
When the sound of thunder and the blood-red flash resounded throughout the entire Marinford!

At this moment,

Admiral Kizaru, who had just"defeated" Rock not long ago, unconsciously raised his hands.

""What a terrible attack, Rock!"

Facing the slash coming at him quickly, even Admiral Kizaru, one of the three most powerful admirals in the navy, did not dare to take it head-on!

Because this knife was so terrible.

As soon as it came, it left a deep gully on the ice battlefield!

Boom - finally.

Under the attention of the entire Marinford.

Rock's slash with thunder and domineering power,"Blood Moon Divine Avoidance", directly crushed the flashes released by Admiral Kizaru of the navy, and its power did not decrease at all!

In desperation, Kizaru had to transform into a flash and retreat madly to avoid the Blood Moon Divine Avoidance. In a few flashes, He was forced to the sky, and his figure was in a rather embarrassing state.

At this moment,

Rock once again became the focus of the whole audience.

No matter whether it was the Four Emperors Whitebeard or the core high-ranking officers of the navy such as Buddha Sengoku , no one could have expected that Rock's strength would suddenly increase so much! ?

Not to mention that his speed was already fast enough to easily pass Aokiji's blockade.

Just to say that if he wanted to forcefully retreat the admiral Kizaru, who was known for his speed, from the front, it was not something that an ordinary strong man could do.

After all, Kizaru could dodge if he couldn't beat him.

But Rock's slash seemed to suppress Yellow Monkey's speed and evasive space forced the latter to retreat helplessly.


Even top warriors like Whitebeard, Sengoku, and Garp had to look at Rock differently.

Especially the Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku.

At this time, the old marine known as the"wise general" had a very gloomy face. He turned his head and looked at the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia sitting high behind him, his eyes were extremely unhappy.

Damn it.

Originally, Rock should have been the new generation leader of the Navy!

But now he has become the Navy's biggest enemy!

It's really sad that things have changed so much.

Fighting with the Navy Admiral Compared with the United States.

The expression of the Four Emperors Whitebeard is obviously much happier.

In the current situation, the enemy of the navy is his friend.

What's more.

It's such an outstanding kid!

Even Whitebeard had to admit at this time.

This young man named Rock is the strongest newcomer he has seen in decades! Even when he was young, he and Roger were slightly inferior.

It can be predicted.

With a kid like Rock, the new era will definitely be extremely exciting, and those heroes who stir up the storm in the new era will probably be extremely frustrated!


"Zhan Guo, I heard that the kid used to be a marine."

"You, the navy, are really becoming less and less necessary. You've forced such an interesting kid away, and you still say that the navy is not the running dog of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons! ?"

The Four Emperors Whitebeard couldn't hold back his emotions, and immediately laughed out loud and teased Sengoku.

Then, he couldn't help but glance at Rock. The more he looked at this kid, the better he thought he was. What a pity. If he had seen him earlier, he would have definitely adopted this son!......

""Huh~ It seems that I need to develop my abilities seriously."

At the same time, in the center of the Ice War,

Rock sighed as he looked at the thousand-meter gully cut by the Blood Moon Divine Repellent.

After eating two god-level fruits, his strength increased dramatically!!!

Now, even if he faces Akainu, who is famous for his destructive power among the three admirals, he can definitely fight him!

But this is not enough.

He is confident that it only takes a period of development. It is just around the corner to suppress or even defeat the top strong men at the level of the admiral of the navy!

Of course, before that, it is not so easy for him to defeat the admiral of the navy.

Logically speaking, although the Blood Moon Divine Repellent will definitely cause great trouble to the admiral of the navy, Kizaru, and even injuring him is within the normal range.

But a minute has passed.

The residual power of the Blood Moon Divine Repellent has also dissipated in the sky.

With Kizaru's speed, he should have returned by now.

Why is he missing?

Could it be...

""Hey, Rock!!!"

At this moment, when Rock was standing alone in the middle of the battlefield,

Straw Hat Luffy suddenly rushed over.

"Rock, how did you become so strong?

Even Luffy was surprised at Rock's current strength.

After all, he thought that he was only a little bit behind Rock before.

Now he probably was a little bit behind.

"Hahaha, sooner or later you will become stronger, Luffy, you have already seen Nami and Robin, right?!"

""Yes, I see. Then, Rock, please help me save Ace!"

Luffy nodded and made a request directly to Rock.

Although he knew that this was none of Rock's business, he did need a strong partner like Rock to help save Ace.

"Fire Fist Ace?"

"Go ahead, Luffy. There are some people that only you can defeat, right?"

Rock did not rush to agree or reject Luffy, but winked at the latter, and then looked at Vice Admiral Garp who had appeared on the platform.

Even though Rock’s strength is now enough to fight the admiral head-on.

But he does not want to conflict with Vice Admiral Garp now.

In addition.

Regarding the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace.

This is naturally none of Rock’s business, but he doesn’t mind doing a favor.

Of course.

The premise is that he needs to get some"things".

Swish - after sending Luffy away.

To everyone’s surprise,

Rock suddenly appeared on the Moby Dick.

Now the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku’s heart tightened.

Now Rock, that kid, can already vaguely compete with the Navy���

So if Rock and the Whitebeard Pirates completely join forces, it will not be good news for the Navy.

""Hmm? Little boy, do you have something to talk to me about?"

At the same time, the Four Emperors Whitebeard was also quite puzzled by Rock's behavior.

According to the current situation, if Rock had no other goals, then the best choice would be to take his friends and leave Marinford, this troubled place.

However, Rock came to him at this time, and it was obvious that he had all the intentions.

However, he was more happy, after all, he really admired this little boy in front of him.

"Edward Newgate, the situation is urgent, I will tell you straight"

"You should know that your chances of winning this war are at most 10%. Not only Ace the Fire Fist, but even you, the legendary pirate, are probably prepared to die, right? ?"

"If you want to change the resolution of the tragedy, maybe I can help you"

"But, I have one condition!"

Facing the Four Emperors Whitebeard,

Rock looked calm, and his aura was not inferior to that of the world's strongest man standing at the top of the pirates.


"Gulala la la la…"

"Little boy, who do you think I am?"

"I am Edward Newgate with a white beard!"



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