The doctor Li Xing next to Lin Feng explained to Lin Feng: "When this mother sent her son here, she didn't mention AIDS. Xiao Zheng collected blood from the patient, only for basic protection, and then accidentally got some blood... Ke called over and the child had AIDS. Xiao Zheng was frightened on the spot. The director was very angry. Holding this family member was just a curse..."

at this time,

The live broadcast assistant followed out early, and the live broadcast went through the whole story.

The barrage came one after another.

"I'm going, it's too cruel! Don't talk about AIDS!"

"Good scolding!"

"It's too selfish, if you really get infected, the nurse will be ruined for a lifetime!"

"The patient's mother is too naive!"

"It's also forgivable..."

"Love it!"

"I am a doctor. If I encounter this, I am afraid I will be scared. I guess I will be neurotic for some time in the future..."

"This is too serious!"

Following the director's curse, the young mother not only did not feel apologetic, but was full of anger.

Then he scolded again...

The family members of the patients around originally sympathized with her, but when they saw that she was so rude and unreasonable, they accused her of getting up.

Most of the family members of the patients around were aunts, who were very powerful in scolding them. It could be said that they were masters. They sprayed the young mother all at once to split the whole person.


Lin Feng shook his head and gave nurse Xiao Zheng a comfort.

"It's okay, get a blocking shot as soon as possible, it should be able to effectively block..."


Xiao Zheng, who is usually very active, barely squeezed a smile on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng patted her shoulder.

In fact, I feel a little dissatisfied with the policy.

Lin Feng heard one thing before:

An AIDS woman went to a premarital examination with her boyfriend and was tested for AIDS.

Then what?

The hospital for the premarital examination did not inform the man, only the woman involved.

Before long, the Dongchuang incident happened. The man who had been married and became a husband found out that he had AIDS, and then he learned that his wife had already had AIDS.

Suddenly took the marriage examination hospital and his wife to court.

This is quite a big noise.

In fact, before the premarital examination was to inform the man, a social sensation happened later, which resulted in a policy that cannot be informed, but only the person concerned.

This is nonsense.

In short, many people are uncomfortable with this matter.


this matter,

It brought an atmosphere of "crack and rumbling" to the entire emergency department.

All the doctors and nurses became serious.

Even soon, the hospital issued a notice, requiring all departments of the hospital to conduct self-examination, and occupational protection must be carried out in strict accordance with the regulations. Then the departments wailed again.


When Lin Feng went to the dining hall for dinner, many medical staff were discussing this matter.

Most medical staff are very disgusted with this kind of concealment.

at this time,

Another colleague in the emergency department, Dr. Chen Dong from the blood group, sat in front of Lin Feng.

"A Feng..."

"Brother Chen, what's the matter?"

"We have a patient here. I'm a bit unsure. Will you be free later? Come over?"

Lin Feng suddenly became interested.


Lin Feng is always fascinated by cases of stripping cocoons.

The two quickly finished their meals and then returned to the emergency ward.

On the way,

Dr. Chen Dong gave Lin Feng a detailed account of the patient's condition.

·Female, Zhang Guifen, 60 years old,

·Unexplained repeated fever for several weeks, and complained of bone headaches

Admitted to hospital 2 days ago

Dr. Chen Dong said: "Because the bone headache is a special disease, we all thought it was a disease of blood and rheumatism at first, and then we went to check in this area..."

Yes, generally speaking, repeated fever and multiple joint pain are to be vigilant against blood and rheumatism diseases.

But this patient is very special.

After a series of targeted examinations, no blood diseases were supported, and leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other diseases were excluded.

"We also drew blood for bacterial culture, but the results haven't come out yet."

"Then, this morning, the director came to round the room and found a new problem..."

"what is the problem?"

"The patient has a murmur on auscultation of the heart, and a systolic murmur is heard in the mitral valve..."

"This involves deeper heart problems. We are going to send the patient to the cardiology surgery... just happened to see you. You are the most powerful extracardiac doctor in our emergency department, so I subconsciously look for you to see if you can Solve it, so you don't have to worry about it..."

After all, this involves the performance indicators of various departments.

Can you not send it out if you don't send it out...

Lin Feng nodded: "Let me see..."

At this moment,

Came to the ward.

Then I saw the patient Zhang Guifen, a middle-aged and elderly woman, and her husband and son.

Seeing Lin Feng waiting to come in, her husband and son stood up quickly.

0 ········Find flowers·····


Dr. Chen Dong pointed to Lin Feng: "You should know Dr. Lin Feng. He is a better outsider doctor in our hospital. Now he will help you see..."

The husband quickly looked at Lin Feng gratefully.

at this time,

·The patient wears an oxygen mask and breathes a little faster than usual

· Blood pressure: 100/65 (in the case of using blood pressure drugs)

·Blood oxygen: 93 (when a non-invasive ventilator is used)

· Breath: 35

·Heart rate: 128

Lin Feng took the stethoscope and listened to the patient Zhang Guifen's heart and lungs.

One listen,

Sure enough, there was a murmur in the heart.

Based on experience, Lin Feng feels that both the mitral valve and the tricuspid valve have problems...

I listened to the lungs again,

There are wet rales, I don't know if it is pneumonia or heart blood...

. ...... 0

"Go and push a Cai Chao..."

Lin Feng ordered.

Lin Feng's B-ultrasound, the emergency department first!


The probe is aimed at the heart of the chest cavity.

Soon, Lin Feng passed B-ultrasound and found that the patient had moderate mitral valve insufficiency and other valves were also diseased.

And-valve vegetation!

A normal heart valve should be clean and should not have any vegetation. If there are vegetation, it means the valve is rotten or infected. The vegetation may be bacterial clumps.

If there is an infection, there will naturally be repeated fever.

This may be the reason why the patient has repeated recurring fevers.

·Heart valve infection -> Repeated fever!

The valve is like the doors and windows of the four chambers of the heart. When the doors and windows are broken and cannot be closed tightly, the heart cannot pump blood normally.

So it leads to low blood pressure.

In order to supply blood to the whole body, the heart needs to increase its power, which can easily cause heart failure.

·Infer infective endocarditis -> reduced pumping efficiency -> low blood pressure -> pumping hard -> too much work leads to acute heart failure......

Acute heart failure, there will be obvious breathing difficulties. At this time, the function of the heart is very poor, and it cannot pump blood well, causing blood to accumulate in the pulmonary circulation. Excess blood will enter the alveoli, causing pulmonary edema, and the presence of pulmonary edema will be serious. It affects the patient's ability to take oxygen, so she will be hypoxic, short of breath, and wheeze.

·Acute heart failure -> pulmonary edema -> patient rales + shortness of breath

The inference is very reasonable and smooth!


ps: End of today.

. again.

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