Someone passed by and saw this scene, and couldn't help but raise her hand and put her appearance in the phone album.

Qiao Jin didn't stop it, because it would disappear for no reason.

She ordered a cup of coffee and added several packets of sugar to barely get rid of the bitter taste.

The phone vibrated, and she looked down, and it was Song Yanqing's news.

Song Yanqing: Alright.

She saw it naturally.

Song Yanqing's strength was stronger than she had imagined.

There is something weird about Yue Sike, she is not an ordinary wizard, she has been maliciously cast an amplification circle.

This is the time when the Array Mage can do it. It will increase the potential of a spiritual master in a short time, and then it will be destroyed.

A wisp of black air dissipated at her fingertips, and she laid a formation nearby. As soon as Yue Sike came over, the spirit seed was collected.

This time this increase in the array... not under Feng's family.

She squinted her eyes slightly, it seems that there is another force that is beginning to appear.

Give an ordinary female student a magic circle?

It's a pity that even if there is a spiritual seed, she won't have many opportunities to investigate.

At this moment, outside the coffee shop, a woman with dyed blonde hair came in.

She is tall, and she has a very good figure wrapped in a coat, walking in a hurry with a pair of high heels.

I ordered two coffees at the counter and packed them.

What is noticeable is that she wears sunglasses and a mask. This kind of equipment is either obvious, an internet celebrity, or a pretense.

It's a pity that the cover is too strict, and it is hard to see who it is.

Qiao Jin saw it at a glance.

It's Vanilla.

She was a little surprised.

Mainly, the previous image of Van Violin was a well-mannered mature woman. At the age of 30, she did not deliberately pretend to be tender, and the feeling presented on TV gave people a kind of imperial sister.

A strand of hair used to be pure black.

Today, her hair is dyed golden, the bottom is curled a little, and she is covered so tightly. In addition, she has not appeared for a while, and she is no longer in the entertainment industry. The news is of little value, and there are not many paparazzi chasing her. Even if the fans stood in front of them, they probably wouldn't recognize them.

Besides, Van Vien is calm, just standing there quietly waiting for the coffee to be made.

It was just that she was attracted by something while waiting. She turned her head and saw Qiao Jin.

I was amazed by Qiao Jin's temperament for a few seconds, and even the vanilla, who saw more handsome men and beautiful women, was indescribably shocked at that moment.

The girl in front of me has a kind of sacred beauty that the entertainment industry doesn't have.

Probably it was the girl in front who played the role of a fairy, and no one would say that it was inappropriate.

It's like coming out of a comic.

The other person stared at her, his mouth curled up, and the beautiful person just smiled so beautifully, Van Vien nodded slightly towards Qiao Jin.

Then he walked out with two cups of coffee.

Outside, a low-key car was parked, Van Vien walked over, and the driver showed a delicate and lazy handsome face, and showed a good smile at Van Vien, "Sister."

Van Vien nodded, and when he got in the car, he said: "There is a very good-looking girl inside. If I am still in the circle, I will definitely let my agent contact her."

Feng Qianen raised her eyebrows slightly: "No matter how beautiful she is, she is as beautiful as her sister."

Van Vien smiled: "Just your sweet mouth, I'm serious, that girl is the only one I've ever seen, she looks like...especially non-human fireworks, it's quite novel."

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