The girlfriend is very hot: "Aren't you just having a stomachache now?"

"All right……"

Lin Feng stopped the couple's quarrel, are you quarreling?

At the same time, I can't help feeling that this girlfriend is really very temperamental, and all the little things are so noisy.

Lin Feng: "Apart from Yangmei, did you eat anything else?"

Male patient: "Nothing..."

Girlfriend: "It must be the bug in the bayberry, which caused you to have a stomach irritation. It is estimated that you are growing roundworms in your stomach..."

Twitter, started to scold again...

The male patient felt uncontrollable and wanted to lose his temper.

They are all young people with a fierce temper.

Lin Feng rubbed his aching head and couldn't help but shouted: "Shut up...the insects in the bayberry are not poisonous!!"

When the male patient heard this, he felt that he had found a confidant: "Look, you see, Dr. Lin said that the worms are not poisonous..."

The girlfriend did not believe: "How is it possible? How can the bug not be poisonous?"

Lin Feng was distressed and explained: "The worm is a worm that grows from the eggs of fruit flies... Fruit flies and flies are not the same thing..."


Fruit flies and flies are not the same.

Flies have to crawl around in some places with pathogenic bacteria to find something to eat. Therefore, flies are easy to carry pathogenic bacteria on their bodies and spread diseases easily.

And fruit flies are not the same as flies.

Fruit flies usually feed on honey, fruits, etc. They don't like garbage and smelly things, and they are relatively clean. Therefore, fruit flies do not spread diseases.

As for why there are fruit fly insects in the bayberry fruit?

Because during the breeding season of fruit flies, it happens to be the bayberry season, it will be attracted by the smell of bayberry and lay eggs on the surface of bayberry. After hatching, its eggs become larvae and penetrate into the flesh to feed on the flesh.

The same goes for cherries.

Also attracts fruit flies...

There are some cherries, and there are many fruit fly larvae inside.

Therefore, Drosophila larvae hardly have germs that are harmful to the human body.

It is also a high-quality protein, which is good if you eat it.

Beef eats insects: protein is 16 times that of beef·jpg

Lin Feng explained it again, and then asked the male patient: "Do you have any medical history before ¨々?"

The male patient shook his head: "I have always been in good health..."

Lin Feng: "Let me do a personality check for you..."

Physical examination...

I checked it again and found nothing special.

Moreover, the patient's abdominal pain and diarrhea are not serious, and there is no need to go for blood tests, B-ultrasound and other examinations.

"It should be because of eating the wrong thing, abdominal pain and diarrhea... I'll prescribe some medicine for you... If it still doesn't work, go back to the hospital for review..."

Get this patient quickly...

The couple took the slips and went out, the grumpy girlfriend still cursing...

This time,

The male patient is also on fire.

He began to talk back and cursed.

The two began to quarrel in this way, and the eyes of the people in the waiting hall of the emergency department were all attracted by the sound of their quarrel.

Then, the most tempered girlfriend, clamoring and arguing, getting more and more emotional...

"Break up, break up!"

"Break up when you break up!"

"Okay, you wanted to break up a long time ago, didn't you?"

(The people around can't help being amused.)

"I'm riding a horse, didn't you call for breaking up?"

"I don't care, you actually said to break up, I...I...I..."


The violent woman suddenly clutched her chest, then dizzy,




All the people around were suddenly scared and backed away quickly.

Lin Feng: "!!!"

Ran over quickly,

The male patient was holding her head in a panic and desperately shouting: "What's wrong with you, wake up! Don't scare me! I don't want to break up with you, although you have such a bad temper..."

Lin Feng rushed over.

"Don't panic, let me see first."

Observe this girlfriend.

She saw her chest rise and fall quickly, her breathing was shallow, fast, rapid, her eyes closed, and cold sweat on her forehead.

Her hands were convulsing and making fists.

Lin Feng tried it and found that she couldn't break her hands anyway.

"` "Does your girlfriend have any previous medical history? epilepsy? hypertension? heart disease? "

"Ah... No, I grew up with her and I haven't seen her suffer from these diseases..."

Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it.

If there is no such medical history, it is easy to say.

This girlfriend is too young, probably just over 20 years old, in good health, no medical history, and the chance of sudden myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction is very small.


The answer is ready!

"Hyperventilation Syndrome"!

Our breathing is the process of gas exchange in the lungs.

When inhaling, air enters the alveoli, and the capillary network attached to the alveoli brings the oxygen (O2) in the air into the blood, and at the same time expels the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood to the alveoli.

When the human body exhales, it exhales the CO2 in the alveoli together with the remaining air.

The breathing process is regulated by the respiratory center. Excessive and insufficient are not good for publication.

Sometimes, the human breathing rate is too fast, or the breathing depth increases, resulting in excessive inhalation and exhalation, increased ventilation, and increased alveolar ventilation. This will lead to excessive CO2 emissions.

CO2 is an acid gas. Excessive discharge of CO2 can cause "respiratory alkalosis" in the human body.

Respiratory alkalosis constricts the arteries of the human body and reduces blood supply. In particular, the heart and brain blood vessels constrict more obviously, the blood supply is reduced, and the heart and brain cells are hypoxic.

Therefore, during hyperventilation, patients will inevitably have symptoms such as "dizziness, headache, blurred vision, numbness, palpitation, chest tightness, and frequent death", and continuous hypoxia will cause convulsions, fainting, loss of consciousness, and so on.

. .

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