After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 196: Was "scared"

Surrounded by loud screams, there are countless people crying with fright,

The scene of the accident was in a mess, and the white sports car was completely crushed.

But Qiao Jin knew that only one Feng's family was involved in the accident, and the others might have been slightly injured, but it did not affect the seriousness.

The accident was aimed at her, who knew that a Feng family would suddenly appear.

This is really unstoppable by death. The Feng family had already picked up her cause and effect recently, and this person could still be free for a while if she didn't keep up.

His body is extremely dead, and the causal erosion has just begun. He shouldn't be affected so much. It can only show that this person is not a good person, and most of the backlashes who have been forcibly suppressed after the life and the Feng family are on his hands. , As a result, as soon as he came into contact with Qiao Jin, his clan luck had no protective effect and his death was tragic.

She vomited dust.

When he fell to the ground just now, he still had a slight impact on himself.

Karma backlash is really cruel.

Blinded her perception and tried to make her die. Although her own cause and effect are extremely strong, she will never be vague when she is backlashed.

After all, heavy work is going against the sky.

The front of the truck was blocked by a sedan. She was lying on her stomach in the middle floor. Now she can't use her strength to drive the car directly, or she would make social headlines every minute.

She was lying on her stomach, and she could still see the remains of the man just now.

The car broke like that, and his death was truly tragic, connected to the upper half of his head, and staring at Qiao Jin.

Qiao Jin just watched calmly, seeing the evil debt on the other party now, even she wanted to sneer.

"do you died?"

"Oh my God, the car is completely torn!"

"Hum hum I'll never have a psychological shadow -"

"What is that, is that a leg? Ugh—"

"There is also a beautiful girl. I saw it. A beautiful girl was also hit. It's so miserable, it's so unfortunate!"


People talked a lot, some broke down and screamed, some cried on the spot, and some people lost their minds by the horror of the scene.

It is estimated that this is the psychological shadow of many people.

There were a few drivers in the car, pawing the door and walking down, trembling, they were just fainted by the collision, and slightly injured.

The accident that can be singled out as killing Qiao Jin is more or less due to bad luck recently.

The drivers were so frightened, they didn't expect such a tragic thing to happen.

Inside the car blocking Qiao Jin was a female driver. Her door was deformed and she couldn't get out. She sat in the car and cried.

Qiao Jin raised his hand, patted her car door, sighed and shouted, "Help—"

The voice is weak, listening carefully is somewhat perfunctory.

The female driver was scared by her and screamed. After realizing the reaction, she saw Qiao Jin. She suddenly uttered "Ah" and yelled to the outside excitedly: "Someone here is injured and alive!!"

Fortunately, it was just a car accident, and I was not scared to lose my mind.

Of course, the premise is that she didn't see the man's body.

When the crowd heard the call for help, they moved towards this side. There were traffic policemen who were guarding the neighborhood. At this time, they had already gathered around. It is estimated that a heart attack would have jumped out. How long have they not seen such a big car accident? !

Qiao Jin lay down for about half an hour before a trailer came to drag the deformed car out, and Qiao Jin was rescued smoothly.

Of course, as a normal girl who saw a man's corpse, she was naturally ‘scared and fainted’.

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