Marine Headquarters, Marineford

"Is it true that Rock is the instigator of the heinous incident in the Sabaody Archipelago?"

"He actually killed the Celestial Dragon Charlos Saint? This lawless guy!"

At this time, after hearing the latest intelligence about the Sabaody Archipelago, Admiral Buddha Sengoku's expression flashed with deep surprise.

He never thought that things would be just as Garp said before.

The person who caused chaos in the Sabaody Archipelago and attacked the Celestial Dragons and caused such a terrible incident was actually Rock!

Could it be that the kid's X-Venom has been cured?!

But is the venom weapon jointly developed by Vegapunk and Magellan so easy to treat?!

Sengoku had many doubts in his mind.

But now is not the time to be entangled.

For the navy, compared to the Sabaody Archipelago incident, the next war is the most important. After all, their opponent is the man who stands at the top of the pirates.

At present, the only thing that can make Sengoku relax is What makes me angry is that although the Navy dispatched two admirals, Aokiji and Kizaru, the Navy failed to successfully capture Straw Hat Luffy because of the appearance of Pluto Rayleigh.

This means that he doesn't have to worry too much about Garp's position being shaken.

As for the two Straw Hat Pirates members, Nico Robin, the son of the devil, and Nami, the thief cat, who were sent to the Navy Headquarters by CP0, there is nothing they can do.

The Navy Headquarters must give an explanation to the World Government.

The World Government must also give an explanation to the Celestial Dragons living in the Holy Land.


Nico Robin, the son of the devil, and Nami, the thief cat, will be executed in Marineford together with the pirate Fire Fist Ace to show the world!

Of course, the Navy and the World Government's spy organization will continue to hunt down other members of the Straw Hat Pirates!....

""Admiral Aokiji!"

At the door of the prisoner detention room of Marinford, two marine guards saw Admiral Aokiji coming and immediately saluted respectfully.

"Two members of the Straw Hat Pirates are imprisoned here?!"

Aokiji asked with a cold look.

After getting an affirmative answer, he walked into the detention room without looking around.

Naturally, the two navy guards did not dare to stop him.

Are you kidding?

The navy's top combat power, just kidding, who dares to provoke?

Click! Click! Click!

The footsteps of Admiral Aokiji stepped on the cold floor, and the sound was as cold as his expression.

To be honest, he was a little entangled.

After the O'Hara incident, because of Vice Admiral Sauro, he had been paying attention to Nico Robin's movements.

Because he wanted to know what true justice was.

So he didn't want to see Nico Robin trapped in death now.

But there was no way, the one who captured Nico Robin and the other was CP0, the highest spy organization of the World Government.

As a navy admiral, he had no reason and could not do anything out of line.

It was the only thing he could do to pass on information to Rock and Straw Hat Luffy before they were slapped away.

"Nicole Robin, if you think what you are doing is right, then stick with it."

"An unprecedented war is about to take place at the Navy Headquarters"

"I hope you can survive."

Aokiji looked at Robin and Nami who were imprisoned in prison, and tried to remind them in his own way.

At this time, Robin and Nami were in a very ordinary state.

Because no matter from which angle, they were both in a desperate situation.

This is the headquarters of the navy!

The place where countless naval elites gathered is far beyond the defense of Judicial Island.

Being caught here is equivalent to a death sentence.

"Aokiji, my friends, and Rock, how are they doing?"

Nico Robin raised her head, her beautiful eyes showing no sadness or joy, only worry about her friends' situation.

"Don't worry, they are all in a better situation than you two."

"After you were captured by CP0, Rock searched the entire Sabaody Archipelago. That guy is one of the strongest geniuses I have ever seen. Maybe he can guess your current situation."

Aokiji glanced at Robin and then turned away.

That's all he could do.

The next thing can only be done by Rock and Straw Hat Luffy themselves.

However, coming to the Navy Headquarters to rescue people is something that not everyone dares to do.

Of course, Straw Hat Luffy and Rock are not ordinary people. One of them made a big fuss on Judicial Island and declared war on the World Government. His grandfather is a naval hero, and his father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

The other one is even more ruthless and killed all the Celestial Dragons.

Aokiji is even a little bit looking forward to it.

What kind of trouble will Rock and Luffy cause when they get together!?.....

Grand Line.

Amazon Lily Kingdom, Daughter Island.

Whoosh - boom - with two loud noises.

Rock and Luffy, who had been"flying" in the air for a long time, finally landed safely.

It should be said.

The ability of the tyrant Bartholomew Kuma's fruit is indeed strong enough, and his comprehensive strength is definitely among the top among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Speaking of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

It is estimated that Rock will be able to meet one of them soon.

The world's most beautiful woman, the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock!

But at this time Rock was not so looking forward to meeting the Pirate Empress.

After all, Robin and Nami are still in danger.

Originally, Rock was still hesitating.

If the system does not trigger the sign-in task, he will have to consider whether to participate in the top war.

But now there is no need to consider it.

Nami and Robin were arrested by CP0 in order to go back to help him, and he must rescue them intact.

"Hey, Luffy, what are you doing? Stop it now! ?"

Just when Rock was thinking about how to save Nami and the others, he didn't pay attention for a moment.

When he turned around, he suddenly found that Luffy was frantically picking colorful mushrooms on the ground and eating them!

Seeing this scene, he was shocked. The mushrooms on the Daughter Island cannot be eaten randomly!


"Rock, are you hungry too? That's right, your appetite is not much smaller than mine, come and eat, these mushrooms are delicious!"

At this time, Luffy heard Rock calling him, raised his head, and remembered that when he was eating on the Thousand Sunny not long ago, the latter's appetite was not worse than his. He subconsciously thought that Rock must be hungry too.

Luffy didn't care about anything else, stuffed the mushrooms in his hand into his mouth, picked two pink mushrooms, and then pounced on Rock.

""Fuck, Luffy, don't come over here!"

At this moment,

Rock was stunned. He didn't expect Luffy to be so"enthusiastic".

And before he could dodge,

Luffy actually swung out his long arms in advance, stuffed the mushroom directly into his mouth, and patted him on the back.

"Hehe, it's delicious, Rock, I don't know where this is, huh? Why do I feel a little dizzy!"

"Luffy, I...I'm Nima..."........ ps: I'm about to enter the story of the top war, please support me! I have something to do tonight, so I'll update once, and I'll make up for it after the first show.

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