Chabaoti Archipelago

【Xia Qi's rip-off】

"Have Rock and Little Monkey been sent to the Amazon Lily Kingdom?"

The proprietress Xia Qi lit a cigarette with a complicated look in her eyes.

"Well, yes, things are becoming more and more unpredictable. After all, who would have thought that someone would dare to kill a celestial dragon?"

Pluto Silvers Rayleigh, who was sitting opposite, also sighed with a smile.


Even the right arm of the former Pirate King was surprised by Rock's feat of killing a celestial dragon.

According to the latest news.

Celestial dragon Charlos Saint suffered a powdered skull fracture and died.

Celestial dragon Rozward Saint suffered severe injuries to his body and head. He was put into a nutrient solution machine by the World Government and was on the verge of death.

Among the three celestial dragons in the Sabaody Archipelago incident, only Xia Lulia Palace was safe and sound, and only suffered some mental shock.

Now Xia Lulia Palace has inherited her father Ross With the power and status of Saint Walder, he became an important member of the Celestial Dragons.

But this situation made Rayleigh feel very strange.

Logically speaking.

Rock's real hatred should be for Charlulia Palace, but it was only the latter who returned to the holy land safely and even became more"noble".

This is very contrary to common sense, but he couldn't guess what Rock meant, but he felt that things were not that simple.

Among the younger generation, except for the Straw Hat Luffy who bears the fate. The one that Pluto Rayleigh is most looking forward to and cannot see through is Rock.

This young man who went from the navy to the sea will surely cause a storm in the entire pirate world!

"Are Little Monkey and Rock both in Amazon Lily? Then even I can't guess what Snake Princess will do."

The proprietress Xia Qi exhaled a puff of smoke.

As the last emperor of Amazon Lily, she originally judged that Straw Hat Luffy would be the man who would save Snake Princess from the shadow in her heart.

But now, Rock has also gone to Amazon Lily.

Then everything will go in an unpredictable direction.

No matter what Snake Princess does, the fate of the Amazon Lily Kingdom will change.......

Amazon Lily Kingdom Offshore

"....Boa Hancock, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, shouldn't you and the Navy be allies?"

""Quickly withdraw your power!"

At this moment.

On the deck of the navy ship

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Marine

His expression was very distorted, and he looked at the dagger stuck in his hand with a bad look.

He stuck the dagger in his own hand.

Does it hurt!?

It hurts a lot!

But he had to do it.

Because he is now facing the Pirate Empress, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

This world's most beautiful woman with the ability to petrify is really terrifying.

Just by seeing that stunning face, all his subordinates were petrified!

Even he, the Vice Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, had to use the pain of self-mutilation to resist the charm of the Pirate Empress.

Damn it.

Why does he always encounter these difficult tasks.

The last attack on Rock was difficult enough, especially after learning that Rock not only did not die or get injured in the X-Venom weapon, but his strength has improved.

As the culprit of the attack on Rock.

He is really worried about running into Rock now. After all, the latter can fight him back and forth even when he is seriously injured.

What if he encounters Rock in his prime?...

Damn it, how can there be such a monster in this world, so strong at this age.

But now is not the time to worry about this.

I heard that Rock was beaten up by two admirals in the Sabaody Archipelago, and was slapped away by Tyrant Bear, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. I guess he won't dare to show up on the sea in a short time.

And his most important task now is to recruit the Pirate Queen in front of him.

An unprecedented war is about to begin, and the navy needs the help of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, so it issued a supreme call-up order.

"I am summoned to the Navy Headquarters!?"

"It doesn't matter if I don't go. You will forgive me, right?"

""It's all because I'm so beautiful~"

Pirate Queen Boa Hancock said coldly, and then pointed with her jade hand and made a beautiful pose. Just like that, several navy officers were instantly petrified, and their eyes turned into the shape of hearts.

There was no way, the world's number one beauty plus the sweet fruit was so unreasonable.

As for the navy's conscription, what else could she do if she didn't go.


With the welcome of the snake, the Pirate Queen returned to her pirate ship and sailed towards the port of Daughter Island.

"Sister Snake, I heard some very interesting news.

On the Perfume Serpent, the royal sister Sanda Sonya approached the Pirate Queen and said mysteriously:

"Oh? What news? Is my beauty attractive?"

The Pirate Queen was obviously dull.

In her opinion, there was nothing worth paying attention to in the outside world.

This world was very dark. She only needed to protect the Amazon Lily Kingdom. She didn't care about other things.

"I heard that a Celestial Dragon died in the Sabaody Archipelago. The Navy Headquarters sent two admirals there, but it seems that they were unable to catch the culprit, and no one knows who did it. Anyone who dared to kill a Celestial Dragon must be a great figure!"

Sanda Sonia stuck out her snake-like tongue, with shock in her eyes.

The title of the world's noble Celestial Dragon is the biggest shadow in the hearts of the three sisters.

Because of this, it was hard for her to imagine that someone dared to kill a Celestial Dragon, and killed him openly.

Such an existence would be quite explosive in the entire ocean.

However, she only heard a little rumor, and the specific news had not yet been released, so she didn't know who was the one who attacked and killed them.���Draco

"Kill the Celestial Dragons? That's a guy I admire."

When it comes to the Celestial Dragons, even though she is now one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock still looks a little panicked.

At least so far, the mark behind them is the eternal shame and shadow in their hearts.

"Welcome home, Lady Snake!"

"Welcome back, Lady Snake!"

"Lady Snake is so beautiful!"...

When the Perfume Serpent entered the port of Daughter Island, the citizens who came to welcome the Pirate Queen burst into loud cheers.

Even though Rock had already climbed to the top of the mountain with Daisy and Luffy, he could still clearly hear the cheers from the port.

"Pirate Queen Boa Hancock, you are finally back."

Rock looked at the port, with a smile on his face.

He naturally didn't want to offend the Pirate Queen.

But there was no way.

The sign-in task issued by the system was to sign in for one night in the palace of the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

This meant that he would inevitably meet the Pirate Queen.

But Rock had to think of an appropriate way to meet the Pirate Queen.

"Lord Rock, please be careful. Below the cliff is Lady Snake Princess' bathhouse. Don't fall down!"

"Oh~? Bath! ?"..........

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