In the year 1520 of the Sea Circle Calendar, in that great war that went down in history, the Marine Headquarters, Marinford, was almost completely destroyed.

The Navy, which symbolized"justice", suffered heavy losses and became the laughing stock of the pirate world.

After the war, Admiral Akainu advocated moving the Marine Headquarters to the New World G1 Base to strengthen his determination to avenge the humiliation!

As the impact of the war gradually expanded, the details of the war on the top were revealed and spread one by one.

Draculas·D·Rock's name resounded throughout the sea.

When Rock broke the stereotype of the Tianlong people in this world, a huge storm that could subvert the entire world began to brew quietly!

Holy Land Marijoa!

Pangu City, the Five Elders' Council

"It is better to let Akainu take the position of the admiral of the navy. Compared with Aokiji, Akainu is more useful."

At this time, the Five Elders who hold the highest power in the World Government are discussing the candidate for the new admiral of the navy.

Although Sengoku had recommended Admiral Aokiji Kuzan many times when he resigned, in the eyes of the Five Elders,

Akainu Sakaski, who believes in"absolute justice", is the best choice.

The navy has always been a powerful weapon in the hands of the World Government.

Now that there are constant storms on the sea, the navy has an unshirkable responsibility. It is time to let a new ruthless admiral of the navy take office.

"Report to everyone, good news!"

"Lady Xia Lulia led the deputy director of CP0 and others to successfully intercept the exhausted criminal Draculas in the waters near Judicial Island.·D·Rock"

"Lord Xia Lulia has imprisoned him in the sixth underground floor of the Impel Down City, and suggested that all the Lords temporarily block this news!"

Just as the Five Elders were discussing the selection of the Navy Admiral and the World Recruitment, a CP0 in a white robe suddenly appeared and reported a news that shocked the Five Elders!

Xia Lulia, that child, actually captured Draculas.·D·Rock! ?

Regarding Rock.

The Five Elders already knew Rock very well, and naturally knew that Rock's strength had reached a point that the World Government had to take seriously!

So they never expected that Rock, the vicious criminal that gave them a headache, was actually caught by Xia Lulia and her men! ?

But this is normal.

After all, no matter how strong Rock is, he can't stand the continuous duels with various masters in Marinford. His physical strength must be exhausted, and he may even have hidden injuries.

Of course.

Xia Lulia was able to accurately intercept Draculas.·D·Rock also proved his strength and luck!

"It seems that Xia Lulia has really awakened. The sacrifices of Charlos and Rozward were not in vain!"

Topman Vochuli, the Five Elders, sighed earnestly.

Since the end of the Sabaody Archipelago incident, Xia Lulia has grown very fast. Even the adult has noticed Xia Lulia's existence.

"Yes, that girl is very thoughtful now."

"If Dracula is declared now·D·Rock's arrest is likely to cause Whitebeard and his men to make a comeback."

"According to the adults' instructions, we are not able to take action in the near future."

"So Draculas·D·It would be better for Rock to be left until the Navy completes the world conscription and then be publicly executed to let the world know that the Celestial Dragons are inviolable. Otherwise, no matter who it is, they will have to pay the price!"

"That's right, call Xia Lulia back to the Holy Land, it's time to take her to see that adult!"

After the discussion of the five elders, they finally decided to temporarily conceal the fact that 'Rock was arrested'.

However, these five big men who claimed to have the highest power in the world did not know that everything was under the control of Rock's layout!

. . . . .

Grand Line.

The Great Undersea Prison, Impel Down!

After experiencing the great chaos caused by the pirates Straw Hat Luffy and Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach, the entire Impel Down has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, due to Blackbeard's atrocities, many extremely vicious and powerful criminals escaped from the 6th floor of the Infinite Hell.

It can be said to be the most shameful event in the history of Impel Down.

As the highest officer of Impel Down at that time, Poison Man Magellan was to blame and was automatically demoted to deputy director.

Hannibal became the director of Impel Down!

In addition, because the original warden Rain Shiryu defected, Domino took over the position of warden and became the nominal number two in Impel Down.

When Rock was imprisoned in Impel Down, he instantly became the"darling" of the entire Impel Down.

Deputy Director Magellan wanted to move the toilet directly next to Rock's cell, for fear that the latter would escape.

After all, Rock's brilliant record in the war at the top proved his strength, and Impel Down would not allow the slightest slackness!

"Rock, stay here and I will not treat you badly while you are in Advance City."

"Just consider it as a thank you for killing Blackbeard and Shiryu!"

At this moment,

Magellan, who was seriously injured and had bandages all over his body, put a bunch of delicious food into Rock's cell.

""Thank you."

Faced with Magellan's"kindness",

Rock was naturally not polite. Although he was wearing seastone handcuffs, it did not prevent him from swallowing all the food in one gulp.

Magellan also sneered when he saw Rock eating all the food so happily.

The food Rock had just eaten had been poisoned by him. It was not fatal, but he would not be able to recover his strength in a short time.

It was not that he was playing dirty tricks. It was just that Rock was too important to Impel Down.

In addition, he heard that Rock had fought against the three admirals of the navy in Marinford and even suppressed Kizaru and Akainu. He really did not dare to be careless.

""Ahem, you poisoned me?"

After about three seconds,

Rock's expression twisted in an instant, and he looked quite painful. He could only look at Magellan with great disdain.

"No���I mean, I am also doing my job impartially. Don't worry, as long as you stay in the cell honestly, I promise that I will never treat you unfairly!"

Seeing that his method was successful, the poison man Magellan sneered.

At least he didn't have to move the toilet over. He was still seriously injured and couldn't be bothered.

Now it's okay, he can finally rest assured.

With seastone handcuffs and his poison, no matter how powerful Rock is, he can't do anything!

A large number of terrorist criminals escaped from Impel Down this time.

Even powerful beings like Douglas Barrett and Red Earl Baroric Redfield succeeded in escaping from prison.

He must organize the information as soon as possible and report it to the World Government

""Oh, you're really leaving? It seems you still don't take me seriously!"

Magellan left the Infinite Hell soon.

Rock couldn't help but sneer as he watched Magellan disappear.

Damn poison, it's not as harmful to him as carbonated drinks.

After all, the skill of poison immunity is not for show.

Not long after Magellan left,

Domino, the current warden of Impel Down, came to check on Rock.

When he saw Domino,

Rock quietly took out the seastone handcuffs key from the system space and held it in his hand.

"Hello again, Domino... Chief Warden!"...........

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