
Hearing Luffy's name, the proprietress Xia Qi was obviously stunned, as if the name was a little beyond her expectations.

Did she guess wrong?

That man, as described in the bounty order, was poisoned by the World Government's poisonous weapon and was either dead or disabled?

What a pity.

Her navy friends have said more than once that the young man may be able to guide the future of the navy in the right direction.

"Hey Luffy, can you please remember other people's names? That's very rude. Rock said that if you call his name wrong again, he will beat you!"

""Okay, okay, I get it. Nokrock and the like are very similar, but no one can hurt me except my grandfather. Hehe!"

Just when Xia Qi felt regretful, the conversation between Chopper and Luffy changed her expression.

"Rock? Is it really Rock? Draculas·D·Rock?"

Shaqi even lost her composure. She stood up and asked excitedly.

She didn't know Rock.

But combined with what Luffy said before,

Rock's strength didn't seem to be affected.

After all, if Straw Hat Luffy, who has a bounty of 300 million berries, can truly say that a person is very strong, his strength will definitely not be weak.

Although I don't know what happened and what caused the man to get together with the Straw Hat Pirates.

But since the man is not missing or disabled, there will definitely be a huge storm on the sea in the future!

"Yo, hoo hoo, does Ms. Xia Qi know Mr. Rock? He is such a nice guy. He told me the color of the underwear that Ms. Nami wore last night. I really like it. Hoo hoo!"

Brook found that Xia Qi seemed to be very interested in Rock, and immediately jumped out to say that Rock now has a good relationship with their Straw Hat Pirates.

Because Chopper and Robin have repeatedly stated that the toxins in Rock's body may not have been completely eliminated, and his physical condition is unstable, so it is best to avoid danger.

Of course, Rock never told him the color of Nami's underwear, although he really wanted to know.

"Don't worry, I have no hostility towards the man named Rock. On the contrary, I am optimistic about him, just like I am optimistic about little Monk."

"But if Rock is included, the new pirates in Sabaody Archipelago should be called the Twelve Supernovas. After all, Rock's bounty has just reached 100 million Baileys!"

Xia Qi expressed her point of view and reassured the Straw Hat Pirates.

She also found that Rock and the Straw Hat Pirates seemed to get along very well. Could it be that they have similar interests?

"Huh? It turns out that Rock's bounty has also exceeded 100 million, but not as high as mine and Zoro's, hehehe!

" Luffy and the others were not too surprised about Rock's bounty.

No matter what Rock's current situation is, his previous strength is obviously very strong, plus his identity as a defector from the navy, to be honest, a bounty of 100 million berries is not high.

Luffy and the others did not stay in [Shaqi's Blackmail BAR] for too long, and immediately went to the amusement park in the Sabaody Archipelago to find a coating craftsman.

But Luffy obviously forgot Rock's reminder.

The mermaid Camie also went to the amusement park with them, and before that, Camie had already been targeted by the human traffickers on the island.

Superior female mermaid.

Because of the pursuit of the Celestial Dragons, it has always been the brightest pearl in the human auction house of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Worth billions!


Inside the Bank of Chabaoti

"Thanks to these bubbles, otherwise it would be difficult to move these gold and Baileys. I'm rich, I'm rich, hehe!"

After a search.

With the help of Rock, Nami finally found the secret vault of this bank.

Including gold and cash Baileys, there are nearly 400 million Baileys in total!

This is twice the current total assets of the Straw Hat Pirates!

So Nami was really happy.

The moment she saw the golden light, she threw herself on Rock and happily turned around several times.

Then the two of them didn't delay for too long, and directly used the bubbles prepared in advance to sweep away all the treasures.

But in the process of walking out, maybe because she was too happy, Nami's little mouth never closed, and she looked extremely proud.

"Hey, Nami, calm down, okay? We are robbing a bank, and this is just how much money?"

Rock smiled knowingly at Nami's greedy look.

Then he couldn't help but imagine.

What would happen if Nami knew that he actually had tens of billions of Baileys? It would n't be too much to use the Baileys to buy a permanent berth in her and Robin's cabin?!

Of course, this was just a joke.

Although they had successfully obtained a large amount of treasure, almost all the cash reserves of this bank were looted.

But now is obviously not the time to relax and have fun.

Because Rock has clearly sensed that several uninvited guests have been waiting at the door for a long time.

Sure enough.

When Rock and Nami walked into the bank hall.

Several backbones of the Drake Pirates, including one of the supernovas, the Fallen Navy Red Flag X·Drake was looking at Rock coldly.

Under the leadership of X. Drake, almost all escape routes of Rock and Nami were blocked.

"Who are you? Do you want to rob me?"

Nami couldn't help but get nervous when she saw the other party coming aggressively. She grabbed a few bubbles filled with treasures while quietly pulling out the weather stick. She was ready to help Rock fight the enemy at any time.

Nami's feelings towards Rock were very complicated now. She naturally didn't mind what happened last night. She was left with gratitude and a little bit of guilt.

Gratitude was naturally because Rock helped her make a fortune.

Guilt was because Rock's current physical condition was not stable. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have to fight so many times in a short period of time.

"Nami, the little thief cat of the Straw Hat Pirates, you can leave. I don't want to be an enemy of you, the Straw Hat Pirates, for the time being."

X·Drake glanced at Nami, thought for a few seconds and decided to let her go. After all, the Straw Hat Pirates were still difficult to deal with, so there was no need to provoke them.

Then he locked his sharp eyes on Rock.

"My target is him, the former elite navy colonel, known as one of the strongest geniuses in the history of the naval academy, Draculas·D·Rock!"

"Rock, do you still remember this name? This is what Mr. Zefa often said. You are his pride. How could someone like you betray the navy and betray justice?!"

X. Drake's eyes were full of anger.

In fact, as a senior and a staunch navalist, he felt that it was a pity for Rock.

"What does this have to do with you? No matter who you are, Rock is a friend of our Straw Hat Pirates. If you want to attack our friends, you are declaring war on the Straw Hat Pirates!"

Before Rock could speak,

Nami did not choose to leave, but stood up with her beautiful eyes firmly.

For Rock, she confronted the Drake Pirates head-on.......

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