A burly man shouted loudly with a man in his arms, looking anxious.

The two nurses ran up quickly, took the blood-saturated woman who had passed out, and started various checks.

Upon seeing this, Liu Xin hurriedly put down his chopsticks and ran out to check the situation.

"What's the matter with them? Tell me about the specifics."

The big man was panting: "My sister and I accidentally fell down the stairs."

"When I woke up, she was in a coma."

After understanding it clearly, Liu Xin hurried to the examination room to pick up the warm checklist and read it.

Looking at the data on the checklist, there is nothing major.

Only excessive blood loss caused the woman to coma.

This gave Liu Xin a sigh of relief.

at this time...

"Gudong" a sound of falling to the ground came from behind.

The big man fell to the ground and fainted.

Liu Xin looked surprised next to him.

Run quickly, squat down and touch.


The whole body was cold and pale.

"No, this is shock!"

Liu Xin exclaimed.

"Get the blood pressure meter!"

Soon a nurse was holding a blood pressure meter to measure it.

"Blood pressure 50/20!"

"It's not good! Blood pressure is too low!"

"Flat cart, operating room ready!"

Liu Xin hurriedly ordered.

He took the flat cart and rushed to the operating room like crazy.

"It must be bleeding in the chest and abdomen, and blood pressure will drop. Prepare for rescue!"

rescue! As the name suggests, rescue will be used only in exceptionally critical situations.

"It's too late to do CT, give me a disposable abdominal puncture kit!"

The basic preparation of a disposable abdominal puncture kit consists of abdominal puncture needles, plastic tweezers, degreased gauze, and sterile syringes, which are used for the collection and discharge of abdominal and pleural effusions.

A nurse quickly took out the puncture kit from the medical cabinet, opened it and handed it to Liu Xin.

Liu Xin put on sterile gloves and chose the needle.

Suddenly pierced the big man's abdomen!

Lifting the syringe and drawing it, only a tube of dark red blood appeared in front of everyone.

"There is a rupture in the internal organs, causing heavy bleeding!"

"Check blood type, prepare blood pack!"

"Preparation for surgery!"

At this time, Liu Xin didn't consider who would do this.

Because he will do it!

Life is at stake, and the entire operating room is moving at this moment.

Critically ill patients, following the principle of first rescue and paying later, there was no accident and went directly to the operating room for rescue.

Change shoes, wash hands, disinfect...

After a series of procedures came down, Liu Xin dressed neatly, and quickly stepped to the position of the chief sword.

Take a look at the man's blood pressure has risen above 90.

"Zhang Ya, how are the preoperative disinfection preparations?"


"Has Dr. Miao arrived?"

Unlike the last operation, Liu Xin doesn't have to worry about the sterilization environment this time, and the various equipment are complete, so there is no need to worry about external factors.

"What? You thought of me during anesthesia?"

Dr. Miao cast a glance at Liu Xin, and was particularly unhappy at the thought of what happened at noon.

Liu Xin is a little confused. Miao Xiu will not be here today, right? How angry is everywhere!

The surgical medical staff quickly came to the operating table after disinfection and sterilization, waiting for Liu Xin's instructions.

Looking at Miao Xiu, Liu Xin said.

"Prepare for continuous epidural combined general anesthesia!"

"Nurse, prepare your skin!"

One instruction came out from Liu Xin's mouth.

After hearing this, Miao Xiu took out an 8cm long puncture needle, selected the spinal space, and slowly pierced the first needle in.


The patient in shock moved like a conditioned reflex, which caught Miao Xiu off guard.

The hand shook and the needle was a little bit deviated. Fortunately, it didn't touch the spinal nerves, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

For the second time, Miao Xiu, who was affected by the previous injection, did not dare to continue doing it.

"what happened?"

Liu Xin spotted Dr. Miao's abnormality and asked quickly.

"I, I have a problem with my current state, so I don't dare to start."

It was the first time that Dr. Miao had such a situation, and he was somewhat flustered.

"The other two anesthesiologists have gone to study."

Liu Xin received this answer as soon as he turned his attention to the assistant physician Zhang Ya.

"You rest, let me come!"

Since there was no anesthesiologist to replace, Liu Xin had to do it himself again.


Doctor Miao looked at him suspiciously.

Anesthesiologists generally have to undergo a long period of training to be competent for this position, and must be reassessed at regular intervals, so as to ensure safety during anesthesia.

"Relax, wait until you are in charge of monitoring the anesthesia situation."

After changing positions, Liu Xin prepared the tools again and started anesthesia.

After re-rinsing the puncture needle, Liu Xin pressed his hand between the patient's 10th thoracic vertebra to the 4th lumbar vertebra, and slowly plunged into the lower three-finger position of the spine.

The anesthetic has been injected, leaving an additional indwelling needle in the spine.

"Okay, now as long as the patient has regained pain, it will be fine. If there is any problem, I will be fine."


Hearing Liu Xin comforting herself, Miao Xiuqiao's face blushed slightly, and she gave a squeamish hum.

Go to the main knife position again, everything is ready.

"Curved scalpel!"

After receiving the scalpel, Liu Xin did not hesitate to make an arc-shaped incision in the left upper rectus abdominis-where the spleen and stomach are located.

Why is the incision made in the spleen and stomach, to be precise, the spleen.

Because the normal internal organs are ruptured, the patient feels something.

And this big man didn't feel the slightest discomfort for such a long time from the accident to the hospital.

The only possibility is the rupture of the spleen to delay the painful nerves of the man.

Open abdomen!

The appearance of the arc-shaped incision revealed the situation in the abdominal cavity.

Cracks appeared throughout the spleen.

Bright red blood continuously spouted from the cracks, filling the entire abdominal cavity.

Liu Xin also breathed a sigh of relief, he expected it to be good, it really was bleeding from the spleen!

As long as the reason is found, the rest is too simple.

"I'm losing 800ML blood volume!"

"Hemostatic clip!"

"Abdominal flat hook!"

After receiving the sterilized abdominal flat-head retractor, the patient's abdominal incision was fixed, and at the same time, the hand was stretched into the abdominal cavity to accurately find the large artery hidden under the spleen.

Shiatsu, hold down.

The spleen appeared and stopped!

Zhang Yafei delivered a hemostatic clip, and Liu Xin clamped the artery.

"Line 6!"

Because of the occlusion of the ribs, the field of vision is very small, but this is not difficult for Liu Xin, so he ligated quickly.

The blood vessel ligation is complete.

Let go of the hemostatic clip, there is still a small amount of blood spilling from the spleen.

At this point in the operation, the next operation is simple.

Cut the spleen!

"Scalpel! Ready to cut the spleen!"

"Cut open the gastrocolonic ligament and gastrosplenic ligament."

"Right angle pliers."

After cutting the peritoneum, use right-angle forceps to carefully separate the splenic artery.

"Line 7!"

The splenic artery ligation is complete.

"Separate the spleen."

Pull the spleen out of the incision.

Clean the connective tissue around the spleen pedicle.

Ligate and cut the splenic portal artery and vein respectively.

Every surgical tool is like life in Liu Xin's hands, and every detail is handled just right.

The next step is to clean up the broken spleens on the spleen bed and take them all out of the body.

Finally, the spleen bed is sutured to stop bleeding.

Clean the spleen bed.

Liu Xin was afraid that other internal organs might also be damaged, so he checked them all together.

It turned out to be all right.

Liu Xin speeded up.

"Warm salt water wash and absorb."

"Disinfect cotton to clean up blood stains."

"Inject 0.5mg of antibiotics."

"Place a soft double-cavity rubber tube in the spleen fossa."

"The drainage tube has been reserved."

"Suturing the surgical incision."

"Postoperative disinfection!"

"The operation is complete!"

Hearing Liu Xin's voice, Miao Xiu glanced at the clock subconsciously.

One hour and thirty minutes!

OMG! Can the spleen surgery be so fast?

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