Liu Xin smiled and got into the car. Before he could speak, Duan Shuang drove off.

"Doctor Liu, what do you want to eat today?"

After calling twice, Duan Shuang saw that Liu Xin had no response. He looked sideways and found that Liu Xin was already asleep. There was a bit of resentment in his heart, but it disappeared after a moment, because he was too dazzling today. , Completely let her admire again.

"Hmph, forgive you this time!"

When Liu Xin woke up, the surroundings were completely dark. He touched the surroundings. The environment was a bit strange. When he touched the wall switch, he immediately pressed it, and the room was full of light.

He looked sideways. Duan Shuang was lying on the sofa in the room and was already asleep. When he saw his watch, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. He immediately picked up Duan Shuang and prepared to put it on the bed.


Duan Shuang's face was flushed when Liu Xin was awakened by Liu Xin or other reasons.


"I just woke up, I saw you were asleep, and I was afraid that you would catch a cold, so I was going to put you in bed. Sorry, I was so tired."

"I haven't said anything yet."

Duan Shuang raised his head, smiled charmingly, and took the initiative to kiss Liu Xin's lips. The two kissed for a long time before they slowly separated.

"I'm going to bed, this time it's your turn to guard me!"


Duan Shuang fell asleep soon after lying on the bed. Liu Xin turned off the lamp silently, looking at Duan Shuang's cheeks under the gentle light through the afterlight of the desk lamp. It is hard to describe, and can even be described as perfect.


In my thoughts, the phone rang suddenly, and it was from Junior Brother Lu Feng.

Liu Xin got up and walked out of the room with his mobile phone.

"Hey, Xiao Lu, still awake at this late hour?!"

"Something happened to the old lady."

"What?! What's the matter?"

"She was diagnosed with cancer before, and the vice hospital performed an operation on her, but after returning from the hospital, she was gloomy and didn't speak. I thought it was because she thought of something unhappy, and then I found out that the old lady had a stroke."


Liu Xin frowned. The old lady herself had a brain tumor, but now she has a stroke. It is true that after the brain tumor surgery, there will be a high probability of causing a stroke, but he did not expect all this to happen so suddenly.

"What's the situation now?"

"I'm in the hospital now, but you know that a stroke is very troublesome. You need someone to take care of your diet and daily life. The old lady keeps chanting your name."

Liu Xin didn't expect everything to happen so suddenly.

"Then wait, let me see if I can book the earliest flight back!"


Liu Xin hung up the phone.

Liu Xin was about to turn around, but found that Duan Shuang was awake behind him.

"Doctor Duan..."

"I heard it all, you go back quickly, I will talk to the dean over there."


Liu Xin stepped forward and took him in his arms.

"One more thing!"

"you say!"

"Don't call me Doctor Duan! Don't call me Duan Cream!"

"What's that called?"

Liu Xin was startled.

"Humph! Think about it yourself! Let's go, I'll take you to the airport!"

The two drove to the airport, just in time for the last flight. Before leaving, Duan Shuang left Liu Xin with a number.

"If you need help in any urgent matter, just call this number."

"Okay! I'm leaving now!"

"Yeah, safe journey, remember to call me when you get there."

After Duan Shuang said, Liu Xin had already walked into the boarding gate. Looking at the man's back, Duan Shuang knew how reluctant he was. She didn't leave until the plane took off, but the man had already left in her mind. Impression not to go.

A few hours later, Liu Xin arrived in Chuzhou. It was already one o'clock in the morning. Liu Xin was not sure if Duan Shuang was asleep, but just sent a message.

Unexpectedly, I got a response after a while: "Why don't you call me."

"Ah, I'm afraid you are asleep and disturb you. Don't worry when I'm here, go to bed!"

After Liu Xin sent the message, he caught the taxi to the city hospital and rushed back to the emergency room.

"Doctor Liu!"

Xiao Rou was the only person in the emergency office. She thought she was dazzled, so she immediately moved her eyes and looked again, only to find that Liu Xin was nowhere to be seen.

"No, I have already seen it!"

She walked out of the office and discovered that Liu Xin was indeed in the corridor.

"Doctor Liu, why are you back?"

"Where is Lu Feng?"

Liu Xin asked hurriedly.

"Doctor Lu should be in the brain department. Did you come back for the old lady?"

"Yes, I rushed back from the Imperial Capital overnight and took me over immediately."


Xiaorou took Liu Xin to the ward. The old lady was asleep on the bed, and Lu Feng looked sad on the side.

"Xiao Lu!"

"Brother, you can count as coming back."

Liu Xin walked towards the old lady after he said, glanced at the data after checking, frowned slightly.

"The situation is not optimistic."

"Oh, yes, the old lady does not agree to treatment alive and dead."


Liu Xin wondered.

"When I asked her, he wouldn't say anything."

Liu Xin looked at the old lady who was already asleep and sighed lightly.

"Xiao Lu, haven't you rested?"

"It's okay, brother, I'm not at ease."

"You go to the next hospital bed and rest. I'm here to watch. If anything happens, I can find you as soon as possible."


Lu Feng was lying on the bed, looking at Liu Xin with a sorrowful expression. As soon as he turned around, he heard the whimper of the old lady.

"Old lady!"

The two stepped forward at the same time. The old lady opened her eyes and looked at Liu Xin. Tears inadvertently slipped from the corners of her eyes. She wanted to say something, but her mouth was so stiff that she couldn't speak, she could only whimper and whimper.

"Madam, I'm back, don't worry, speak slowly if you have something."

Looking at Liu Xin, the old lady shook her head with difficulty, and finally slowly raised the only movable left arm, and opened her palm to reveal a picture of Uncle Ma. Liu Xin suddenly understood the reason why the old lady was unwilling to be treated.

"Old lady, why are you doing this?"

Liu Xin didn't know what to say for a while. When Uncle Ma left, the old lady didn't shed tears. He didn't expect that when she left, she cried instead.

The old lady shook her head, trying to smile, but her stiff cheeks made her very helpless.

At this time, the alarm sounded from the heart rate machine next to her, and the old lady fell into shock again.

"Xiao Lu! Save people!"

Lu Feng turned over and got out of bed. The two pushed the bed all the way to the operating room, but the heart rate monitor quietly stagnated a minute ago. When the two arrived in the operating room, when the director of the emergency department prepared for treatment, the two knew everything was done. It's bad luck and bad luck.

An hour later, the director reluctantly walked out of the operating room and looked at Liu Xin with a tired look: "Sorry, Liu Xin, I have experienced it."

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