
When Rock swung his famous sword, the Undead, a bloody slash instantly shot towards Chatun Kaji!

They were still some distance away from the Navy Headquarters.

The Navy Headquarters was currently making the final deployment and had no time to pay attention to what was happening so far away.

Therefore, Rock could rest assured to fight with the Navy Admiral Candidate Chatun!

"Scary kid, with this level of swordsmanship, I'm afraid he has already entered the ranks of great swordsmen!"

Facing Rock's slash again, the Navy Admiral Candidate Chaton·Kake's expression clearly flashed with surprise.

It is no exaggeration to say that even though he is a Navy Admiral Candidate, when it comes to swordsmanship, he is definitely not Rock's opponent!

Rock, this kid, is worthy of being called one of the strongest geniuses in the history of the Navy by Teacher Zefa!

Not only Chaton·Kake.

After seeing Rock's current swordsmanship.

Even Vice Admiral Taotu, who is Rock's swordsmanship teacher, was very surprised.

Taotu is naturally one of the people in the Navy who knows Rock best.

She also knows that Rock's swordsmanship talent is extremely High, but according to her judgment.

It will take Rock about two years to officially enter the ranks of great swordsmen!

As a result, Rock has become a great swordsman now!


How short-sighted the Navy is, how short-sighted the World Government is!

They actually forced a talented super star like Rock to go to the opposite side!

Navy Admiral Candidate Momotosa sneered in her heart, and at the same time she slowly drew out the sword Kinpila at her waist, ready to help Rock at any time.

After all, even if Rock has already entered the ranks of great swordsmen, Chaton, as a Navy Admiral Candidate, is no pushover.

And this place is not absolutely safe. ’s position. If the Navy Headquarters finds out and sends people to investigate, things will be dangerous!

Boom boom boom——

At the same time.

The battle between Rock and Chaton has also entered a white-hot stage.

Because the space on the battleship is too small, the two simply started a fist-to-flesh duel on the sea.

Anyway, neither Rock nor Chaton Kake, who is a candidate for admiral, has eaten the devil fruit, so they can fight in the navy. What shocked Chaton even more was that.

Originally, he thought that with his overall strength, it should not be difficult to take down Rock.

But who knew that as the battle intensified... The battle was fierce, but he, as the candidate for admiral, gradually fell into a disadvantage!!!

This was very difficult for Chaton to accept.

After all, he was the candidate for admiral of the navy, and Rock was just a young criminal!

What's more, Gion was watching the battle!

However, even if Chaton used all his strength, it was still difficult to find an opportunity to seriously injure Rock.

Because Rock's speed was too fast.

Except for Admiral Kizaru, he had never seen anyone who could reach such a speed!

Moreover, Rock seemed to be performing the Six Styles·Shave! ?

But how could"Shave" reach such a speed! ?

"Lieutenant General Chatun, you are looking down on me for being distracted during the battle!?"

At this time,

Rock smiled coldly.

He seized the moment when Chatun was distracted and launched the Sixth Style: Shaving at full speed.

‘With a flash of his body, he appeared directly behind Chatun.

One-sword style: Blood Shadow Elegy!


As Rock swung and chopped down, a super-powerful slash instantly slashed towards Chatun Kaji's back.

At this moment, all the marines at the G9 base, including Rear Admiral Alice, took a deep breath.

Such a powerful slash.

Just looking at it makes people shudder!

"Junior Brother Rock has really become much stronger!"

Major General Alice cheered in her heart, as if she herself had become stronger.

However, unlike Alice and others, Vice

Admiral Taotu was not excited, but worried.

Because, with Chatun's combat experience and comprehensive strength, it is impossible for him to be distracted in the battle and give his opponent an opportunity to take advantage.

For a real strong man, he will never easily expose his back to the enemy in battle.

Unless it is intentional!

Sure enough, when the blood-colored slash slashed Chatun with the power of death, the latter's body instantly turned into a residual image and twisted and disappeared.

And the next moment, the figure of Chatun, the candidate for admiral of the navy, suddenly appeared above Rock's head.

The attack wrapped in extremely strong armed color domineering came crashing down!

""Rok, be careful!"

Seeing this, Taotu immediately flashed and drew his sword to rescue Rock!

If this blow hit Rock's head.

With Kaji's strength, Rock would be seriously injured!

It seems that Rock is still a little careless!

""Rock, wake up! You will be taken to Marinford for public execution!"

At this moment,

Navy Admiral Candidate Chaton smiled grimly.

At this distance, Momosaki could not save him at all.

And Rock had been locked by his domineering aura and could not dodge his attack at all.

So, it was over, everything was over!

How could a mere criminal, a kid who might not even have grown all his hair, be a match for Navy Admiral Candidate Chaton Kake!?


Just when Chatun thought he had won,

Rock suddenly sneered below.

It was this sneer that made Chatun's hair stand on end. The next moment, hum - an extremely powerful, almost condensed blood-red mental shock, centered on Rock and targeting Admiral Chatun Kaji, suddenly burst out!

At this moment,

Admiral candidate Chatun was stunned.

He never thought that Rock would possess such a terrifying domineering aura!

Originally, with his strength, even if he was shocked by Rock's domineering aura, he would not be affected too much.

But The point is, he never thought that Rock possessed Conqueror's Haki, let alone that it was so terrifying!

So under the impact of the powerful Conqueror's Haki, not only did he fail to cause any harm to Rock, but he himself was blown away.

And just at this time,

Taotu also rushed to the battlefield. She looked at Rock in surprise, and obviously did not expect that the latter actually had such a trump card.

Such a powerful Conqueror's Haki is extremely rare in the entire sea!

But now is not the time to be surprised.

Taotu took advantage of the fact that Chatun had not yet stabilized his body, and chopped the latter away again with a super strong slash.

""Puff! Gion, you're crazy!"

Chatun was attacked by Taotu and was seriously injured, with a heartbroken expression.

However, this was not the end.

The next second,

Rock flashed above Chatun again, with a fist wrapped in a wisp of domineering aura, and hit the latter's head mercilessly!

""The Conqueror's Haki is entangled!? Damn Rock!!!"

At this moment, facing Rock's final blow,

Navy Admiral Candidate Chatun was completely desperate.

This kid™ has been playing dumb!

At the last moment of being attacked,

Chatun tried his best to throw a video Den Den Mushi into the sky, and clicked to initiate a video call with Navy Admiral Akainu! Even if he lost, he would never let Rock off easily!



...... ps: Oh, I'm going to debut tomorrow, I'm so nervous, please support me, please comment, please urge me to update, please interact, please give me free gifts!

Xiaohuo thanks you all, if the data is good, I will update more!

(ง •_•)งcome on! Come on!

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