The year 1514 of the Haiyuan calendar.

Six years before the outbreak of the war on the top.

In the New World, the G9 branch base of the Navy

""Brother Rock, you swing your sword 10,000 times a day, aren't you tired?"

Under the setting sun, the newly promoted Navy Captain Alice looked at the determined young man who was practicing swinging his sword and sweating profusely. A trace of heartache flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"It's tiring, but worth it. Senior Sister Alice, do you believe that in three months, I can beat you in swordsmanship?"

The young Rock continued to practice swinging his sword despite the sweat on his face.

Teacher Taotu has become busier since he was awarded the title of Admiral Candidate. The time he can teach him swordsmanship is limited every year, so he must work hard.

The time traveler has no system, and can only rely on himself for everything!

""Hahaha, you little brat, you only think about defeating my senior sister every day. Mister Taotu said that your goal should be to become the youngest admiral in the history of the navy!" The slightly immature navy captain Alice said jokingly, but she still helped the boy wipe his sweat.

This little brat always sweats after practice, and she always needs him to wipe it off.

Now, he only thinks about when he can defeat her, his senior sister, in kendo. What a heartless little brat!...

Three months later.

In the fighting arena of the Navy G9 base.

A sword duel ended with Rock defeating his senior sister Alice.

Alice was defeated by just one move but she was not disappointed at all.

She jumped around holding little Rock's head, wishing she could hold him in her arms.

After all, this guy was her favorite junior brother......

Time has passed.

At this moment, an unprecedented war is taking place in the Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

When Rock appeared in Marinford again, he shined as a"navy traitor".

He instantly killed two vice admirals of the Marine Headquarters and many elites. He easily passed the obstruction of the Navy Admiral Aokiji.

He"blasted away" the Navy Admiral Kizaru and has not returned yet. He even fought against the strongest of the Four Emperors, Whitebeard, with his spirit intact.

These achievements were laid out in front of us.

Anyone who knew Rock was extremely shocked.

Rear Admiral Alice was naturally one of them.

Originally, when Rock's life and death were unknown, she was anxious and prepared to act with Vice Admiral Taotu.

But she was stopped by Vice Admiral Taotu.

Because with her strength, once she made an out-of-bounds move, she would most likely be killed by the Navy, not to mention that there were thousands of elites from the G9 base behind them.

Taotu did not want to leave the Navy at the moment.

So Taotu had to take this risk herself.

Fortunately, not only was Rock fine, but he also showed a strength that shocked the whole audience.

During this period, because of the inaction of the core high-level navy officials in the Rock incident,

Alice and others did not want to participate in this war, so they have been in a wait-and-see state, shrinking in a corner of the battlefield, working but not putting in any effort.

However, no one expected that

Rear Admiral Alice, who was supposed to be a small transparent person paddling on the battlefield, was suddenly attacked!

At this time, a burly figure flashed through the troops of the Navy G9 Base and directly abducted Alice who was standing in the front!

As a rear admiral, Alice naturally has certain strength, but at this moment she can't move at all.

And when she saw the enemy's appearance clearly, she was immediately shocked.

"Admiral Sakaski!?"

Rear Admiral Alice looked at Akainu in disbelief, not knowing why the latter suddenly attacked her.

Even if he was angry at Momosagi-sama's behavior, he shouldn't settle the score at such a critical moment!

Could it be that Akainu wanted to make the navy's already low morale even worse!?

Faced with Alice's doubts.

Admiral Akainu naturally didn't mean to pay any attention to her. He took Alice directly to the place prepared in advance.

At this time, Alice saw that there was magma flowing on the ground around her, and she instantly understood Akainu's intention.


Alice, who had reacted, immediately shouted to warn Rock, but she didn't expect Akainu to grab her throat fiercely.

The force was so great that she couldn't breathe.

At the same time,

Rock had just dealt with a giant navy vice admiral and blasted him into a scorched mountain. He didn't notice what happened to Alice at all.

Momotosagi, the admiral candidate, did notice Alice's situation and wanted to rescue her, but was stopped by Donquixote Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Shichibukai? Get out of here!"

Momotosaki already criticized the Shichibukai system, and was even more furious when Doflamingo stopped her.

Alice has been with her for ten years, nothing can happen to her!

Damn Sakaski, does he only know how to use some sinister and vicious methods to achieve his goals!?

"Fufufufu, don't be so angry, Vice Admiral Taotu, you are also a navy, aren't you?"

"That guy named Rock is really unexpected. It's okay to kill the Celestial Dragons, but he actually has such a powerful strength. You want to get rid of such a vicious criminal as soon as possible! ?"

Doflamingo sneered with a grin.

He didn't want to wade into the muddy water of the navy.

But Rock's performance was really scary.

In the Sabaody Archipelago, his human auction house was destroyed by Rock.

And this is a guy who dared to kill the Celestial Dragons. If there is a conflict with him in the future, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, since Akainu set up a plan to kill Rock, he naturally didn't mind helping out.

After all, as long as it wasn't him, Doflamingo, it would be a good thing for anyone to die!


Facing Doflamingo's provocation.

Momotosaki was not weak at all, and a slash burst out directly!

And as Momotosaki and the Seven Warlords of the Sea Doflamingo suddenly started fighting.

Rock also noticed the movement here, and soon he discovered that Alice was caught by Akainu


At this moment, when Rock discovered Alice's current situation, he was immediately furious.

How could he not know Akainu's intention? He just didn't expect that as a navy admiral, or even a future navy marshal,

Akainu would actually do such a thing in a situation like the war at the top, at the cost of his colleagues? He really has no bottom line!

"All navy members, listen up, G9 branch base Rear Admiral Alice colluded with criminals and attempted to overthrow the Navy Headquarters"

"I, Akainu, in the name of the Navy Admiral, will sentence you to death!"

"We will be the final winners of this war. The justice of the navy cannot be smeared by anyone. All those who betray justice must die!"

Admiral Akainu saw that Rock had 'taken the bait', and immediately sneered and announced Alice's 'crimes' to the entire navy.

Then, his right hand turned into magma.

A Hades dog blasted directly into Alice's chest!

Boom -


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