Swish -

Rock raised his sword and slashed it. The rapidly shrinking arm of Fire Fist Ace was cut off.


After a scream of pain, Ace quickly regained his sanity.

In fact, the pain of a broken arm was much less painful than the previous injury.

This shows how terrible Blackbeard's last blow was.

Then he looked at Rock seriously and said:

"Thanks, Rock!"

"You're welcome, Ace, you blocked the last trace of darkness left by Teach for the pirate world!"

Rock smiled, and then used electric current to burn Ace's wound to prevent excessive bleeding.

He had no choice but to cut off Ace's arm.

With the speed at which Ace's arm was shrinking just now, if he was a little slower by two seconds, his internal organs would have been affected.

By then, let alone an arm,

I'm afraid Ace would be dead for sure!

For this reason, even Rock couldn't help but feel a little scared. After all, Blackbeard's last blow was indeed terrifying.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for annihilating the Blackbeard Pirates in the Battle of Marineford, shining brightly and becoming famous all over the world. You are one step closer to becoming the God of Pirates and have triggered an extra hidden reward!】

【Ding, additional hidden rewards: Perfect Grade Recovery Potion X1, Primary Return to Peak Potion X1 (can restore peak combat power for three hours for people who are seriously injured, old, or in any other situation.) have been issued.】

【Ding, a new sign-in task has been triggered!】

【Current sign-in task: Go to the underwater prison, Impel Down, and subdue the new warden of Impel Down, Domino, to achieve secret control of Impel Down!】

【Mission rewards: Ancient weapons, Pluto-class battleships, Genesis Zhenhai, host exclusive toys: Transformers, Megatron (transformed into an airplane, theoretically capable of landing on the moon, can be transformed by mind control)、60 billion Baileys!】......

On the ice battlefield.

Just when Rock completely solved Blackbeard and was about to return to fight the navy.

The system was suddenly triggered and brought a series of"pleasant" sounds.

To be frank.

System Ji is really awesome! Give whatever you need. If the system has a physical body, Rock really wants to kiss the system right away.

Let's not talk about the others for now.

Among the additional triggered hidden rewards, the perfect-grade recovery potion is the most needed item for Rock, not even one.

Because even with the full treatment of Phoenix Marco.

But Alice can only hang on to her breath and may die at any time.

And the perfect-grade recovery potion will surely save Alice's life!

In addition.

The next stage of the sign-in task was somewhat unexpected to Rock.

He had thought that the system might trigger the sign-in task about the Impel Down City, but he didn't expect it to be after the war at the top.

And what the hell is conquering Domino! ?

Conquer...! ?

Without thinking for too long,

Rock quickly returned to the central war.

After all, it is not over yet.

But if the Navy Headquarters continues to be relentless,

Rock naturally does not mind and gives the Return to Peak Potion to the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

Whitebeard Edward Newgate in his peak state, the title of the strongest man in the world is not just boasting!

However, the only thing that surprised Rock was.

Why hasn't the Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks appeared yet! ?

According to the time calculation,

Red Hair should have arrived in Marinford by now!

Could it be that he knew the current war situation, so he didn't show up! ?

""Gulala, Rock, thank you so much this time!"

In the war, the Four Emperors Whitebeard and Rock stood side by side at the front of the team.

Just standing there, the tens of thousands of elite navy soldiers on the opposite side dared not act rashly.

Even though there were still two powerful admirals in the navy camp,

"You’re welcome, Senior Whitebeard, this was what we agreed on!"

"Gulala, of course I know, but this way, you and the World Government and the Navy Headquarters will be completely at war, do you really not consider joining us?!"

Looking at the young man in front of him.

The eyes of the Four Emperors Whitebeard were full of admiration.

Such a kid is rare in a century.

It's a pity, why don't you want to be his son!?

"The war is not over yet, senior, and I don't plan to be a pirate!"

Rock decisively rejected Whitebeard's invitation again.

He said this deliberately for the elite navy on the other side to hear.

Because he wanted to let the navy of the world know that he, Draculas·D·Rock is not a pirate.

He is a poor"navy" persecuted by the World Government.

Only in this way.

Soon as he, Zefa and Momotosensei make a call, they will be able to quickly form a real"new navy"!

Thinking of this.

Rock unconsciously glanced at the admiral Aokiji on the opposite side.

If Aokiji and Akainu still fight for the position of the Navy Marshal after the war, then he will definitely do his best to pull Admiral Kuzan into the group.

"Ah la la, why do I feel a little cold!"

At the same time,

Admiral Aokiji, who was glanced at by Rock, suddenly shuddered and looked a little strange.

"Newgate, Rock!"

""You two guys, don't be too happy too soon. The Navy has not lost this war yet!"

Soon, the current Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku came to the front of the Navy camp.

Accompanied by the Navy hero Garp, he faced Rock and the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

At this time, Buddha Sengoku's face was almost gloomy to the extreme.

He never thought that the war would turn out to be like this.

In the pre-war deductions, there has never been such a possibility.

Of course, the culprit of all this is also obvious.


For this kid, Buddha's Sengoku really loves and hates him!

Compared with Sengoku.

On the other side, the Four Emperors Whitebeard saw Garp and Sengoku, two old rivals, approaching, and his expression was also tense.

Rock didn't react too much.

Because he saw that Vice Admiral Garp's expression was quite complicated, and it was obvious that he had discovered the current situation of Luffy and Ace.

Even if Vice Admiral Garp was an out-and-out navalist, he would not make a move at this time.

As long as Garp didn't make a move.

Then Rock had absolute confidence to retreat unscathed.

After all.

Akainu, the most difficult to give birth in the navy, has been transferred to the other side of Marinford.

It is estimated that Akainu must be anxious to death now! ?

The fact is just as Rock thought.

At this time, behind the ruins of the Navy Headquarters Building.

Navy Admiral Akainu was like an ant on a hot pot. He wanted to leave and return to the battlefield several times to prevent Rock and Whitebeard from escaping.

But he was repeatedly blocked by the Celestial Dragons in front of him.

Even though Akainu is an admiral of the navy, he has to be patient in front of the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace who has just risen in status. . . . . . . .

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