"Cold Urticaria"!

This is an allergic symptom that occurs after the skin and mucous membranes are exposed to a low temperature environment.

Very rare!

"Xiao Ai, go to the dining hall and find an ice cube..."

How to judge whether it is ``cold urticaria''?

It's very simple.

Just put an ice cube on the patient's intact skin, 5-10 minutes later, local redness, swelling, itching and other symptoms appear, indicating a "cold allergy".

Then "cold urticaria" can be determined.

(Under normal circumstances, the symptoms of cold allergy will disappear within 30-60 minutes.)

Quickly sent to the rescue room.

Add oxygen...

Anti-allergic, adrenaline...

The next step is to wait...

Soon, Xiao Ai came back with ice cubes, and Lin Feng tried it, and as expected, urticaria appeared.


"Cold Urticaria"!

There is no need to deal with this disease too much, as long as anti-allergic and oxygen inhalation are almost enough.

It is estimated that in the future, this patient will have to bring anti-allergic medicine with him and move to the south to live...

No, the winter in the south is even colder... (with dog-headed hands)




At 12 o'clock,

Lin Feng got off work, had a meal, and then went to the ward to check his room.

Then, the bed nurse told Lin Feng a new message:

"Patient Tan Jianye, he relieved his stool 20 minutes ago, but it was black and red..."


Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.


"Go get a colonoscope!"

Lin Feng gave a doctor's order.

The nurse nodded and then went to make arrangements.


When he went to work in the afternoon, Lin Feng went to the ward.

The patient Tan Jianye's colonoscopy result came out.

Colonoscopy: colon ulcer, venous erosion, bleeding...

However, the bleeding is not a lot. Lin Feng prescribed blood clotting drugs to the patient to see if it can stop the bleeding...

However, there is one more thing Lin Feng waits for:

The patient has colon ulcers,

In case the ulcer causes "colon perforation", there will be a steady stream of digestive juice leaking into the abdominal cavity, bacteria, acid, and various harmful things will continue to stimulate the peritoneum, abdominal pain will be very strong, and septic shock may occur at any time after severe inflammation.


Find the cause of the patient as soon as possible!



Zhang Zhen first combined the following syphilis hard chancre + oral ulcers, and thought it might be AIDS, syphilis...


Now I found a colon ulcer...

The answer may not be AIDS or syphilis.

It's another disease that Lin Feng just thought of————

"Behcet's disease"! !

Behcet's disease is a rheumatology disease!

This is a very rare disease, even the rheumatology department itself may not be able to remember this rare disease.

This is why Lin Feng didn't think of it for the first time.

"Behcet's disease": It is an immune disease involving multiple organs throughout the body.

It is manifested as recurrent oral ulcers, XX ulcers, eye inflammation, and vasculitis mainly due to skin damage.

Among them: pus in the eyes, oral ulcers, and genital ulcers are three characteristics, called the triad.

In addition, this disease can also affect the intestines, nervous system, etc., so the patient's current colon ulcers and perforations... also conform to the characteristics of Behcet's disease.

"Open your eyes and show me..."

"(The patient opens)..."

At this time, Lin Feng really noticed that the patient’s eyes were red with a lot of yellow ‘eye feces’...

This makes Lin Feng feel even more that it is "Behcet's disease".


These need to be checked for final diagnosis.

Lin Feng informed the patient Tan Jianye of his findings.

"What? Not syphilis?"

Patient Tan Jianye was pleasantly surprised and almost jumped out of bed! !

"It's still not certain, a lot of inspections are needed, there are many items, and it may cost 700 to 800 yuan..."

"Do it, do it now, money is not a problem!"

Where can the patient Tan Jianye save this money at this moment? Let's get rid of the confidant (syphilis) first!

Lin Feng bills:

·Anti-nuclear antibodies, anti-endothelial cell antibodies, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein...

· "Acupuncture Reaction"!

"Acupuncture reaction" is currently an important criterion for the diagnosis of "Behcet's disease."

It is also called "skin non-specific allergic reaction": Method: 12 to 48 hours after acupuncture under sterile conditions, red macules of the size of rice grains begin to appear, which then develop into blisters, pustules, and scabs, and subside within one to two weeks, sometimes There are still visible signs in a month.

As long as it is positive, it can be concluded that it is Behçet's disease.



the next day,

Lin Feng is on the night shift, 00:00-8:000...

Came to the hospital,

Check the ward to see how that worker Tan Jianye's inspection is.

At this time, the test results of the patient Tan Jianye's AIDS and syphilis came out.

·Aiz, syphilis, negative!

Not az, syphilis!

· "Acupuncture Reaction": Positive!

On the arm of the patient Tan Jianye, the area that was specially acupunctured by the nurse yesterday showed extensive red macules.

Therefore, it is not necessary for Lin Feng to say that the patient Tan Jianye’s illness is—

"Behcet's disease"! !


Even though the root cause of the illness has been found,

Still can't be happy too soon!

Because of "Behcet's disease," there is currently no specific medicine. All medicines against it (thalidomide, colchicine, etc.) can only control symptoms and prevent damage to important organs.

It can't be cured!

This patient, Tan Jianye, can only stay in the hospital for a period of time and can be discharged after suppressing the condition.

Even worse, this disease can easily recur!

Lin Feng couldn't help but mourn for this patient Tan Jianye. Even though he escaped from syphilis and Aiz, he provokes Behcet's disease, which is also not easy to provoke.

Of course, one thing is very lucky:

Many patients with Behcet's disease caused vision loss due to purulent eyes, but this patient Tan Jianye did not.


Lin Feng’s night shift has always been blessed by the night shift god~~


It seems that the emergency department is exceptionally quiet, and there are no particularly fierce patients.

"Working with Dr. Lin is easy~~~"

A nurse said happily 2.3.

"To shut up!!!"

The other doctors and nurses shouted one after another, their expressions horrified.


The crow's mouth effect in the emergency department is here.

Boom boom————

A car, with a roar, rushed into the door of the emergency room.

"Doctor, doctor, save my dad!!"

A middle-aged man, holding his white-haired old father, rushed into the emergency department.

The princess brought it in.

And the elderly patient, with his hands on his chest, looked very painful.

Lin Feng's face changed.

Chest pain, old man...

This is the patient Lin Feng is most afraid of encountering, because it is likely to be a myocardial infarction and the mortality rate is very high.

"Quickly, push the flat car over..."


(Guess the flat car, how much does it cost?)

. .

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