New world.

A hidden island somewhere.

This island was originally a training ground for naval trainee lieutenants, and also served as a supply base for the naval guerrillas.


The atmosphere on this island was very strange at this time.

Since the news of the destruction of Marinford came two days ago.

All the supply ships and warships belonging to the Navy Headquarters have quietly left the port.

This was nothing.

The key is that the commanders of these warships did not report to the highest commander of the training base, former Navy Admiral Zefa.

As the highest commander of the training base and the naval guerrillas, Zefa has the authority to govern all the navy coming to the island.

Therefore, those warships belonging to the Navy Headquarters quickly left the island without reporting, which made many people smell something unusual.

Bang- with a loud bang.

The whole desk was smashed to pieces.

At the same time, the former Navy Admiral Black Wrist Zefa had veins on his forehead and was very angry.

"Damn Warring States!"

"No wonder the Navy Headquarters’ warships were moved away in advance, so they were guarding against me! ?"

Zeffer, with a wrinkled face, looked extremely vicissitudes of life at the moment.

In addition to anger, there was also a trace of grievance.

Two days ago, he learned that his most proud disciple Rock had joined forces with pirate criminals to destroy Marinford.

He felt a little ashamed and self-blame for this, and even hesitated whether to go out and teach Rock a lesson in person.

Therefore, he did not care too much about the warships of the Navy Headquarters leaving the island without reporting to him.

After all, the Navy Headquarters moved to the G1 branch base in the New World, and the Navy Admiral is about to be replaced by a newcomer, so manpower is naturally needed.

But Zephyr never expected it anyway.

Just earlier today, he received news that the World Government and the Navy Headquarters will recruit to fill the vacancies of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

One of the pirates turned out to be the one who attacked his ship and killed countless of his disciples!

Now think about it.

No wonder the Navy Headquarters was so anxious to transfer all the warships.

Was it because they were afraid of being instigated by him?

Zephyr, who had figured everything out, was extremely angry, and even felt extremely confused about his decades of naval career.

For the World Government, for the Navy, for that The so-called justice.

He lost his family, countless beloved disciples, and even his arm had to be transformed into a mechanical arm because of the severe injury.

In the end, what did he get!

It was betrayal!

He was ruthlessly betrayed by the Navy Headquarters, the World Government, and his old buddy.

Those vicious pirates can become the so-called Seven Warlords of the Sea and obtain the power of legal plunder.

Legal plunder.

What a ridiculous word.

Isn't it a shame for the Navy and justice?

The old guy Sengoku, is his brain filled with water? ?

And those evil pirates don't deserve to live in this world.

They should all die, they all deserve to die!

At this moment.

Zefa, the former admiral of the Navy, who has trained countless naval elites and has a very high reputation in the Navy, covered his face with his hands and burst into tears.

A moment later.

He suddenly stood up. Although his body was old and bent, the anger in his heart forced him to make a new choice!

Since the Navy Headquarters cannot eliminate the scourge of pirates, then he, the old guy, will do it himself!

""Teacher Zefa, calm down!"

Just when Zefa was about to lose control of his anger, his deputy, Rear Admiral Ain, hurried in. Seeing the teacher's appearance, as a survivor of the attack that year, her eyes could not help but redden.

This time, the Navy Headquarters and the World Government went too far.

In order to achieve their goals, those guys didn't care about Zefa's feelings at all.

It seems that everything is just as Rock said.

Today's Navy Headquarters has completely become a tool of the World Government.

And the World Government has long been corrupt and has become a blood-sucking machine that the Celestial Dragons use to cover the entire ocean.

"Teacher Zefa, this is a letter from Junior Brother Rock. It was delivered a few days ago. He asked me to give it to you when you lose control of your emotions."

Rear Admiral Ain handed a letter to Teacher Zefa, and she was also quite surprised.

After receiving the letter, she thought Junior Brother Rock was definitely overthinking.

As a veteran of the navy, how could Teacher Zefa lose control of his emotions at such an old age?

But now it seems that Rock had expected this day!?

Thinking of the big news that Rock almost destroyed Marinford by himself, she still feels like a dream.

After the war on the top, it was captured again.

Has the handsome young man who was as gentle as jade really become so powerful?

Even so, can a letter persuade the furious Teacher Zefa?

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect Rock, that brat, to have such big ambitions."

"In this case, I can only lend him a helping hand!"

Originally, Ain was still worried whether Teacher Zefa would continue to do something irrational.

But after reading Rock's letter,

Teacher Zefa first frowned, and then burst into laughter.

When Ain took the letter and glanced at it, she was shocked and stood there!

Is Rock going to change the world?

"Ian, according to what Rock said, the Navy Headquarters should have taken action. We can't just sit there and wait for death!"

"Inform Binz, Xiuzuo and others, and immediately contact the fellow disciples in each branch base secretly, and tell them that I, Zefa, want to start a new business with Rock, to see how they react and test everyone's bottom line!"

After making the decision,

Zefa did not hesitate at all, and waved his mechanical arm to start issuing orders

"But teacher, if this happens, the headquarters will definitely get the information in advance."

"Don't worry, our confrontation has been made clear from this moment on. We just hope that kid Rock won't let us down!"......

Grand Line, Amazon Lily Kingdom.

The sea breeze blows across the beautiful Daughter Island.

However, this island with only women has lost its former tranquility.

Ever since the return of Pirate Queen Boa Hancock from Marinford, the entire kingdom has begun intense war preparations.

Because no one knows when the navy will attack.

For this reason, New Grandma Guroliosa has complained about Rock.

After all, if it weren't for Rock, how could the situation of Daughter Island become what it is now?

"Rock, why don't you come to see me? I miss you so much...."

At the highest point of the palace, the world's most beautiful woman looked at the calm sea, and deep longing flashed in her peerless eyes.

She hadn't seen Rock for several days.

As a fiancée, she couldn't help missing her husband....

"Lady Snake, two strangers have applied to enter the kingdom."

"Huh! ? Is it Rock?!"

I was so excited that I couldn't control myself~

"Hey, hey, hey, Lady Snake, don’t get excited, it’s not Lord Rock, it’s two very beautiful women!"............

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