After 20 Years Of Retreat, You Will Be Born With Gods Of Destruction Level Combat Power

39. Beerus: Quitela, Would You Be Interested In Having My Leg Broken? !

Grand Priest!

Who Jiang Yang recognized as the being that descended from the sky was none other than the Grand Priest with at least the top three combat power in the Dragon Ball Universe!

"Join the Grand Priest!"

With the emergence of the Grand Priest, Gods of Destruction at a level similar to Beerus all fell to one knee on the ground.

"Jiang Yang! That's the Grand Priest, hurry up and kneel down!"

Beerus saw Jiang Yang on the side standing there blankly, with a look of horror on his face, and then yelled a reminder.

Swish Swish Swish!

As Beerus yelled, the Gods of Destruction around the universe kneeling on the ground turned their gazes.

"That kid is the seventh universe's candidate for Gods of Destruction, right?! His name is Jiang Yang?! Hmph... What a guy who doesn't know what to do!"

A mouse-like Gods of Destruction's mouth twitched with sarcasm, and he said coldly: "This is disrespect to the Grand Priest, Beerus, I don't know if it was your intention or he is too ignorant?! "


Beerus' expression changed suddenly when he heard the sarcasm of the mouse Gods of Destruction.

"No problem!"

Grand Priest glanced at Jiang Yang, and a suspicious and strange look flashed in his eyes, which dissipated in the blink of an eye. He smiled and waved his hands and said, "Those who don't know are not to blame! Gods of Destruction, please rise up!"


A sound echoed, and all the Gods of Destruction stood up.


Facing Grand Priest's irresponsibility, Beerus heaved a sigh of relief.

He really didn't know what he and Jiang Yang would face once this guy got into trouble.

Thinking of this, Beerus felt another wave of fear.


Beerus recovered a little, and gave Jiang Yang a vicious look.

Regarding this, Jiang Yang just smiled awkwardly. Although he himself would not want to kneel down, to be honest, he was indeed in a daze just now.

Moreover, it is not difficult to see from the Gods of Destruction who knelt down just now, the Gods of Destruction at the Angel-level combat power level, like all Universe Angels, only bow slightly to show respect.

Then there is nothing wrong with him not kneeling down.

After all, in essence, although he has not become the real Gods of Destruction, his strength has already reached the level of Gods of Destruction or even surpassed Gods of Destruction.

Therefore, he also has a certain background so as not to kneel to the Grand Priest.

It's just that Beerus doesn't know Jiang Yang's true combat power, so he is so worried.

As for Jiang Yang, he naturally understands that his strength cannot be hidden in front of the Grand Priest, so he also knows that the Grand Priest will never convict him because of this.

"Everyone, this Gods of Destruction exchange conference has officially begun!"

Grand Priest's voice rang in the ears of everyone in the field, and then he turned into a streamer and disappeared directly into the realm of gods.

After the Grand Priest left.

For some reason, Jiang Yang had a strange intuition.

Before Grand Priest left just now, he seemed to have given him a meaningful look.

To be honest, Jiang Yang didn't know if he sensed a mistake or what.

"Strange... Could it be that the Grand Priest has seen through all the systems in my body?!"

Jiang Yang frowned slightly, a little confused about the meaning of Grand Priest's slightly profound look.

"Master Beerus, the Grand Priest has left, who will host this Gods of Destruction exchange meeting?!"

After Jiang Yang thought for a while, he was too lazy to think about it. He didn't think Grand Priest could really see through the system in his body.

"The Gods of Destruction exchange conference does not need to be hosted!"

Beerus said lightly: "You can go forward and challenge whoever you don't like. As long as you don't kill him, no matter how badly he is injured, no one will stop you!"


Hearing what Beerus said, Jiang Yang's mouth opened slightly.

Good guy!

Isn't this meow just a big fight? !

While thinking, Beerus had already taken a step forward.

"Quitela, are you interested in having a leg broken by me?!"

Beerus's loud and clear voice resounded throughout the God Realm, and he was the first to trouble him because of Quitela's incitement just now!

Hearing Beerus' words, Jiang Yang immediately looked at the mouse Gods of Destruction Quitela on the side, and saw that the latter followed Beerus' challenge, with a constipated expression on his face at the moment, obviously understanding that he could not be Beerus' opponent.

"Beerus is the first to strike, it really doesn't fit his character!"

On the Fifteenth Universe side, Buzz sneered.

According to previous Gods of Destruction exchange conferences, this guy would lie down from the beginning to the end, aloof from the world, and the powerful would not go to Beerus to discuss.

And the weak ones naturally didn't have the guts to provoke Beerus.

"Today's situation is completely exceptional! Master Quitela thought that the Grand Priest would punish Lord Beerus and Jiang Yang, so he just opened his mouth to die! Who knows... Grand Priest did not condemn them!"

Anna on the side smiled lightly and shook her head.

With her eyesight, it is natural to see why Grand Priest did not convict Beerus and Jiang Yang, it is entirely because the latter has strong strength on the surface.

Da da da!


Beerus' footsteps sounded, and he approached the mouse Gods of Destruction Quitela step by step.

And as Beerus got closer and closer to him, Quitela's face became more and more ugly.

His strength is also at the top level among the first twelve Universe's Gods of Destruction, but...he is facing Beerus.

This guy......

Among the first twelve Universe Gods of Destruction, that is an absolute big brother level existence.

At the once-held Gods of Destruction exchange conference, he even crushed the Gods of Destruction of eleven universes by himself.

That prestige was purely made by Beerus himself.

"Damn guy! If I had known that the Grand Priest hadn't punished Beerus, I wouldn't have said anything!"

Quitela looked at Beerus who was getting closer and closer to him, and his heart trembled with fear.

If a leg is broken in private, it is still acceptable to Quitela.

But getting a broken leg by Beerus in front of all the Gods of Destruction, Angel, and some of the younger generation is more than just physical pain.

Even with his dignity of being Gods of Destruction but being shattered on the spot by another Gods of Destruction made him feel even more painful!


Quitela didn't even think about it, and shouted directly: "Beerus, your strength is well known. If you challenge me, isn't that just bullying me?!"


"I reject your invitation to fight!"

It is humiliating to refuse to fight.


This result is far better than the embarrassment of being broken by Beerus.


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