"Sister Robin, Nami..."

Listening to the intimate words of the two beauties of the Straw Hat Pirates,

Rock was somewhat moved.

He really didn't expect that the Straw Hat Pirates would still choose to stand by him at this time.

After all, this was not an ordinary incident.

Even the arrogant Trafalgar Law and Captain Kidd left quickly with their companions, fearing that they would be affected.

This may be one of the biggest differences between the Straw Hat Pirates and other pirate groups!

"Hey, damn guy, don't be so touched, I'm like this because of the 400 million berries."

At this moment, Nami felt Rock's burning gaze, her pretty face suddenly became hot, and her heart was in a mess.

That feeling made her very uncomfortable, so she waved her hand, said something harsh, and turned her head away.

Of course, she just made up an excuse.

They naturally wouldn't be in danger for the 400 million berries. The reason why the Straw Hat Pirates didn't leave.

In addition to the fact that Rock was a friend they recognized.

The most important reason was that, in the eyes of the Straw Hat Pirates, if they hadn't come to save Camie, then Rock wouldn't have killed the Celestial Dragons.

Therefore, it was reasonable for the Straw Hat Pirates not to abandon Rock and leave alone!

"Rock, what are you going to do next? You are even more reckless than me."

At this time, Luffy also lost his usual silly smile, and replaced it with a heavy look.

Obviously, even Luffy knew what it meant to kill the Celestial Dragons.

But he didn't think Rock was wrong.

After landing on the island, he saw that many people were persecuted by the Celestial Dragons.

Such a guy must not be forgiven.

"Ah, Luffy, the navy is probably ready to attack, please help me deal with them, as for the Celestial Dragons, leave it to me!"

Rock sensed through his observation Haki that a large number of navy had gathered outside.

Although they were only troops stationed on the Sabaody Archipelago, their number was quite large, and it was obvious that the navy had received the news.

Boom - as soon as the words fell, the gate of the auction house was violently broken open by a cannonball.

A large number of navy began to pour in.

However, with Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and others present, these ordinary navy had no way of rushing into the auction house in a short time.

"Navy?! Come and save us, I am Saint Rozward!"

At the same time,

Saint Rozward, who was terrified, saw the navy breaking in and immediately shouted loudly, trying to use his identity as a Celestial Dragon to get the navy to rescue him.

Unfortunately, his cry for help was drowned out by the sound of fighting.

"Roque, Roque...What a familiar name.

Compared to Saint Rozward,

Xia Lulia was calmer. In other words, even now, she still didn't take the people in front of her seriously.

Yes, she was so arrogant, arrogant to the extreme.

It was just that Rock's name caught her attention. She seemed to have heard it somewhere.

"Saint Rozward, no more nonsense, kneel down and kowtow to me three times, and I will consider sparing your life.

At this moment,

Rock walked up to Saint Rozward with his famous sword, Undead, and said with a sneer.

"You dream, vile..."Ah!!!"

Facing Rock's intimidation,

Saint Rozward was very tough at first, cursing and aiming his gun at Rock.

Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, his hand holding the gun was chopped off, blood splattered, and the huge pain made him want to die.

After living for decades, this was the first time he was injured, and it was so serious!

""Kneel or not?"

Under the great pain

, Saint Rozward was completely scared. He lowered his head and slowly bent his knees in Rock's cold voice.

"Dad, you can't kneel down to a despicable human being!"

Just as Saint Rozward was about to kneel down, the Xialulia Palace beside him suddenly collapsed.

Under the shock of Rock's momentum, she could no longer bear the high pressure, but the pride in her heart made her not want to bow her head, and she didn't want to see her father, who was more respected, bow his head.

In her worldview, this was simply unacceptable!

However, her words didn't seem to have any effect.

Saint Rozward still knelt down.

But the next second, a black gun muzzle was pointed at Saint Rozward's head.

Bang - when——

"It is better not to kill your father, or you will go crazy, Miss Celestial Dragon."

What happened in a flash surprised Rock.

First, the emotionally broken Xia Lulia shot her father, Saint Rozward.

Then a white-haired old man appeared in an instant and blocked the bullet.

This plot development is really unexpected.

"Pluto Silvers Rayleigh!"

Rock looked at the white-haired old man in front of him and immediately confirmed his identity.

The former vice-captain of Roger's Pirates, the right-hand man of the Pirate King, Pluto Rayleigh!

"Draculas·D·Rock?! What a man that surprised me!"

Pluto Rayleigh looked at Rock calmly, his expression showing no emotion, but he obviously knew Rock's identity.

"There are many navy troops outside, so I can't take action next. Rock, I hope you can leave the Sabaody Archipelago safely.

Although Rayleigh stopped the Xialulia Palace, he obviously had no intention of continuing to participate. After saying that, he went to help Kemi dismantle the slave collar.

Rock was finally able to confront the Xialulia Palace.

"Noble Xia Lulia Palace, do you still want me to be your slave now?!"

At this time, Xia Lulia Palace was on the verge of collapse.

Rock was too lazy to say anything more to this enemy who almost destroyed him. He slowly took off his mask and showed his cards directly.

"you....Is it you!?"

At this moment, when she saw Rock's face,

Xia Lulia stood still, her beautiful eyes were filled with endless shock!

How could it be him!?

How could it be him!!

Isn't this guy being hunted by the World Government and the Navy Headquarters?!

And if I remember correctly, this guy should have been seriously injured by the Navy Vice Admiral named"dog" before!?

Xia Lulia was scared.

Until this moment, she felt fear from the bottom of her heart.

For the first time, she felt that there was such a terrible existence among the despicable humans.

Of course, even so, Xia Lulia was still very proud in her heart.

Because, she is a Celestial Dragon!

"You are a stubborn guy indeed. It's a pity that you are a Celestial Dragon, otherwise you wouldn't be so bad!"

Rock sneered.

He could see that Xia Lulia was the kind of person who would find it difficult to change what she had set her mind on. In her worldview, Celestial Dragons should be so noble and should have everything.

"In that case, then go to hell!"

Slowly raising his famous sword, the Undead, Rock looked at Xia Lulia Palace with a firm gaze.

Killing one Celestial Dragon is killing, killing two or three is also killing!

Today, use the blood of the Celestial Dragons to open a new era in the pirate world!

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