One day.

After the shocking Battle of Marinford, another big news swept the world!

One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, a former Celestial Dragon, the current King of the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

Donquixote Doflamingo and his gang were destroyed!

The pirates who had long occupied the Kingdom of Dressrosa finally ushered in the final judgment under the strong crushing of the"New Navy"!

‘The New Navy also became famous in the sea with this battle!

No one would ignore the power of the New Navy.

Including the old navy whose power has been greatly reduced, and even the World Government!


Just when the entire Grand Line was waiting for the New Navy to go to war with the World Government.

On the island known as the Holy Land, located on the Red Earth Continent, overlooking the entire world, Marijoa, a"super" event that changed the world is taking place!

A proud girl with a respected status and power only second to a few people such as the Five Elders.

In the meeting of the Celestial Dragons' high-level officials in the Celestial Dragons' Palace, a"coup" that could change the world was launched!

The Five Elders, the highest powers in the World Government, and even the real behind-the-scenes master, Im, were all severely injured by a mysterious poison!

""Xaluliya, you! Do you know what you are doing?!"

The Five Elders, who found themselves poisoned and severely injured, roared like crazy, questioning the Palace of Xialulia in an unbelievable tone.

At the same time, they looked anxiously at the face of the adult on the throne.

Just now, the adult also drank Xialulia's red wine.

As the Five Elders, if they let the adult get hurt, they would die without a burial place.

"Haha, sorry everyone, although I am also a Celestial Dragon, but I can't help it, the master's mission is more important."

Ha Lulia Gong, who completed the poisoning mission perfectly, shook the red wine glass, and a proud smile appeared on her red lips.

She completed the mission so well, and Master Rock will definitely praise her.

"The master's mission?"

"A dignified Celestial Dragon, a descendant of God with noble blood, is so lowly?"

Before Xia Lulia's voice fell, a creepy voice came from the throne.

Even Xia Lulia, who was completely loyal to Rock, could not hide the fear in her heart at this moment, and her legs collapsed to the ground.

Just because the person who spoke was named Yim!

Before Xia Lulia could say anything, the man on the void throne waved his hand lightly.

A terrifying black slash looked at Xia Lulia

"Master, the mission is accomplished, Xia Lulia has no regrets in death!"

In the face of absolute strength.

Xia Lulia Gong Xinzhi is doomed to die, but perhaps because of the control of the highest technology, her mind is full of the tall figure of the young man!

The poison she used was a special poison made by Rock, which contained the power of the god of death.

Facing the weakened high-level combat power of the world government.

Maybe that man can really create the new era he talked about?!

It's a pity that she can't see it..... boom———

Just when Xia Lulia Palace was about to be beheaded, something unexpected happened!

A sound like a giant dragon tearing through the sky resounded through the world like thunder.

And the next moment, a terrifying beam of destruction suddenly covered the entire holy land of Mary Geoise.

Even the void throne where Im was was covered by the beam.

"It turned out to be an ancient weapon, Hades?!"

Under Im's slightly surprised eyes, the entire central building of Marijoa was razed to the ground.

The Celestial Dragons that were enveloped in it were all vaporized, and even the buildings did not leave any rubble.

At this moment, the Five Elders who survived by chance because they were kneeling on the ground were stunned.

The attack on the holy land, and even the attack by the ancient weapon Hades, was acceptable.

After all, even the Xia Lulia Palace that they had placed high hopes on could become a traitor.

What shocked them was that

Lord Im disappeared?

How could it be possible? Even if he was poisoned, even if he was hit head-on by the ancient weapon Hades, with Lord Im's strength, it was impossible for him to be vaporized instantly!

"Kill this traitor first!"

Topman Vauchuli Saint was the first to react, and quickly rushed towards the Xialulia Palace.

The forces that dared to attack the holy land of Marijoa could be counted on one's fingers in the entire sea.

But no matter who it was,

Xialulia, as a traitor, must die!


Just as Topman Vauchuli Saint was about to touch the Xialulia Palace.

A thunderbolt came down.

In addition to the speed, even Topman Vauchuli Saint, who was one of the Five Elder Stars, could not dodge.

Although there was the factor of being poisoned, as a"god-level" devil fruit ability user, it would not have a big impact on his strength in a short period of time.

But even so, he was still shrouded by thunder.

In the next moment.

A tall young figure condensed in the thunder, which made everyone present change their faces.



This was the first time the Five Elders met Rock, and the latter brought them too much shock.

And Xia Lulia was moved to tears.

No matter what the reason, Rock saved her, which showed that she was not a discarded child!

Swish - facing the Five Elders whom he met for the first time.

Rock didn't waste any words, and swung a powerful slash with the Supreme Sword in his hand.

Boom -

Topman Vouchuri, who was twitching in the thunder, was blown away, and a bloody mark was cut on his arm.

The other four Five Elders were also cut with bloody marks.

"I heard that your swordsmanship is not inferior to Hawkeye, but now I see that you are still far behind, kid!"

Just a bloody mark was cut.

The Five Elders pretended to be calm and mocked Rock.

Although they suffered a great humiliation, the great Celestial Dragons will not fail.

They believe that Lord Im must be watching them in the dark, and the final winner will still be the World Government.

"That's right, Rock, you dare to come here alone, prepare to die!"

The Five Elders rubbed their hands, ready to rush forward and kill Rock.

But before they could make any move, shouts rose from all around.

"New Navy, Whitebeard Pirates, Red Hair Pirates, Revolutionary Army, Pluto Rayleigh, Straw Hat Pirates with the Nika Fruit, Amazon Lily Kingdom, Alabasta Kingdom, Dressrosa Kingdom...."

"I wonder if my allies and I are qualified to overthrow you high and mighty Celestial Dragons! ?"

At this moment,

Rock raised his arms and officially announced the arrival of a new era!

"Damn it, where is the Knights of God?!"

"The Red Hair Pirates held back"

"Where is the navy, Sengoku, and Sakaski!"

"Akainu was injured by me two days ago. Sengoku and Garp have retired. Are you still counting on them? As for the other navy, most of them were stabilized by Zephyr, and the rest were taken by Kizaru to encircle and suppress pirates."

Rock responded to the hysteria of the Five Elders lightly.

"It's almost time."

Seeing the blood gushing out of the wounds on the Five Elders, Rock smiled.

At this time, the Five Elders also found something wrong.

This small wound should have healed long ago, why is it bleeding continuously?

"Oh no, transform quickly!"

Topman Vouchuri Saint was the first to react. This minor injury would heal instantly under normal circumstances. But now the bleeding would not stop.

Something must be wrong.

However, the Five Elders were still a step too late.

As a mysterious blood-colored aura erupted from Rock's body, the area within a hundred miles was instantly shrouded in the realm of death.

Before the Five Elders could activate their abilities, the wounds on their bodies suddenly tore open, and blood flowed out like a stream and gathered towards Rock!

The blood of the Five Elders turned into pure blood-colored energy in mid-air and madly poured into Rock's body.

"As expected of the Five Elders, their strength is really impressive!"

Feeling the rapid improvement in strength.

While Rock was sighing at the impressive strength of the Five Elders, he was also secretly glad that his Death Fruit was abnormal enough and had been developed to the extreme.

Otherwise, these Five Elders would be really hard to deal with.

One against five, he will surely become a legend in the future.

Of course, the Five Elders are just the appetizer!

With Rock's Death Domain and special venom, the blood in the bodies of the Five Elders quickly dried up, and in the end they even looked like mummies, with Rock cutting off five of their heads with one knife.

The Five Elders couldn't believe it before they died, that they died so easily.

At the same time as the Five Elders died.

The blood-colored energy around Rock turned into a pair of bloody hands, tearing hard, the void shattered, and a slightly embarrassed figure fell out.

""Rock, where on earth did you come from!"

At this moment, even Yimu, the leader of the Celestial Dragons, was shocked and angry.

He witnessed the tragic death of the Five Elders.

In the past eight hundred years, there has never been a perverted monster like Rock.

Is it possible that besides Joy Boy, there is really���Someone could threaten his life with death! ?

"I am sent by God to judge you!"

Blood mist and thunder intertwined, Rock licked his lips and challenged him to a decisive battle.

"Don't be happy too soon, in this world, no one can judge me!"

Im's sharp eyes flashed with a fierceness, and then a powerful momentum spread out, instantly covering the entire Mary Geoise.


Rock was not in a hurry to take action.

Fighting alone, he was not sure of winning against Im.

However, overthrowing the world government is not his destiny alone!

Swish, swish, swish - just when Im was about to show his power, several figures came late

"Monkey·D·Dragon, come on!"

"Straw Hat Luffy!"

"Thunder God Enel!"

"Hawkeye Mihawk!"

"Ayes the fire fist!".....

As the top fighters of the anti-government alliance arrived one by one, the holy war finally broke out!

This battle lasted for a long time, until only the wounded Rock and Im were left on the battlefield.

"Hahahaha, I am the only king in this world!"

Im laughed wildly.

What about Nika Luffy, what about the leader of the Revolutionary Army, what about the number one swordsman, what about fighting one against many!

He, Im, is the only true king!

"call———Well, you are indeed very strong."

Rock exhaled a breath of blood and looked at the people waiting for him at the edge of the battlefield.

The Empress, Nami, Robin....

"But I represent the new era!!!"

At this moment,

Rock pushed the two god-level fruits to their limit at the same time, accompanied by blood and thunder.

He launched the strongest attack towards the king of the old era!.....

The Sea Circle Calendar, a new era.

The only naval commander, Draculas·D·

Rock is in charge of the center, hammering the Four Emperors and supporting the Empress, all of whom are the remnants of the World Government......

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