Just when Rock and Nami had just dealt with the Drake Pirates and were about to leave the bank,

Nami's Den Den Mushi suddenly rang and brought bad news.

It turned out that when they were fighting X. Drake,

Luffy and his group in the Sabaody Archipelago amusement park also encountered an accident.

Perhaps because they were playing too crazy, the mermaid Camie suddenly disappeared.

After everyone's unanimous judgment, Camie was most likely captured by human traffickers on the island.

After all, on the Sabaody Archipelago, female mermaids have always been worth a fortune.

Therefore, in the eyes of those human traffickers, Camie is undoubtedly a walking super treasure.

Rock was not surprised by the occurrence of this incident.

Although he had reminded Luffy and others in advance that they must pay attention to Camie's movements, it was obvious that Luffy was a"deaf person" in most cases.

Fortunately, according to the development of the plot, nothing will happen to Camie.

But since Camie was captured, she will most likely be sent to the human auction in Area 1 for auction.

In other words, the attack on the Celestial Dragons in the Sabaody Archipelago will happen again.

Mentioning the Celestial Dragons.

Rock's mouth unconsciously curled up into an extreme sneer.

That Xia Lulia Palace should also be on the island, right? In this case, let's settle the old accounts!

In the process of taking Nami to Area 1.

Rock thought deeply and finally made up his mind.

Although it is said that a gentleman's revenge is never too late.

But knowing that the enemy is right in front of him, he really doesn't want to wait.


The Celestial Dragons usually stay in the holy land of Marijoa.

With his current strength, he is not enough to break into Marijoa.

So this is a very good opportunity.

Anyway, a Celestial Dragon incident is destined to happen in the Sabaody Archipelago.

So why not be even crazier? For example, one or two Celestial Dragons will die!

? As the war on the top is about to come.

Rock doesn't mind causing some trouble for the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

After all, his current identity is just a criminal wanted by the World Government!

"Nami, I suggest you transport these treasures back to the Thousand Sunshine first."

"There is a high possibility of conflict and the situation will be complicated. You are carrying so much treasure, aren't you afraid of being stolen?"

When passing through Area 17,

Rock saw that Nami was dragging several large bubbles full of treasures and was too conspicuous, so he reminded her.

"But Kemi's situation is very dangerous, we don't have time...."

Nami's expression flashed with hesitation. She also knew that this was inconvenient. Many people had cast covetous eyes on her along the way. But compared to Kimi's safety, the treasure was not so important in her heart at this time....In fact, it is also very important. This is a huge sum of money.~

"Leave it to me." Rock was obviously touched by Nami's reaction.

A money-grubber could not care less about the huge treasure at this time.

It proved that Nami was indeed a kind and well-organized girl.

She was just a little fierce sometimes.

But that was not a big deal. Nami two years later was even more fierce!

Before he finished speaking

, in Nami's puzzled eyes, a small car toy suddenly appeared in Rock's hand.

To be precise, it was a truck toy, and it was a style that Nami had never seen before.

But...Isn’t this too much?

"Rock, this is not the time to joke, right?"

Nami narrowed her eyes and looked at Rock, her pretty face full of speechlessness.

Is this guy trying to make fun of her?

Does he think she is one of those childish ghosts of Luffy who gets stars in her eyes when she sees a toy?

And such a small thing can help her transport the treasure back to the Thousand Sunny?

"Hey, Nami, be respectful and don't underestimate my Optimus Prime!"

Rock was a little unhappy when he saw Nami's contempt.

Are you kidding?

No one can underestimate his Optimus Prime!

Autobots, get bigger!

Cool, cool, cool - under Rock's mind control, in just a few seconds, the small car toys on the ground suddenly expanded hundreds of times.

Although it was smaller than the standard state.

Soon, to Nami's surprise.

Rock stuffed the bubble containing the treasure into the body of Optimus Prime.

Then, with the blessing of the observation Haki, Optimus Prime, who was in the truck state of mind control, transported the treasure to the Thousand Miles Sunny docked at the harbor.

"Rock, you..."

At this moment.

Nami's pretty face was completely replaced by surprise, and her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity when she looked at Rock.

It should be said that this was the most mysterious man she had ever seen.

It seemed that there was nothing that Rock could not do.

That Optimus Prime, he was also very hot!

""What do you mean by 'I'? Be serious, Nami. It's going to be a tough battle. Let's go!"

After successfully transporting the treasure away,

Rock did not hesitate. It was too slow to run to Area 1 with Nami.

So he directly grabbed Nami's soft waist and held her in his arms like a princess. Then he started the Six Styles: Shaving at full speed, turned into a gust of wind, and rushed to Area 1!

Whoosh - feeling the rapid airflow.

Nami hugged Rock's strong arms tightly in his arms.

Although the speed made her feel a little uncomfortable, for some reason, the corners of her mouth still curled up slightly unconsciously.....

"Hey, Zoro! Camie is in Area 1, follow me!"

Just as Rock and Nami were rushing to Area 1,

Luffy, Zoro and other members of the Straw Hat Pirates were also rushing to the human auction venue in Area 1.

Zoro was asking for directions.

Who would have thought that Luffy, riding a flying fish, just passed by, stretched out his arm without saying a word, and gave Zoro a human roller coaster.

Zoro, who was already injured, was so angry that his teeth itched:"Damn Luffy, I will chop you sooner or later!"

At the same time, when Luffy and Zoro were still halfway, in front of the auction in Area 1,

Hachi, Usopp, Robin, Chopper, Franky and others had been waiting anxiously.

Although they had just arrived not long ago,

Camie's situation was still unknown, so everyone seemed very anxious.

"Oh, Nami and the others haven't arrived yet, they're so slow!"

At this time, Usopp looked into the distance and saw that Nami and the others were still not here, so he complained.

"Rock is still poisoned. Usopp, he and Nami will definitely be slower."

Tony Tony Chopper looked at the time and said.

It was obvious that the Straw Hat Pirates' ship doctor still chose to believe in his own medicine.

Rock, that guy, definitely hasn't recovered yet and is in danger of poisoning at any time.

For this reason, he has prepared more than a dozen antidote pills!

"That's right, if you were Usopp and were poisoned by that kind of poison, you would have died long ago.

Robin also said quietly beside him.

"Eh? Robin, even if you want to speak for Rock, you don't have to be so cruel!"

Usopp was speechless.

But before he could say anything, suddenly

, whoosh - a gust of wind blew in his face....

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