
A sharp scream broke the tranquility of the sea in the early morning.

If the Straw Hat Pirates had a class pyramid, then Nami, who held the financial power, was definitely the creature standing at the top of the pyramid.

With Nami's shout, the entire Thousand Sunny instantly fell into chaos.

"Who are you and why are you sleeping in my bed!"

"Damn it, you tore my underwear!!"

"Ahhhh! I'm going to kill you!"

"Luffy~ Zoro~ Sanji~ Come and kill this damn guy for me!"

At this moment.

Nami wrapped her looming body with a quilt, pointed at the strange man who was half asleep and half awake in front of her, her pretty face full of anger.

Who understands her family!

She had a good sleep, opened her eyes and saw a strange man sleeping next to her, and he was so close.

Although the man was a bit good-looking, she was still very angry.

After all, men are not as attractive to her as money.

It would be great if the man hugging her was not a person, but 10 million Baileys.

"Damn, how did this guy get in? Usopp, you were supposed to be on duty last night, right?"

Soon the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates gathered around.

Pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro saw Rock and immediately drew out his famous sword, Wado Ichimonji, and looked at Usopp speechlessly.

"I don't know why I fell asleep. I wasn't sleepy at all last night...."

Usopp shrugged and said that he was innocent too. Fortunately, Zoro did not delve into it. After all, solving the mysterious person in front of him was the key.

"It's him..."

When the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates surrounded Rock,

Nico Robin, who was awakened, suddenly fixed her eyes, obviously recognizing the other party, but she did not say anything.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: Sign in for one night on Wanli Sunshine】

【Rewards are being distributed....】

【Ding! Reward: 1 body recovery potion has arrived】

【Ding! Reward: Big Sharp Sword 21 Worker-level Sword·Undead has arrived】

【Ding! Reward: 30 billion Baileys received】

【Ding! Reward: Perfect Grade Navy Six Styles - Shave received】

【Ding! Reward: Host exclusive toy: Transformers Optimus Prime has arrived】

【Tips: All rewards issued will be stored in the system space and can be called up at any time.】...

As the mechanical voice of the system sounded, Rock's spirit recovered a little.

He ignored the aggressive Straw Hat Gang.

In fact, his body was almost at its limit.

The poison that Poison Man Magellan participated in developing was indeed terrible.

If there was no awakening system, even if he didn't die from now on, he would probably become a cripple.

But there are no ifs in this world.

Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace, Flying Squirrel, and those so-called big men hiding behind the scenes.

Soon Rock will make them pay the price!

"Hey, who the hell are you? If you don't say anything, I'm going to beat you up for Nami."

Seeing that Rock was slow to speak, he finally became more alert and took out a blue bottle of"drink" from somewhere, ignoring the intention of the Straw Hat Pirates.

This made the Straw Hat Pirate Luffy, who had recently attacked the Judicial Island and had a bounty of 300 million Baileys, very unhappy.

He widened his eyes and his expression gradually became serious.

In Luffy's opinion.

This guy provoked his companions, so he should either apologize or fight. What's the point of ignoring him?

"Wait, Luffy, it looks like he is a little confused because of the poisoning. Let me take a look."

Just when Luffy, Zoro and others were about to beat someone up, the Straw Hat Pirates' ship doctor Tony Tony Chopper stopped them.

Because he found that the mysterious man in front of him seemed to have been poisoned by some extremely terrible poison!

Even though he didn't diagnose it himself, Chopper's first feeling was that it was very tricky.

However, just as Chopper looked serious and found the first aid kit to treat Rock, he jumped up in shock at the situation in front of him.

""Huh!!? How are you okay? Shouldn’t you have been poisoned?!"

Chopper’s jaw dropped on the deck as he watched Rock’s mental and physical condition quickly recover.

It looked like he had been poisoned. There was no way he was wrong. It was the kind of rare poison that required dozens of surgeries to treat!

But how could this guy recover so quickly, and he could heal himself even if he was poisoned?

This, this doesn’t conform to the laws of medicine!

"Chopper, now is not the time for you to show your love."

Nami, with a frown on her face, pressed Chopper down and said in a very low voice:

"Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, are you guys dead? This guy broke into Robin and I's cabin! Do you still want your pocket money for next month?"

As Nami's voice fell, the three main forces of the Straw Hat Pirates felt a chill on their backs.

With Nami's ruthlessness, she can't give you pocket money if she says so.

"Yo hoo hoo, Miss Nami, if you can let me see your underwear, I'm willing to help you"

"Get out of here!"

Brook, who had just joined the Straw Hat Pirates, came up to show off his presence, and was unsurprisingly punched by Nami and flew several meters away.

At this time, the three main forces of the Straw Hat Pirates also planned to knock Rock away.

However, just when Luffy and the other two were about to take action.

Rock suddenly raised his head and showed a cold smile.

It was this smile that made the three main forces of the Straw Hat Pirates stiffen, and Zoro's eyes became serious at this moment.

Although he did not feel any substantial threat, his intuition told him that the guy in front of him was not simple.

The injury he suffered on the Horror Tri-Track Sail last time has not healed yet. If he is really a master, he may not be able to help his companions fight the enemy.

"Pirate Straw Hat Luffy, Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro, Blackfoot Sanji"

"It turned out to be the Straw Hat Pirates who have become famous recently."

"Are you going to hit someone?"

At this moment,

Rock, who had finally recovered his spirit, glanced at the Straw Hat Pirates, then looked at his position, and his heart skipped a beat.

Oops, did I climb into the wrong bed last night!?

Looking at Nami's angry face, he probably guessed what happened. No wonder he felt so good and soft in bed last night.

"Hey! You got it straight, you broke into our cabin last night without permission, forget it, Luffy, take care of him!"

Nami saw Rock's fearless look, and she became even angrier.

"Don't rush to do it. Although I don't know what happened, I apologize to you, beautiful little thief, Miss Nami."

Rock didn't want to fight with the Straw Hat Pirates.

He was no longer a marine, and he had a big grudge against the marines and the Celestial Dragons. At this time, it was better to have one more friend than one more enemy.

What's more, the Straw Hat Pirates were truly"strong in background"!

"Apologize? You tore my underwear. Even if you kneel down and kowtow, I will not forgive you. Absolutely not!"

Nami gritted her teeth like a shark and raised her fist as if she was going to beat someone up herself.

"Absolutely not! ?"

"That’s right, absolutely not. Prepare to die, you damned guy!"

"I was planning to compensate you with several million Baileys, what a pity."


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