Yu Xie lifted his spirits: "Come to me!"

He wanted to see what the demonized spiritual master had.

Zhao Chunfeng is a demonized spiritualist, and he is also a murderer himself, and now he has a violent impulse when he is pressed.

He was very careful about killing several times, but he didn't expect to provoke this strange person.

When he first discovered that his abilities were special, he thought he had some adventure, and he was the only one.

As a result, the moment He Yao found out, he knew he was wrong.

He is not the only one special in this world.

And this sudden vine is not normal.

He can only pass through objects.

He thought of this, his face was ugly. Because he was chased in a hurry, he was a bit eager to jump over the wall. When he passed the family, he saw that the family inside was eating, and the family saw him passing behind the wall. , Was stunned.

There was a scream in the whole room, Zhao Chunfeng rushed into the kitchen, took a kitchen knife, and went through the wall again. This time, he turned around and went in the direction of Yi Shuodai.

He saw it when he was at the window upstairs. There was a little girl behind this building. She was dressed exquisitely. At first glance, she didn't belong to them, but she seemed to have come with the girl.

Yu Xie's expression solidified for a moment: "Yishuodai, he is heading towards you."

Yi Shuodai repeatedly used her abilities, she was a little tired at this time, and said "Ah".

Hua Yanming has a bad feeling.

His face was solemn: "Captain, there are civilians outside, and Shuo Dai's ability is overloaded."

He Yao immediately said, "I have come down, so be careful!"

In the next second, Zhao Chunfeng, holding a kitchen knife, pierced through the wall with a grim face.

Yi Shuodai has not experienced several missions, especially the first time that the Demonized Spiritualist rushed towards her with a kitchen knife.

She was a little stunned at the time, Hua Yanming's pupils shrank, holding Yi Shuo Dai and backing away.

Then Zhao Chunfeng saw the old woman next to Yi Shuodai.

He had a clear goal, and immediately rushed towards the old grandmother.

The old grandma was shocked when she saw him holding a kitchen knife. She yelled "Oh, oh," her legs and feet trembled, and she couldn't run.

Hua Yanming stretched out her hand to pull the grandmother. As soon as Yi Shuodai reached out, she wanted to give birth to vines to stop Zhao Chunfeng. Blood was always pouring out of her nose. The moment the vines grew wildly, Zhao Chunfeng had already reached the edge of the building.



It was as if he had touched some minefield, the whole person screamed, and the kitchen knife fell to the ground and curled up.

The back of the hand that first touched the edge seemed to have been burned by something, and hot water vapor emerged from his body.

At that moment, Yi Shuodai and Hua Yanming saw something shocking.

The dense red silk thread seemed to extend from the sky, and was dragged by a huge butterfly in the air, locking the building behind Zhao Chunfeng, including Zhao Chunfeng, inside.

He just touched the edge of the red line.

This picture was only for a moment, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Before he could describe the shock in his heart, there was a very light footstep behind him.

Yi Shuodai and Hua Yanming turned their heads, Qiao Jin was standing there, smiling.

Her body was as cold and soft as moonlight, and her skin was white and delicate.

Stand there with Qingchen away from the incident.

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