When it comes to rebellion, Qiao Jin is the most rebellious in the audience.

But who would know her in general?

I have been with her for so many days. Mu Zhenming is used to it anyway. Besides, his relationship with his father is not really too relaxed. He knows in his heart that as long as Qiao Fei is here, the old man will always be a demon.

Seeing someone who could actually make him speechless, Mu Zhenming felt...somewhat funny.

For decades, I have lived under Mu Xiangshan’s high-pressure policies, and it took a long time for him to be together with Qiao Fei. Now that I see Mu Xiangshan’s appearance, he is more or less resentful, but he He is an adult man who has been in the market for many years and will not show any grievances.

Seeing Mu Xiangshan deflated now is what he prefers.

It's not a fight, he still knows Qiao Jin's character, she is calm, with some deliberate elements, but not too much.

Who made Mu Xiangshan hire him?

When Mu Xiangshan heard Qiao Jin's words, he shivered with anger. As a result, his eyes rolled and he made an anxious look: "Yes, yes, you forced me to go abroad a year ago, and now you are a foreign daughter. Follow me, Mu Zhenming, you are so good!"

"Zhen Ming did too much!"

Qiao Jin was going to go to the room. Hearing that, he walked down again at this time, his eyebrows were lightly squashed, and he looked at Mu Zhenming disapprovingly: "How can I force Xiangshan to go abroad? A joke? Zhen Ming, you don't know how to do things."

Mu Zhenming: "..."

Mu Xiangshan listened to her calm tone, but felt that he heard some smirking tastes, and immediately became even more unhappy: "I and my son's affairs, do you want to take care of it?"

Qiao Jin opened his eyes and looked innocent: "Why, I was wrong again?"

At this time Qiao Fei had arranged dinner and came out. Seeing the atmosphere in the living room, he was born and said: "Sit down and talk, Dad, you haven't returned to China for a long time. I asked someone to arrange your favorite dishes for you. Food, you’ve been abroad for so long, it must be difficult to taste the domestic taste..."

Mu Xiangshan's nose overflowed with a cold snort: "The children of poor families just don't have any knowledge. If you can't buy anything with money, I can't eat domestic food abroad?"

Qiao Fei: "..."

She just said casually, she didn't know that the old man was stab her with words everywhere.

Anyway, it's not pleasing to see her from side to side.

She felt so wronged that she could only stare at her husband.

If it weren't for Mu Zhenming's father's sake, she would not have been wronged as she was getting older.

Mu Zhenming couldn't stand it either. When he was about to speak, Qiao Jin said softly: "That's good. I was still thinking that Zhenming would force Xiangshan to force the Congress to not have a bad life. Now I want to come. Xiang Shan should have had an excellent life. He can't buy anything with money, and he doesn't lack people to serve him. Zhen Ming has done a good job."

Mu Xiangshan: "..."

Obviously he wanted to curse Mu Zhenming's ruthlessness, and Qiao Jin came back at this moment.

Yes, he did a good job abroad-but Mu Zhenming is an antagonist!

He said this dead girl and stab himself with words. He saw that he was helping her mother. Mu Xiangshan gave Qiao Jin a blank look, but didn't speak.

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