric symptoms.


It is verified.

There are two possibilities:

·In vitro intake: Chen Ruizhu, a girl, has been taking glucocorticoids all the time, causing too much.

·In vivo production: Chen Ruizhu has problems with his adrenal glands, which leads to excessive secretion.

Lin Feng looked at Chen Ruizhu's mother:

"Did the child take hormone drugs for a long time before?"


"Are you sure? Does the child have asthma, lupus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, nephritis, etc. (these drugs are often used for these diseases)?"


Chen Ruizhu's mother said with certainty.

Lin Feng nodded,

Basically exclude the possibility of in vitro intake.

The only possibility left is: there is a problem in the body.

In the body, what can cause a large amount of glucocorticoid secretion?

·Adrenal gland tumors

·The pituitary gland of the brain. (It will secrete "Corticotropin", which means that this kind of thing can promote the secretion of XX hormone.)


It is to do an examination and make a thorough diagnosis:

· CT adrenal gland + CT cranial pituitary gland.

· Blood test, urine test: glucocorticoid level.

"I have good news for you..."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

The mother was immediately overjoyed: "What good news? Is it possible that my daughter...is saved?"

The girl Chen Ruizhu also looked up at Lin Feng, looking forward to it.

Lin Feng: "After my diagnosis just now, I probably think that your daughter is not schizophrenic, but caused by hormonal changes..."

Then explained in detail: the buffalo back, full moon face, long hairy legs... and so on.


"Doctor Lin, you didn't lie to us, did you?"

The mother and daughter cried out in surprise on the spot.

Happy from heaven!

The two almost fainted with excitement.

The mother was even wiping tears. In the past six months, her daughter's "schizophrenia" has caused her misery.

And Chen Ruizhu couldn't help shed tears of excitement and grievance.

Lin Feng: "Don't get excited, I'm also guessing, and I need to do further checks..."

Explained the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, drawing blood and urine...

"Dr. Lin, please order as soon as possible, we can do any examination, don't be afraid of spending money!"

0 ········Find flowers·····

Mother said excitedly.

This is help!

Money is a fart!

Lin Feng: "Okay... CT results can be obtained in half an hour to an hour... The blood draw will have to wait until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, because at that time, the urine test will have to wait 24 hours, that is, the result will be tomorrow, Only the day after tomorrow..."

Mother nodded repeatedly: "I can afford it, I can afford to wait...Thank you Dr. Lin!"

Take the order issued by Lin Feng, leave the clinic, and go for an examination.

Before leaving, to Lin Feng

Bowed again and again to thank you.

Thanks again and again!



Things suddenly went beyond Lin Feng's expectations!

After the CT results came out,

. .... .......

·Pituitary gland, no change...

·Adrenal glands, no change...

Lin Feng: "???"

Lin Feng informed the mother and daughter of the CT results.

Mother and daughter are disappointed...

The loneliness in his eyes is very obvious.

The girl Chen Ruizhu just had light in her eyes, and this moment was once again overwhelmed by darkness.

Lin Feng blamed himself a bit.



Lin Feng thought of a question, ACTH is not necessarily secreted by the pituitary gland!

It may also be a tumor in other parts!

Medically, this phenomenon is called:

"Ectopic ACTH Syndrome"!

It means non-pituitary and adrenal Cushing's syndrome. It is more common in APUD tumors, such as small cell bronchial lung cancer, pancreatic islet cancer, medullary thyroid cancer, lung adenocarcinoma, liver cancer...

Lin Feng: "Or... do a chest CT..."

Lin Feng explained it again.

As a result, the mother and daughter seemed to have caught a life-saving straw.

"Do! Do!"

Soon, push to do CT!

In less than an hour, the chest CT results came out.

· There is a 3 cm nodule in the left lobe of the liver.

Generally larger than 2cm, the probability of basic liver cancer is greatly increased.

This time,

The probability of Cushing's syndrome suddenly increased.

The mood of the mother and daughter is almost like a roller coaster, going up and down.

Lin Feng also gave the patient Chen Ruizhu another examination:


. again.

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