Mu Xiangshan went out early in the morning and came back from a walk in a leisurely manner. Then he saw that Qiao Jin just went out after eating.

He cast his eyes and snorted coldly: "Slacker!"

It was almost noon to get up.

In fact, it's only nine o'clock in the morning, and Joe is about to go to school after dinner today.

Seeing Mu Xiangshan, Qiao Jin smiled at this moment, welcoming the early morning, looking refreshed, and shouting: "Master."

The language is swallowed, clear and slowly.

Although he was not the grandfather who shouted, but when he shouted the old man, it was a song and weeping, and even more shocked Mu Xiangshan's family.

He looked at the back of Qiao Jin's departure. It happened that a servant came over to water the flowers in the garden. Mu Xiangshan asked, "Did she have an evil mind when she woke up early in the morning?"


This tells him how dare to speak.

Qiao Jin arrived at the school and submitted the registration form for the event.

Except for a group of outstanding students with good home conditions in the school, there were very few other students in such activities in the past.

Because the places to go are fixed, it doesn't attract the interest of most students.

This time Qiao signed up today, and Mu Qilian and Mu Qichu also signed up. Thanks to their late registration, if the news that they also signed up were spread, it is estimated that a lot of people would grab the spot.

This time there are only about 30 places, and almost all arrangements are finished.

However, knowing that Mu Qilian and Mu Qichu were going to participate in summer vacation activities, most of the school girls who had only received the news almost did not ruin their bowels.

If I knew that the handsome twins were going to school, it was time to sign up!

Ask the teacher again, the place is long gone.

On the contrary, the students who went to became the objects of envy, jealousy and hatred, and some even made a strange move to spend more money to buy places for other students.

But even if the students who go to agree, this quota is not fixed. Once vacated, the teacher may consider other applicants, and the gain is not worth the loss.

"...Master, go here and see, this is the language department of our school, this is the German department, and the other is Arabic..."

During the lunch break, Qiao Jin took a walk after dinner and saw a middle-aged man in a baseball shirt and a baseball cap approached by the vice principal of the school.

The man has a kind eyebrow and good-looking eyes. Although he is wearing a baseball cap, his bright and clean forehead and back reveal the fact that the other person may be a bald head.

The vice-principal and the principal are both in important positions. They usually don't walk around in the school. They appeared at this time. Although pretending to be natural, Qiao Jin could tell at a glance that the middle-aged man was not easy.

At this time, there were not many people in the professional building during the lunch break. Qiao Jin was the only one walking on the road. He didn't expect to bump into the students. The vice principal still coughed.

When the middle-aged man saw Qiao Jin, he showed a kind smile.

He folded his hands and bowed his head slightly at Qiao Jin.

The vice principal was a little embarrassed, and whispered: "Master, let's say it..."

It wasn't that the principal was worried about whether Feng Shui had a problem. The trustee found a master who was said to be really talented and came to the school to have a look.

Because I was worried that the students would be suspicious, I asked the master to pretend to be an ordinary person and come in to see what is wrong with the school's Feng Shui.

The principal asked the vice principal to lead the way. It would be too high-profile for them to appear together, so the vice principal alone took it.

Now I ran into a student...who has seen someone with his hands folded.

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