The patient Huang Chen has long-term diarrhea and has a high possibility of pancreatic cancer.

Because the patient has a history of pancreatitis, the possibility of another injury to the pancreas is still quite high.


At the time of the main complaint, the patient Huang Chen said that he had lost nearly 10 jin in the past half month.

The symptoms of pancreatic cancer are varied, the most common being abdominal pain, weight loss, and jaundice (pancreatic head cancer is the most common, almost 90% of them have jaundice).

There are also poor appetite, indigestion, diarrhea, etc...

Therefore, patients with pancreatic cancer will become thinner.

"Do you usually smoke, drink, or drink coffee?"

"I don’t smoke or drink, but I like coffee. I drink two or three cups almost every morning and evening..."


"Doctor, isn't it okay to drink coffee?"

"Coffee is not good. "180"...Long-term heavy smoking, drinking, drinking coffee, etc. are all high-risk factors for pancreatic cancer..."


The patient Huang Chen was already a little desperate.

Is it really pancreatic cancer?

I knew I would not drink coffee anymore.

Lin Feng comforted: "You don't have to get discouraged so quickly, and it may not be pancreatic cancer... Just do a Ct and you can see the results..."

The patient Huang Chen was flustered: "Okay, okay..."

Lin Feng continued to return to the clinic to diagnose the patient.


In the afternoon,

Patient Huang Chen's rheumatism test items were sent to the laboratory.

In addition, Huang Chen also lined up for CT.

very lucky!

·CT results showed that there were no obvious abnormalities in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen. Especially for the pancreas, no signs of pancreatic cancer have been seen.

·Furthermore, the size of the pancreas as seen by CT is normal, and there is no sign of pancreatitis.

Therefore, long-term diarrhea caused by pancreatic problems is ruled out.

What could be the reason?


After waiting for another 2 hours, the simple rheumatism immune result came out.

·Four items of rheumatism immunity: the result is negative.

Excluded possible causes such as gastroenteritis, bowel cancer, liver and kidney, pancreas, heart...etc.

So what is left?

This time,

It has returned to the initial stage.


Lin Feng subconsciously thought about the thyroid gland.

Because the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, heart, and intestines are excluded, only the thyroid, brain and other organs are left.

Lin Feng has thought about thyroid-hyperthyroidism!


In fact, it can also cause diarrhea.

But why did Lin Feng not consider hyperthyroidism at the beginning?

Because the patient has no manifestations of hyperthyroidism: exophthalmos + hand tremor.

And the neck gets bigger...


Now everything is ruled out, only hyperthyroidism is left.

Lin Feng came to the hospital bed again and asked the patient Huang Chen.

"Are you easily agitated, irritable, insomnia, palpitations, fear of heat?"

"None, I think I'm pretty good..."

"Are you sweating easily..."


In addition, hyperthyroidism will also increase appetite, but the patient Huang Chen said that he has a bad appetite recently, so it is not right.

What Lin Feng asked above was all typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism.


Now the patient Huang Chen denies one by one, but none of them.

The only symptom is: diarrhea! !


Lin Feng considered that the patient Huang Chen might have "indifferent hyperthyroidism."

This is a relatively rare type.

The manifestations are fatigue, palpitations, poor appetite, diarrhea, etc.

At first, Lin Feng didn't think about it.

The possibility is not great.

But now that we have ruled out so many, we can check whether it is "indifferent hyperthyroidism."

"Xiao Chen, draw him some blood and do a Jia Gong..."


Lin Feng gave a doctor's order and then left the ward.


The next day, in the morning,

Jia Gong is out!

·The thyroxine index has increased by 3 times! !

·OK: Hyperthyroidism! !

Lin Feng was weird when he saw the result!

The murderer was found.

It turned out to be "indifferent hyperthyroidism."

Indifferent hyperthyroidism is also called hidden hyperthyroidism, which is a special type of hyperthyroidism.

It mostly occurs in the elderly, and occasionally in middle-aged people, but the patient Huang Chen in front of him is obviously a young man, only in his 20s.

This disease has extremely atypical symptoms and is easy to be misdiagnosed and missed 0 ........

It manifests as long-term chronic diarrhea, and there is no abdominal pain, accompanied by loss of appetite, weight loss, and fatigue. There are no symptoms of hypermetabolism such as fear of heat, hyperappetite, and excessive sweating.


Generally speaking, the heart rate of patients with hyperthyroidism is increased, but the indifferent type of hyperthyroidism does not increase rapidly, rarely exceeding 100 beats per minute.

ps: When the patient Huang Chen was admitted to the hospital, his heart rate was over 100, which may be due to the increased heart rate caused by hypovolemic shock.


The final diagnosis: "indifferent hyperthyroidism"!

Lin Feng immediately prescribed the corresponding drug, "Propylthiouracil (Hanibo)". This drug prevents the synthesis of thyroid hormones by inhibiting the peroxidase system in the thyroid.

After taking it,

After only half a day, the patient Huang Chen's condition improved significantly.

The diarrhea stopped!

"Doctor Lin, you are amazing!!"

The patient Huang Chen, who finally did not have diarrhea, had tears almost falling at this moment.

Taking Lin Feng's hand, thank you again and again.


Summary: Indifferent hyperthyroidism, contrary to ordinary hyperthyroidism, can cause prolonged diarrhea.



Just as Lin Feng was eating at noon and he had not returned to the clinic...

"Ring Ling Ling~~~~~"

The phone rang.

Father’s WeChat video.


"Mom, what's the matter?"

Lin 2.3 Feng smiled.

Father: "Son, when my third uncle was just doing farm work, my ears seemed to have gotten bugs, and the ears were so painful. The bugs kept digging and digging inside. At first, they couldn’t dig out the ears. It seemed that the bugs got in more. It's inside...I don't know what to do now, you quickly think of a way for your third uncle..."

Ear bugs?

Lin Feng was taken aback.

This is no small matter.

If you go to the tympanic membrane and pierce the fragile tympanic membrane, it will be troublesome.

At this time, the third aunt grabbed the phone: "Afeng, you must save your third uncle. What if he becomes deaf..."

The voice was crying.

Lin Feng: "Third aunt, don't worry... I said, if you do, you must get rid of the bugs as soon as possible..."


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