Low potassium,

Lin Feng's first reaction was "hyperthyroidism."

So Lin Feng did not prescribe other tests, only prescribed thyroid function + thyroid b-ultrasound.

after an hour,

The result is out!

·Jia Gong: hyperactive...

·Thyroid: getting bigger...

It is confirmed, it is "hyperthyroidism"!

Her hypokalemia was caused by hyperthyroidism~.

In hyperthyroidism, too much thyroxine in the blood will cause the potassium ions in the blood to enter the cells, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of potassium in the serum.

Now that I understand the cause,

Then, just deal with hyperthyroidism-that's all.

"In the future, you must remember to take medicine on time, don't overwork, don't exercise vigorously... Diet should also avoid taking a lot of starch, high-sugar diet, seaweed, kelp, seaweed, etc., and drinking in moderation can stabilize hyperthyroidism... …"

"Thank you Doctor Lin..."

Patient Chen Fengmei thanked Lin Feng gratefully.


ps: People with another genetic problem (males) have abnormal intracellular calcium channels, and a large amount of potassium and calcium in the serum enter the cells, which causes a sudden decrease in serum potassium.

Such male patients often induce hypokalemia after eating large meals or eating a large amount of sugar, and in severe cases, they may even induce severe arrhythmia that can be fatal. .





Lin Feng finally finished the last patient and can go to rest for lunch.

Go to the dining hall.

At this time, there were other doctors and nurses in the dining hall, and they were still in the dining hall because they were eating too late.

They ate and talked about gossip.

Among them, Dr. Li Xing has the loudest voice.

Li Xing saw Lin Feng and waved quickly...

"Afeng... sit here..."

Lin Feng carrying the dinner plate, walked over, sat down, and ate together.

"Haha, Lin Feng, you didn't know that I encountered a particularly funny thing today..."

Doctor Li Xing grinned gleefully.

"Last week, I rescued a young man with food poisoning. After the rescue, the family members came to thank you very much. When I got the payment slip, I didn’t know when I drove away. Later, I was told by other patients’ family members. I jumped out of the toilet window and ran..."


Several doctors and nurses sprayed out.

Climbed the window and ran away?

In order to escape the order, the whole family is also able to fight.

However, doctors also don't like this kind of patients, because this part of the money will eventually be apportioned to the doctor's head, and the doctor's money will be deducted.

The emergency doctors themselves work hard, they are busy every day, and the salary is not high.

Moreover, there is no difference in the price of medicines in the hospital, and the doctor's outpatient income is part of the commission for the registration fee (generally, the doctor cannot get all of it).

This kind of pay is completely disproportionate to the pay of technical experience.

If you deduct a few more times, your mentality will collapse.

This is one of the reasons for ‘persuade people to study medicine, and thunder and strike’.

"The matter is not over yet..." Dr. Li Xing said with a smile: "Just in the morning, there was a patient with a fracture in a car accident. 120 was sent over, and then it happened to be seen by me..."


This time, Lin Feng sprayed...

"I go!"

"Such a coincidence!"

"Hahaha, who has God spared!"

Lin Feng: "Has the money been made up?"

Doctor Li Xing grinned: "It's made up. After the family members come, it won't work if they don't want to make up, haha..."

Laugh heartily.

Other doctors also felt very relieved.

After the patient was cured, the arrears ran away, and then the doctors and nurses were deducted from their wages to cover the arrears. This kind of thing often happens in various hospitals.

Of course, some hospitals even turn the call for hospitalization fees into a routine job for doctors.

When encountering such people who evade fees, the doctor is also helpless, and can only comfort himself: just treat it as meritorious deeds.

If not so self-comforting, does this doctor continue to do it?

But things like "who is forgiven by the sky" as Li Xing said are really rare.



After eating,

Lin Feng went to the emergency room.

On the road, suddenly a middle-aged woman stood in front.

"Dr. Lin... can you help me look at my hands?"

"What's wrong?"

The middle-aged woman stretched out her right hand and placed it one kilometer away from Lin Feng.

"Dr. Lin, can you help me see this piece of my hand? This thing has been two years old, and it has grown slowly, and it has been painful... Your number is too difficult to schedule. If you have time, please help me to see it. chant……"

0 ········Find flowers·····

Generally speaking, she is not registered, and she is not counted as Lin Feng's patient, so she can ignore it.

However, Lin Feng looked at the middle-aged woman's attitude and nodded.

Left and right are just a matter of effort.

"Okay, let me see..."

Lin Feng glanced at her right wrist, there was a bulging bag.

Touched it,

"Tendon sheath cyst"!

Tendon sheath cyst: A cystic mass that occurs in the tendon sheath of the joint. It is a disease caused by the degeneration of the connective tissue in the joint capsule, ligament, and tendon sheath.

The cyst contains colorless, transparent or orange, light yellow thick mucus, and the cyst wall is dense, hard and tough fibrous connective tissue. Cysts are more common in unilocular.

. ...... ...

Once Lin Feng gets started, he can be sure.

Compressed a bit.

"Does it hurt?"


Generally speaking, the pain is a bit serious.

"You are a ganglion cyst..."

"Doctor Lin, is it serious?"

"This disease is not a serious disease. It is different from cancer. The main hazard is that the cyst will get bigger and bigger. When it gets bigger, it will produce local compression symptoms, such as pain... So, there is no big problem..."

"You just said it's been two years, right?"


"The bigger the bigger?"


Lin Feng nodded: "Next, there are two methods, one is surgical resection, one step is in place, there are no sequelae, the probability of recurrence is very small..."

The middle-aged woman's face suddenly changed: "How much is it?"

Lin Feng: "In our hospital, it will be more than 800, and the whole set will be down."

Middle-aged women have a distress of money: "What about the other one?"

Lin Feng: "Squeezing by hand is also a common method... but the sequelae is easy to relapse..."

After squeezing, the liquid inside will be absorbed by the subcutaneous tissue, and finally disappear.


This is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that has been passed down to this day.


Many doctors are unwilling to do this, after all, there is no ‘surgery’ to make money.

The doctor's skills are not worth the money.jpg again.

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