"Thank you for the reminder, Hawkeye Mihawk!"

"However, I have my own plans."

Faced with the reminder from Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman,

Rock smiled and thanked him, but he did not change his mind.

Soon, under the gaze of Hawkeye's sharp yellow eyes, in almost only a moment,

Rock's figure disappeared directly in front of Hawkeye.

Boom - with a roar of thunder, when he reappeared, Rock was already suspended in the air above Marinford.

At this moment, even Hawkeye, who was known as the world's number one swordsman, was quite surprised.

He naturally knew that Rock seemed to have some powerful thunder attribute devil fruit ability, so his speed was very fast.

But only by feeling it personally and intuitively, did he know Rock's movement. The speed has reached such an outrageous level!!!

However, this just deepened his desire to fight Rock.

After all, he hasn't had a hearty fight for a long time since Shanks lost his arm!

Boom-- at this moment.

Because of the escape of Fire Fist Ace, the entire Marinford battlefield fell into chaos.

Just as the navy camp headed by the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku was trying their best to encircle and suppress Fire Fist Ace.

A scene that shocked and terrified all the navy present happened!

Rock was seen floating in the air, his palm slightly raised, and a terrifying thunder dragon quickly took shape.

""Rock, stop it!"

Admiral Buddha Sengoku stared at Rock in mid-air with his eyes wide open. He kept screaming and trying to stop Rock.

This kid, does he still want to kill the Celestial Dragons?

How dare he?!

Moreover, the status of the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace is far higher than before.

If Xia Lulia Palace dies here now, the World Government will surely be furious, and then even the Navy will not be able to escape responsibility!

Is this guy Rock crazy?!

In addition to Buddha Sengoku, the other strong men present were also surprised.

Even the lawless Navy hero Garp was full of solemnity at this time.

And the Four Emperors Whitebeard, who was fighting with Akainu, was also quite shocked after guessing Rock's intentions.

"Rock, kid, you can’t mess around in this situation!"

The Four Emperors Whitebeard also tried to dissuade Rock.

In his opinion, the goal of this war has been exceeded with the help of Rock.

Ace has been rescued, and there is no need to continue to cause trouble.

What's more,

Rock's target is the Celestial Dragons!

"Whitebeard, you are fighting with me, do you still have the mind to pay attention to others? Dog-gnawing Red Lotus!"

Just when Whitebeard was shouting at Rock, trying to stop the latter,

Admiral Akainu seized the opportunity and launched a sneak attack of Dog-gnawing Red Lotus, which hit Whitebeard's body with a recurring old injury. The latter retreated several steps and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

At the same time,

Rock's attack also hit the Navy Headquarters building!

Boom - as the Thunder Dragon with hundreds of millions of volts passed through the Navy Headquarters building, under the explosion of trillions of electric arcs, the entire magnificent Navy Headquarters building collapsed instantly and turned into ruins!

At this moment, not only everyone present was terrified.

Through the video Den Den Mushi, almost everyone in the world remembered Rock's name and was extremely shocked.

In this world, there are actually people who dare to destroy the Navy Headquarters, and there are people who dare to kill the world's noble Celestial Dragons repeatedly!?

From then on, because of Rock's behavior, the world's noble Celestial Dragons, the"supreme" and"god" status in the hearts of the people, began to gradually collapse!

After achieving the goal.

Rock turned around and rushed in the direction of Whitebeard and Akainu.

Whitebeard, once known as the strongest man in the world and the Four Emperors standing at the top of the pirates, was old and injured after all.

After being stabbed by the giant vortex spider and punched by Akainu.

Whitebeard's situation is obviously worse. If the battle continues, death will be the only ending for this legendary pirate!

In fact, Rock also knows.

Perhaps before the war started, Whitebeard was ready to die in Marinford.

But no matter what Whitebeard thinks.

Rock will do his best to protect Whitebeard.

Because as long as Whitebeard is still there, it will be an important deterrent to the World Government, the Navy Headquarters and even the major pirates.

In addition, the agreement between Rock and Whitebeard is that only if the latter is alive can the utility of the agreement be maximized.

As long as Whitebeard is still there, Rock's development will be more stable!

"Damn Rock!"

Admiral Akainu suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Facing Rock's attack, he did not dare to be careless.

After all, even if the previous defeat was due to carelessness.

But Rock's strong strength is beyond doubt!

Even if he does not want to admit it at all.

However, the fact in front of him is.

Rock's strength is no weaker than that of the admiral of the navy!!!

"Gulala, Akainu brat, besides being insidious, you are also a real coward!"

The Four Emperors Whitebeard watched Akainu retreating quickly, and he was too badly injured to catch up, so he could only tease him coldly.

"Senior Whitebeard, there is no need to waste time talking to a dog!"

With a flash of lightning,

Rock instantly appeared beside Whitebeard, and looked at Akainu, who was tense not far away, with a provocative look.

When Admiral Akainu heard that Rock dared to insult him like this, he immediately felt a surge of anger in his heart.

But he quickly suppressed it.

Rock was very sinister, and he was deliberately provoking him.

If he was entangled by Rock and Whitebeard at the same time, even if Akainu was an admiral of the navy, he would probably end up in a very miserable situation.

"Ace has been rescued, and our agreement has come into effect, Rock!"

Whitebeard looked at Rock with eyes full of love.

He was really shocked by Rock's performance.

Looking at his age, Rock seemed to be younger than Ace, but he already had the strength to rival the admirals of the navy!

This kid is simply amazing!

It's a pity that he doesn't want to be his son.

"Of course, Senior Whitebeard, in that case, let's leave Marinford as soon as possible!"

Rock didn't say much.

Just now, Admiral Kizaru finally returned to the Navy Headquarters. Although he looked quite embarrassed and his Cloak of Justice was mostly destroyed, it was obvious that his strength was not damaged too much.

This also means that all the high-end combat forces of the Navy have not suffered any serious injuries.

On the other hand, Whitebeard is no longer fit to fight.

So the best choice now is to retreat as soon as possible. Anyway, the Navy Headquarters has been almost destroyed and everyone has come out. If you stay any longer, something unexpected may happen!


"Gulala, indeed, the damn navy is still forcing us!"

"In that case, Ace, Marco, my sons!"

"You guys follow Rock and leave!"

"I am a remnant of the old era, and the new era has no ship to carry me!"

"So let's go, I, the pirate Whitebeard, will cover your retreat!"..............

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