The sixth underground floor of Impel Down, infinite hell!

At this moment.

When Rock forcibly destroyed the seastone handcuffs with absolute strength.

Everyone present was stunned.

Whether it was the trapped Deputy Director of Impel Down, Magellan.

Or the Devil's descendant Douglas Barrett.

Everyone stared at Rock in amazement, obviously unable to accept what had just happened.

As a seastone handcuff specially designed to restrain Devil Fruit users, its restraining power on users is stronger than seawater.

How could Rock, a Devil Fruit user, destroy the seastone handcuffs! ?

It's unbelievable!

"Hahahaha, Draculas·D·Rock, it seems I underestimated you."

"In that case, let's decide the winner!"

Before everyone could react,

Douglas Barrett took a step forward.

At this moment, this top warrior who once followed the Pirate King Roger on adventures no longer paid attention to Magellan and others, but instead focused on Rock.

A young warrior with a prominent reputation like Rock was exactly the one he wanted to beat up!

"Fight with you? Sorry, I'm not interested."

Faced with Douglas Barrett's aggressive challenge,

Rock immediately shook his head to show that he was not interested.

"What? I heard that you fought against the three admirals of the navy and even challenged the old man Whitebeard. Do you think I am not worthy of fighting you?!"

Douglas Barrett was a little angry when he saw that Rock had no interest in him at all.

Before he finished speaking, the powerful domineering aura burst out and he was about to attack!

"Don't worry, I didn't say I won't fight you, I just think that you and I have no grudges, so there is no need to fight. If you must fight, how about setting a prize! ?"

As Douglas Barrett's domineering aura burst out.

A flash of blood flashed in Rock's eyes, and then his domineering aura, which was no weaker than Barrett's, burst out instantly.

The two domineering auras confronted each other.

Except for Rock and Douglas Barrett, the others present couldn't even stand steadily.

Even the poisonous man Magellan sighed in his heart at how strong the two were.

Especially Rock, how old is this kid!


"That's right, if you can beat me, this gold worth 10 billion Baileys will be yours!"

Seeing Douglas Barrett about to fall into the trap,

Rock's mouth curled up a mysterious smile.

Then he waved his hand, and a large amount of pure gold suddenly appeared, and in the blink of an eye it piled up into a small hill!

"So much gold!"

"This amount of money is enough to last for several lifetimes!"

"Yes, so much money, enough to pay for the gold in heaven for ten lifetimes!"


Looking at the mountains of gold that Rock suddenly moved out.

The jailers not far away couldn't help but envy and hate. Even Domino and Magellan were stunned.

You know, even the main cadres of Impel Down only have a salary of several million Baileys a year.

The normal income of a vice admiral is about the same.

So how did Rock get so much money? Did he rob a bank!?

In addition to this.

How did Rock manage to carry mountains of gold with him.

Could it be one of his devil fruit abilities!?

"You are very generous, kid!"

At the same time,

Douglas Barrett's eyes lit up when he saw the pile of gold.

He was powerful, so he didn't have to worry about not having Bailey to spend.

But gold worth 10 billion Baileys was definitely not a small amount for him.

Who would think that money was too much? And if he had 10 billion Baileys, he would undoubtedly avoid a lot of trouble.

"How about my proposal?!"

After showing it for about ten seconds.

Rock immediately took back the gold worth 10 billion Baileys into the system space.

It must be said that the money rewarded by the system is really convenient.

As long as the mind moves, the fixed amount of Baileys can be taken out in any form.

While waiting for Douglas Barrett's response, Rock deliberately observed the reactions of the jailers in the surrounding Impel Down.

Facts have proved that showing off wealth is very effective. The reason why he wanted to use 10 billion Baileys as a prize, in addition to attracting Douglas Barrett's interest.

Another purpose is simply to show off wealth, and it would be best to spread the fact that he is rich to the whole world.

Because to establish a new force, in addition to fame, money is also a top priority.

After all, even in the world of pirates, money and treasures are topics that cannot be avoided.

"Ten billion Baileys? You are really a hard-to-understand guy."

"In that case, what do you want me to bet on? How about the heads of Magellan and the entire Impel Down City guards? Douglas Barrett soon spoke up to agree with Rock's proposal. But as soon as he said that, the faces of Magellan, Domino and other Impel Down City guards suddenly turned ugly. Brother, you can't play it like this!

"Well.....What use are their heads to me?"

Rock did not expect Douglas Barrett to come up with such a gamble, which was really ridiculous.

He naturally refused directly.

After all, he did not want to destroy the city of Pushing Forward.

There are still many criminals imprisoned in the city of Pushing Forward. If those evil guys are allowed to escape, who knows how many people will die.

"Hahaha, Rock kid, my prize is not based on what you want, but on what I can give you!"

"After all, I just escaped from prison two days ago, and I don't have anything valuable on me. If you don't agree, then screw the prize and just fight!"

Douglas Barrett was obviously a hot-tempered man.

When he saw that Rock was dismissive of his prize, he immediately wanted to start a fight.

"Don't worry, I don't want any treasure. How about this, if you win 10 billion Baileys, take it away. If I win, you will be my bodyguard for three years. How about that?"

Rock sneered and said his true purpose.

A top-level strong man like Douglas Barrett should not be wasted. He should be used well. Even if he is placed aside as a decoration, it will be a great deterrent.

"What!? You want me to be your bodyguard!? Do you think you are Roger?! I am Douglas Barrett!"

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being the right-hand man of the former Pirate King Roger. What a terrifying aura. However, you are betting with me regardless. Are you afraid of losing?!"

Rock saw that Douglas Barrett finally got excited.

He immediately continued to provoke:

"Don't worry, if you really lose to me, you can challenge me again anytime within three years! As long as you can beat me, you can leave at any time!"

"Humph, damned little devil, wait until you beat me before you say these things!!!"

With Douglas Barrett's roar, the battle between Rock and the Devil's Heir was about to break out.

And just as the battle began,

Douglas Barrett was shocked to find that his left arm was numb!

Explosion, Death God Thunder Seed!



My hand is injured, so I need to apply Chinese medicine during this period. This year has been a bit unlucky.....

I can't guarantee updates, I can only try my best to ensure that it won't be eunuched. Those who still want to continue reading can choose to keep reading. Sorry.....

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