"Right, that is it!"

"Go ahead, Sakaski!"

"Now that things have come to this, the Navy has no other choice!"

On the highest execution platform.

Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku saw that Rock had finally fallen into Akainu's trap, and he immediately supported Akainu with a dark face.

Sengoku had very complicated feelings about Rock.

As the current Navy Admiral, he naturally hoped to train a super star who could take on great responsibilities for the Navy during his term of office.

So he felt very sorry for what happened to Rock, and was disgusted with the actions of the Celestial Dragons.

But things had come to this point, and nothing could be changed.

And Rock was so young, and he had such terrible strength.

As the current admiral of the navy, he can't just watch Rock grow into a thorn in the side of the navy!

So, even if Akainu's methods are not glorious enough, he still has to support him.

Sometimes, some things are difficult to do with so-called fair means.

With the terrifying speed that Rock suddenly showed.

With Kizaru still not returning.

Akainu can only find another way to deal with Rock.

After all, the war is in a white-hot stage, and we can't waste all our time chasing Rock!

? Treat Whitebeard as a decoration!


"Marshal Sengoku, are you just going to let Akainu kill his own people in public to achieve his goal?!"

At the same time, the extremely indignant Marine Admiral candidate Momotogi came to the highest execution platform with a gloomy expression after hearing Sengoku's words and asked

"Gion, stop acting on impulse and don't forget that you are a navy!"

"In this situation, the navy has no other way!"

Facing Momotosagi's question,

Buddha Sengoku could only answer with a stiff upper lip.

He knew that Akainu's move would inevitably make some navy members dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do about it.

As for Gion, her behavior today was already excessive enough.

If the World Government and the Celestial Dragons investigated, even if Gion was a candidate for admiral of the navy, even if he, the admiral of the navy, was willing to protect her, it would be of no avail!

"Hahaha, good! Then Gion understands!"

At this moment.

Gion, the candidate for the admiral of the navy, Momotosagi, sneered.

She knew that Marshal Sengoku had no choice because of his position.

But it was also because of this that she was disappointed with the current navy. This candidate for the admiral of the navy, it doesn't matter if he is not qualified!

Before she finished speaking.

Momotosagi slashed the word"justice" on her cloak with a knife, and then quickly rushed to where Phoenix Marco and Alice were.

In addition to Momotosagi.

Thousands of elites from the Navy G9 Branch Base also followed the steps of Vice Admiral Momotosagi and began to leave the navy's position.

Boom boom boom - at the same time.

The battle between Rock and Admiral Akainu was about to break out.

Although he was blinded by anger for a while,

Rock soon calmed down. He knew that the reason why Akainu attacked Alice was just to deal with him better.

Among the three admirals of the navy,

Akainu's destructive power was the strongest, but his speed was far less than that of Kizaru, who was also an admiral.

In other words, if Rock wanted, he could completely avoid Akainu, as long as he didn't give the latter a chance to get close.

In this severe situation, Akainu couldn't do anything to him.

But because the strength he showed was too shocking.

Akainu was determined to kill, so he did not hesitate to attack Alice.

However, although Rock figured it out, he did not retreat.

Not far behind him,

Marco and Alice were receiving first aid. If he took a step back,

Alice would surely die.

Besides, if he could hold Akainu back, the Four Emperors Whitebeard would definitely cause more trouble to the navy.

Now that Kizaru is 'missing'

, Admiral Aokiji alone may not be able to stop the powerful Four Emperors Whitebeard.

And Luffy has now rushed to the highest execution platform.

Not surprisingly, Vice Admiral Garp He will be knocked off the platform by the"rubber pistol" soon.

It seems that the current situation of the navy has begun to improve, but in fact, a bigger storm is brewing!

Holding back Akainu is the most critical link.

What's more,

Rock himself doesn't know how strong he is now.

He can just use Akainu to sharpen his skills!

Boom - as the lava meteor fell, the area where Admiral Akainu and Rock were located was suddenly covered by a huge lava barrier.

The hot lava almost blocked all of Rock's retreat routes!

At this moment, most of the navy was excited about this.

"As expected, he is Admiral Akainu!"

"Admiral Akainu will surely be able to kill the evil criminal Rock quickly, so everyone must stop the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Victory will belong to the Navy!"....

Voices in support of Akainu were heard one after another in the navy camp.

Although Rock had shown great strength before, and even Admiral Kizaru had not returned yet.

But most of the marines still believed that Akainu could successfully deal with Rock.

After all, Akainu not only has the upper hand now, but is also the most destructive of the three admirals.

No matter how strong Rock is, he is just a teenager. How could he be the opponent of Admiral Akainu when his retreat was blocked!

Just when most of the navy was expecting Akainu to kill Rock.


The navy received another good news!

The Four Emperors Whitebeard Edward Newgate was attacked by his pirate, the Great Whirlpool Spider Skayard, who pierced Whitebeard's chest with one knife! As soon as this incident happened, the entire Marinford was silent for a moment, followed by the navy's carnival and the pirates' confusion and confusion.

Even Phoenix Marco was too worried about Whitebeard's injury, so after doing his best to hold Alice's last breath, he flew directly to the Moby Dick.

And seeing this scene happen.

Rock was also quite helpless.

Even though he had been mentally prepared, he was still"defeated" by Whitebeard's stubbornness.

It was clearly a very clear thing, there was no reason for the giant spider Squard to appear on the Moby Dick, and there was his hint.

Why did Whitebeard have to take this knife! ?

Of course, even if he was puzzled, Rock didn't think much about it.

Everyone has his own beliefs and stubbornness. As a man standing at the top of the pirates, Whitebeard naturally has his strict code of conduct.

On the other hand, Akainu looked obviously relieved after seeing that his conspiracy succeeded again.

Because in his opinion, the decline of the navy has stopped.

Next, it is the moment of Rock and Whitebeard's defeat!

Under absolute justice, no criminal can escape the fate of being executed!

"Rock, be prepared to die!"

Meteor Volcano!

Just as Admiral Akainu was launching a powerful attack in a very small area!

A major incident occurred on the battlefield again!......

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