
【Congratulations to the host for completing the task】

【Rewards: Ancient Weapon·Pluto-class Battleship·Genesis Zhenhai, Host Exclusive Toy: Transformers·Megatron (Transformed into an airplane form, theoretically capable of landing on the moon, and can be transformed by remote control of thoughts)、60 billion Baileys! 】

On an island somewhere in the Grand Line.

Rock listened to the system prompt and smiled.

Finally, Domino made a choice.

This trip to Impel

Down was very fruitful. First of all, after the end of the war, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters were immediately paralyzed.

They thought that their threat was not that big and bought some buffer time.

Not only did he get the mission reward, but he also tricked Douglas Barrett, the descendant of the devil, into becoming his bodyguard.

Barrett's strength is undoubtedly very strong.

It's just that we can't fully trust this former Pirate King crew member for the time being.

"Huh? A bounty of 3.6 billion Baileys? Just a little brat like you! ?"

Just as Rock was thinking about his next plan.

Douglas Barrett, who was not far away, suddenly exclaimed.

Originally, he just wanted to read the newspaper to understand the current situation on the sea after practicing.

Unexpectedly, the big news today, the front page headline is Rock who just defeated him.

And the bounty is as high as 3.6 billion Baileys!

This is a very shocking number, far exceeding that of him, the so-called"heir of the devil".

Although he knew that Rock's strength was definitely worthy of a bounty of 3.6 billion Baileys, or even higher.

But Barrett was still a little surprised.

After all, Rock is too young.

I don't know how this kid practiced to be so powerful.

Barrett rubbed his arm.

The lightning injury from the previous battle with Rock is still aching.

"Rock, the King of Hell, bounty of 3.6 billion berries"

"The code name is quite impressive, but isn't this a blatant smear? Damn World Government!"

At this time, Rock took the newspaper from Barrett, looked at his bounty and sneered.

This bounty was within his expectations.

But he didn't think much about the code name.

How could his style of doing things have anything to do with hell?

Smear, obvious smear!

"Don't pay attention to such boring things. By the way, Rock, how did you practice?"

Barrett looked at Rock with his eyes slanted, and there was a lot of temptation in his words.

There were not many people who could make him patient to talk, not to mention being a bodyguard for three years!?

So when his injuries were completely healed, he would fight Rock again!

"A way of cultivation?"

"In fact, it is very simple. Just do 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit-ups and run 10km every day."

Faced with Barrett's temptation,

Rock responded casually.

As expected, Barrett's face was immediately black.

Are you kidding me?

You can become stronger just by practicing these movements?


Looking at Barrett's speechless look, Rock couldn't help laughing.

But he didn't lie.

If Barrett could practice baldness, maybe he would become stronger?!

The episode passed quickly.

Rock didn't really care about things like bounties.

In fact, according to his plan, it wouldn't be long before he would issue a bounty to the cadres of the navy and the world government.

Of course, the premise is that all his plans can be successfully implemented.

After leaving Impel Down,

Rock contacted the Empress, Taotu and others.

At present, the Amazon Lily Kingdom has It has been monitored by the Navy Headquarters. Every day, naval warships appear in the Calm Sea.

It is obvious that they want to blockade the Daughter Island.

The Queen, who has lost her status as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, is leading the female warriors of the Nine Snakes to build fortifications, ready to deal with the Navy at any time.

However, the Navy Headquarters is probably in a mess now.

According to the feedback from the Palace of Charulia.

The World Government also blamed the Navy Headquarters for Rock's rampage in the city.

In addition to a series of things such as post-war reconstruction, the change of marshals, and the world conscription, it is highly likely that the Daughter Island will not be attacked in the short term.

Of course, if there is any threat from the Empress,

Rock will not stand idly by.

Compared with the Empress, the situation of Teacher Taotu and Alice is obviously worse.

The Navy G9 Branch Base has been cleared out by the Navy Headquarters.

The navy soldiers who did not have time to leave with Taotu were dealt with regardless of their positions.

In addition, several navy warships are tracking Taotu and others.

After contacting,

Rock and Taotu agreed to meet in a sea area somewhere in the New World.

That is the training base of the Navy Guerrillas led by Teacher Zefa. Rock The plan will start there.

It is estimated that it won't take long.

Teacher Zefa will leave the navy because of his complete disappointment with the navy.

Before that, Rock still needs to accumulate strength and recruit powerful partners.

Originally, his first target was Admiral Kuzan.

But the battle for the Navy Marshal has not yet started, and it is impossible for Kuzan to leave the navy now.

If you want to win over Kuzan, you still need to wait.

In addition to Admiral Kuzan.

The world's number one swordsman Hawkeye and Enel who is far away on the moon are both Rock's favorite candidates.

But these two people are not so easy to recruit!.....

Navy G1 Base.

Marshal's Temporary Office

"I say, Sengoku, you are about to step down, why do you still care about these things?"

Navy hero Garp complained about his old friend while eating senbei.

In fact, his mood these two days formed a very sharp contrast with his old friend Sengoku.

None of his grandchildren were in trouble, so he was naturally happy.

On the contrary, Sengoku was in a very low mood.

"What do you know! ? Garp! If you had put in a little more effort, the Marineford Navy wouldn't have been defeated so badly!"

Faced with Garp's complaints,

Sengoku cursed.

The disastrous defeat in the war at the top has destroyed most of his glory.

Although he is about to step down, he can't just watch the navy being destroyed, right!?

According to the situation he has now.

As the World Government and the Navy Headquarters jointly began to recruit new Shichibukai, the mood of former Navy Admiral Zephyr has become very unstable.

Coupled with the whereabouts of the Momosato battleship,

Sengoku was very keenly aware that

Rock and Momosato might very likely join forces with Zephyr to cause trouble.

With Zephyr's prestige and Rock's strength, once this group of people completely unite, it will undoubtedly cause a fatal blow to the navy and even completely change the pattern of the sea!

So he has made a plan.

Although they are all old friends, he has to use Zephyr as part of his duty.

The trap has been set.

It depends on whether Rock falls into the net!....

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